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The Circulation Fan I Put Into My Bradley

Started by Oldman, April 22, 2006, 07:19:50 AM

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Over one year ago I begin to receive request concerning how I put in my circulation fan. During this period of time I had hoped that Chez would have had time to market this.  Nevertheless, a year ago I set up a private posting on the recipe site for a few members here that I've known for quite some time.

As of today I have made that thread public. It is located on our recipe site under the category "Bradley Accessories."

Unlike the recipes which cannot be replied to I have left this as an open thread so those who need to ask questions will  be able to do so.

Keep in mind what is discussed on that thread was / is a work in progress. Next if you have added another heating element to your box that fan will not move enough air fastest enough to balance out the box temperature.

I cannot suggest strongly enough that if you are going to install a fan that you read this thread over several times until you can see it clearly in your mind. 

Also I'm not sure if this fan is moving enough air to balance out the new 6 rack units.  It only moves a gentle 35 CFM.  If you go to a 3" or  4" fan you will lose the bottom rack.

EDIT: Here is the Direct Link.

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I am surprised Bradley did not modify all their smokers (new and old models) in the light of your work Olds, from the evidence you presented a while ago it looks so beneficial.


Thanks for posting this again Olds. I was looking for it earlier to show a friend of mine.


Olds, thanks for putting it public.  This I got to do.   I got the TS and would live to refine it.  I think this will work great.


Looking at your Mod, did you use the same 4M079 CFrame motor? And for the fans, did you use a 2" on the outside cooling part?

Did you invert the fan or pin to get it moving counter-clockwise? How did you do that?  Ready the post about tapping the shaft till it came out...huh  Is that just the shaft and where do I tap huh?

I see you used a large sqaure conduit box, did you need to add more material for attaching the motor or was it a simple drill and screw motor on?

This will be my next mod over the summer as I have time.

Thanks so much all.
Coming to you from the DelMarVa (US East Coast that is)

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I don't think it was Rob who reversed his motor.  However, if you can get it done I would suggest it.

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