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Started by glwood006, November 24, 2012, 05:22:59 AM

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   Hey guys, been a lurker for a long time. This post might be in the wrong place, but it could fit in many.
    I got a Bradley BTIS1 yesterday, going to be upgrading with a PID soon, so I didn't go digital.  I will have a tonne of questions soon.
    So here's my question for today. I have a 5.5 lb boneless blade roast which I seasoned last night. From what I read I need 30 minutes per pound at 225 degrees. I what to eat at 5 pm, the Santa Claus parade is tonight and the kids can't miss that, so the meat can't be late. Not the best scenario for the first smoke. So at those numbers it should take 2 hours 45 minutes?  Is this correct?  I was thinking of starting it at 1 pm to have ready for 4, can keep warm till 5 or if it needs more time I have a hour. I would like it medium but my parents don't like blood, what's a good internal temp?
    Sorry about the huge post, but look forward to the replies.



that it a good rule of thumb how ever cook by  internal temp of the  meat, i would start  at 10 or 11 cook to 145 - 150 internal temp, box temp of 225, then you can wrap in Foil, Towels and into a cooler till your ready to eat.

Good luck and hope this helps


Just before it went in.


Welcome to the forum! Glad to see a pic. Ditto on above by BEEFMAN.

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I will pile on.   When I was doing my first smoke I also planned down to the time I wanted to pull it out of the smoker and go tada!  I was horribly disappointed.   For some reason the shoulders hung at the plateau for longer than I "planned" etc. etc.    The beast will not adhere to my schedule.   Now I simply schedule it to get done 1 to 2 hours early and FTC (Foil/Towel/Cooler) till ready.    Sometimes I even cook a day ahead and reheat.  Can't tell the difference and it takes a lot of stress out of the situation.

Welcome aboard and remember PICS RULE when posting you results ;)



Welcome aboard Grant, your already ahead of the game with a Picture of that nice hunk of meat. Nice!!!


  It turned out alright. I pulled it out at 150 deg, I wanted a bit higher but ran out of time. Hence the lack of pics of it sliced up. It was a bit on the rare side in the core. The outside roll was close to well and the ends were about medium.
     What's the trick to getting a medium throughout?  The bark was great, smoke flavor was maybe a bit heavy. I smoked it throughout, about 5 hours. I really appreciate the advice guys. Not the ideal scenario for the first smoke but not a bad result. Will try again next weekend.



Welcome to the forum!


Quote from: glwood006 on November 24, 2012, 08:33:09 PM

  It turned out alright. I pulled it out at 150 deg, I wanted a bit higher but ran out of time. Hence the lack of pics of it sliced up. It was a bit on the rare side in the core. The outside roll was close to well and the ends were about medium.
     What's the trick to getting a medium throughout?  The bark was great, smoke flavor was maybe a bit heavy. I smoked it throughout, about 5 hours. I really appreciate the advice guys. Not the ideal scenario for the first smoke but not a bad result. Will try again next weekend.


apply smoke for 4 hours instead of 5 hours,,, as for making the meat cook more even .. once an hour rotate 90 degrees this will help with the ends being more even, or cook a bit lower 215 f  over 225 f should help.

as another note all meats are a bit different... beef compared to pork compared to poultry compared to fish which use different times and woods

maybe this well help



Thanks for the help guys. I'll print up that chart that you forwarded me Beefman.



Looks great and they pretty well told you everything. Cook low and slow. And remember if your lookin your not cookin. And a great biig Welcome. You will enjoy it here.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.