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Another one bites the dust

Started by Oldman, April 27, 2006, 09:51:39 PM

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As everyone knows from my earlier posting I terminated a person for reading stuff at Raytheon. I had a company meeting. Everyone was reminded again that no matter what it is you don't read it.

Well last night Bob (site manager) walks in on a female employee who was reading.  At 10 am this morning she went POOF~~!  I cannot figure out what it is with people that won't  or think they don't have to follow my Golden Rule.  You are here to look at the carpets. You are here to work with that fuzzy stuff and dirt.  Anyone found reading anything no matter what it is unless I hand it to that person is simply gone. The rule is simple: You don't read anything.

We just happened to have a meeting today with the theme of Do we want to be Janitors or Carpet Care Professionals.  When we sat down the question was raised where is so and so... I replied she broke the Golden Rule. It was funny as several employees chime in together... OH she got caught reading~~LOL!

"And another one bites the dust..."

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In some ways I am a little envious of you Olds, you are in control of your own destiny.  :)

You ought to try working for the government and I would imagine it is the same in the US as it is on this side of the pond, for every group of conscientous hardworking dedicated people there are a number of deadbeats who "swing the lead" and who could not give a xxxx about their job.

Just try and get rid of such people!! Typically they have an encyclopaedic knowledge of employment rules and regulations, social security rules and the rest. I just wish a few of them would bite the dust as easily!

Nothing wrong with having high standards at all and it is nice to see people sticking to them in this day and age.

Habanero Smoker

It also looks like you have some good supervisors working for you.

Quote from: manxman on April 28, 2006, 02:28:10 AM
Just try and get rid of such people!! Typically they have an encyclopaedic knowledge of employment rules and regulations, social security rules and the rest. I just wish a few of them would bite the dust as easily!

I've been there. What gets me is that the unions will protect these deadbeats, knowing that they are deadbeats; saying defending them ensures that all employees rights are protected. Even though the other employees have to pick up the extra work. I can believe I just said that, and I'm pro-union :(



Olds, you need to make a visit up here and show the idiots called managers I have to deal with how it should be. These guys are so busy covering there b_ts they can't get the work done. I envy your position but wouldn't want your work load. I shutter at the thought of the hours you put in.


I have a standing statement when someone says:
QuoteI envy your position but wouldn't want your work load. I shutter at the thought of the hours you put in.
My reply generally is: Ya you are correct, but I'm the guy in the CLEAN White Shirt. (BTW my company shirts are White.)

Becking order
Da Boss (that's me  ;D): White Shirts
Building Supers: Brown Shirts
Employees: Blue Shirts.

And the beat goes on... can't ya hear the music?

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Quote from: manxman on April 28, 2006, 02:28:10 AM
....You ought to try working for the government......

There WAS a time, Manxman, when a supervisor actually could weed out the losers even in the guv'ment. I recall one fire apparatus engineer (driver) who was fired on the spot (actually on the highway) for passing another fire truck in a convoy of firetrucks. I also recall a firefighter being fired on the spot for not wearing gloves on a fire. I actually fired two different firefighters, one for safety violations and one (female) for safety uniform violations.

These events were back in the 60's 70's...things changed and it actually became almost impossible to fire a firefighter for being scared to go into a burning building by the late 80s?!?! It all made retirement to go kill fish that much more appealing! ;)