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Again, another Newbie

Started by LiteFiter, May 05, 2013, 07:58:24 AM

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Bradley digital smoker.  Ok, last week was the first time I used the smoker, it finally warmed up enough in the east, Watertown NY, that I was able to use it.  At least, I felt the temperature was high enough to try it, 75degs average for the day.  Seasoned it by the instructions, then tried a rack of ribs.  Made so many rookie mistakes, and paid for it later.  Started to late in the day for the 3-2-1 method.  Rushed it, and it was a total failure.  Ribs were almost inedible, way to tough.  But, I realized I had set myself up for failure, so I am pushing on.  I think that my first biggest problem was trying to smoke a whole rack without cutting it into two halves.  This was a pretty large rack and I just put the whole thing on one rack in the middle.  So, here we are on week two.  This time, one baby back rack, split, with a whole chicken.  Took the time to properly prepare both items, including giving them time to come up to room temp. to help stabilize the temperature before going in.  Today, meat will go in at 1100hrs local, brined the chicken, rubbed the ribs.  Minimum of three plus hours og cure time before going in.  The internal temp on the both the smoker and my Maverick T-7 remote, are relatively the same, I have the probe on the forward edge of the bottom rack, so feel pretty confident based on other posts in this forum that it is where it is supposed to be.  I am going to continue this post throughout the process if for no other reason, to keep a record of what I did, and how it turned out.  This way, if somebody see's something wrong that I could have done to improve my method, I can look back, and try not to do it again, or, if nothing else, I can look back and see if it worked, what to keep doing right, or if wrong, not to do that again.  If anybody reads an responds, thanks ahead of time.  I am determined to make this a go.  To include going to an Auber if I have to.  Thanks again, Jon!


OK, so after starting the smoker, it was rising in temperature nicely, set at 220degs.  Both the internal smoker sensor and the Maverick where almost the same.  In the time it took me to post this thread, approximately 10 minutes, I checked the oven and now the Maverick is showing 170degs while the oven is showing 207degs.  What gives?


BTW, my outside temp is 71degs, and the smoker is directly in the sun.


Put meat in, Maverick temperature drops to 156dges, the smoker shows 207degs.


After reading the posts further, is this an issue with the smoker sensor being relatively close to the heating element vs. the Maverick being in front?  If so, do I split the difference to get a relatively true temperature reading?  I will be checking the temp. of the meat this time, vs. the last time where I just took the temperature straight from the Maverick.


The temp differences you are seeing are normal.  The Maverick is much more accurate and the one you should trust.  The temp sensor in the BDS is on the back wall above the heating element where all of the heat rises from so the readings can be inaccurate. The BDS is subject to temp swings as the heating element is either full on or off.  It typically will run up about 10 degrees above your setpoint, shut off and let the cabinet temp drop to about 10 degrees below your setpoint before firing the element back on again.  The reason you saw the dramatic temp drop when putting the meat in the smoker is twofold. 1. When you open the door the heat all escapes and 2. the cold meat is like a heat sink, absorbing all of the energy and heat.  As the meat comes up to temp, the heat swings will lessen.  Remember, your BDS is only cooking with a 500 hundred watt element.  You're essentially cooking with the heat from 5 100 watt lightbulbs.  If you begin to run short on time, once the smoke is applied you can always transfer the meat to your house oven set at 225 to complete the cooking process.  The heat is more constant in your house oven and after the smoking, the Bradley is nothing more than Easy Bake oven powered by 5 lightbulbs. :)

Good luck and don't sweat it. You've got this.  Welcome to the Forum too!


welcome aboard,,, kynola has you  pointed in the right direction,, and your  doing a good job,,,smoking takes  time to get use to


In time, you willl love your "easy bake" Bradley smoker. ;)
Life is short, eat the dessert first!


Welcome from Nebraska.  You're doing fine.  The first few smokes were hectic for me, too.  You'll be an old hat at this in no time!



Welcome aboard, from south Texas.

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Welcome aboard from Montana!
Take a kid fishing