• Welcome to BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors".

First time!

Started by Bill_in_Edmonton, February 22, 2015, 11:09:51 AM

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My wife got me a digital smoker for Valentine's Day (is she awesome or what?). Doing some back ribs, just put them in. Doing the 3-2-1 method. Mesquite bisquettes. Chilly way up here today, 25 F with a bit of a wind but sunny. Going to try a couple different sauces.


Welcome to the forum from way down here in Nebraska where it's 21* F.  Just fired up my OBS.  Thick, boneless P. chops for supper tonight.  Good luck with the ribs!  I'm sure you'll love them.


Welcome aboard, Bill.  Be sure and tell us how the ribs turned out.

Smoker John

Welcome Bill, let us know how the ribs turn out.
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712


Hello and welcome to the forum, 75 degrees here yesterday in N. Florida


welcome to the forum and enjoy


Allow me to send in my welcome! :)

seb bot

Welcome from BC, hope your ribs turned out!