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P10 not advancing first puck evem though burner is fully heated up

Started by 01cons36, April 14, 2024, 09:05:25 AM

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Hi all,

I've had my P10 for a few years and it has now developed an issue. The first puck never seems to advance even though the burner plate has fully heated up. I left it for nearly 1 hour today and it still had not advanced the puck. The cabinet was up to the desired temperature and the burner was super hot.
I resorted to manually feeding the puck but lost one as it fed twice for some reason.

Any ideas on how to resolve the issue?

Habanero Smoker

Are you getting an Err3 message on your display?

If all other functions are working, it is probably your motor. Mine was acting like that until it stop feeding, even manually. But if you are not receiving an Err3 message, there may be another problem. Send an email to Bradley Support Tech., just to confirm, what the problem could be. Also, with any electronic these days. I always include unplugging the device for a minute or so, then plugging it back in, as part of my troubleshooting. Some times that works.

In the past I always had a problem trying to disassemble the Bisquettes Despenser Assembly. The screws seemed too tight, and I couldn't unscrew them, and came close to stripping them. Then I found out I was using the wrong size Philip screwdriver head. If you don't have a multi-head screw driver set, invest in one. After trying different heads, I found a head that solidly fit into the screw head, and the screws came out fairly easily. I was surprised at what head had the best fit, because it looked too big for the slots of the screw.



Thanks for the reply and info! I don't get any error message at all and all seems to work fine after I manually feed the first puck. I presume there is some sort of sensor that tells the smoker to feed the first puck when the burner is up to temperature. Maybe there is an issue with that.
I have emailed Bradley so hopefully they come back with something.

Also, have you ever successfully updated the firmware? I have never been able to do it. I put the .bin file on the supplied USB and follow the instructions but all I get is EEEE on the display for about 40 seconds then it just reverts to the temperature and had not updated.

Habanero Smoker

I generally will get a response within 24 hours. You probably got a response by the time I post this message.

There is a sensor that will begin feeding the bisquettes when the burners get hot enough. So, it could be a sensor problem.

Before my motor became too weak to rotate the turn table at all, at first when I got the Err3, I could get it to feed properly after pressing the manual feed button. At the beginning that was enough to correct it through the rest of the smoke time. After a while, I would get the Err3 message a few times during the smoke time, and would have to press the manual feed button to get it to start feeding again. Eventually the motor became too weak to rotate the turntable at all. It would only move the turntable about 1/2-inch, reverse to the start position, then display the Err3 message. It would no longer feed, even after pushing the manual feed.

I was able to update the firmware to a certain point, but since I had an early version, I could only update to a point. But I recall you have a European P10 model, and the firmware update may be different. Their support tech. should be able to work you through the update.
