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Merry Christmas.... a carol for all of my old friends!

Started by nsxbill, December 12, 2006, 08:28:49 PM

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I am back to work on the psych floor and just not much time to visit and chat and b.s.  I miss all of you.  I stop by once in awhile and peruse the posting of new recipes and see who is still around. 

Lost a ton of weight, and instead of giving medical advice on the phone, went back to work in September with real patients. 

My feet are killing me, but my spirits are high. 

As many know I am a retired Army Psych Nurse, retired State employee, and retired again from giving medical advice after 8 years of sitting on my butt talking on the phone.  I have been taking Cardiac Monitoring classes, BLS (Basic Life Support), then Advanced Cardiac Life Support class to get up to date on the state of medicine.  Man...I used to say God help the patients if they had me on the medical floor!  Well, here I am doing it again!  In January, I will be recovering patients coming out of induced sedation after electro-convulsive treatment (Shock Therapy).  I assisted with it in the early 60's, and now back at it again.  Have been working in-patient until the unit opens.  It is so nice dealing with people I can see instead of just talk with on the phone.

I still am swimming an hour every day, and down 170# since my surgery to make me eat less!  Wife raised so much he-double hockey sticks about my renewed interest in skydiving again, that she put her foot down on that activity. 

Just got back from a couple of weeks in Hawaii, and until we got on Norweigian Cruise Lines the trip was great.  Worst cruise I have even done!  Got the Norwalk Virus.  Terrible service from crew.  The venue was great and the excursions were a lot of fun, but I never even got off the boat in Kuaii.  Couldn't stay out of the bathroom!  The week before was great.  Visited with a friend on Oahu that I haven't seen in 37 years.   Used to double date with he and his wife when we were kids.  Was ready to try the surf at Waimea Bay (Body surf only - I haven't surfed since I was 20 years old).  Water was flat, but sure liked visiting the surfing hot spots and looking around.  Got my wife to dive with me, and we swam with the Hawaiian sea turtles and white tipped reef sharks.  We did some ocean kayaking, some more snorkeling, and just had a great time.  I visited Bayview farms on Kona, and as many of you know, I still roast my own coffee.  Had 20# of 100% Extra Fancy Kona beans shipped to me..got them today, and can't wait to roast some up. 

Ouch... Haven't smoked anything since kids visited in May.  Gee...I wonder if my door seal on the Bradley is stuck shut?  I think I am going to do some pork shoulder for Christmas.  Hope I remember how!

To all of you old timers and the new, Happy Holidays.  I know you will enjoy the link I posted.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Nice to hear from you Bill and thanks for the update. :)

One of the things that puts me off cruising is the Norwalk / Winter vomiting type viruses, one person gets it and a whole load seem to get it in such an enclosed enviroment.

Hope you get more time on the BS come the New Year, Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2007.  :) :)


Habanero Smoker

Nice to hear from you. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

I've been busy and usually only have time to quickly read, and give quick replies on the forum. Generally I don't have time to fully read lengthy post (probably get back to those in the future), but I will always stop and fully read yours and Olds post.



Nice link.  Good to hear you are enjoying life (other than getting sick) and you are doing great on the weight loss.  Merry Christmas to you guys as well and I hope next year brings many happy days.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Hi Bill;
Thanks for dropping a line and the link was great. Hope the best for you and all in the new year.
Pat and Ann (and the muts)


Merry Christmas Bill... glad things are going as you would like. Except that skydiving business... I'm with your wife on that one.  ;D

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