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Reward Ideas

Started by Scotty-G, December 30, 2006, 10:51:00 PM

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 ??? Your Opinion Reqested  ???

I am planning on throwing a small party for my team at work to celebrate a recent major accomplishment.
Am thinking of bringing in something easy to make/smoke and isn't too expensive and can make enough to feed a team of 20 for lunch.
My thought is to prepare it and at ~6am FTC it and take it into the office for lunch at ~11:30.
What do you think is a good idea to bring in, smoked meat wise?
(I've got drinks, sides, etc already covered)


Habanero Smoker

The easiest and most economical for me would be to prepare pulled pork and/or brisket. You can prepare them ahead of time and reheat them at a latter date. When I reheat brisket I place it in a disposable pan, I splash it with a mixture of half apple juice and half beef broth, and tightly seal it with foil. This will keep it moist, and I give it a stir just before serving.



well... pp would be my 1st choice since there aint no white castles in silicone valley...

terryrichards just did a 40lb full load pp smoke for a group and had good results... its better to have too much pp than not enough... they will keep coming back for more till its gone anyway... its just that good...

i would do a full load for 20 folks because you may end up with 30 folks... or you could go 30lbs instead of 40lbs but the smoke time will be about the same anyway...

you can smoke shred stir in vaulted bag crockpot serve or smoke ftc shred stir in vaulted serve now...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


I did 2 butts for pulled pork for my employees a few months back.  Used one of recipes from the site on pulled pork with vaunted vinegar.  After the FTC and shredding, I loaded the pork into a crock pot to keep it warm while serving.  I also served the carolina cold slaw, potato salad, chips and home made salsa.  As the folks came by, I loaded the shread on top of a sandwich roll and asked them if they wanted the vinegar and slaw on top (traditional Carolina style from my understanding), plain, or if they wanted a squirt of BBQ sauce on the top.  Everything was basically prepared ahead of time (I cheated on the potato salad and bought a large quantity from Costco), so setup and prep at work was only a few minutes.
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


Yep, pulled pork if you want to have it ready in advance.  A little more expensive would be a full pork loin that you could cut into two sections to fit on the racks.  It takes about five hours at 200 though, so you may have to start a little earlier.  Take it to about 143-145 internal and slice thin for sandwiches.  I would probably do the pulled pork, though.  Less fuss the day of.

From the forest itself comes the handle for the axe.


Pulled pork!!! Always a hit with the crowds and like everyone says, it's do ahead and easy serve. ;)