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Started by NePaSmoKer, September 04, 2007, 05:58:26 PM

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Another good one.

Mole Jerky

3 oz ancho chilis (dried) or whatever kind you like
1 cup tomato juice
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons sesame seeds (opt toatsed)
2 tablespoons p-nut butter
1 1/2 teasp cinnamon
1 teasp coriander
1/4 teasp cloves
3 oz of mexican dark semi sweet chocolate
2 pnds meat strips

Add dried peppers to a pan of boiling water. Reduce heat, simmer for 30 mins. Throw water out and add the tomato juice and puree, Strain to remove any seeds and skin. Combine other ingrediantes except chocolate in a pan and mix well. Boil to reduce some. Add chocolate and stir until melted. Add meat and mix until well coated. Put in fridge for a few hrs. Put in smoker for 1 hour with your fav wood, smoke @170* (you should pre heat) then into a dehydrator if ya have one. You can do a full BS with this, no water in pan and vent full open, just dont over do it or SNAP it will go  ;D



Looks good Nepas, gonna give it a try. How long did you marinate it for? I usually let it sit for a 24 or longer. Is this shorter because of the chocolate?
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


The choc really gets into it. I Reveo it so for me its only 15 mins. If you dont have a Reveo put in fridge for around 8 hrs. You can use any dark semi sweet choc but i found the mexican tastes better.



You're right Nepas, for a mole you need the mexican chocolate, wouldn't make it any other way. ;) Oh, that's what I figured about the marinating that the chocolate would get in the meat fast. Thanks.
One more thing, ground cloves and ground coriander?
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


ground cloves and coriander....sorry
