Brisket Question

Started by mba1028, December 02, 2007, 05:48:13 AM

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I've got a quick question on re-heating beef brisket. I've been on this site for months getting ideas and have had some real sucess with beef brisket! I have a friend that wants me to smoke them a brisket for a party their having at their house Thursday night. I was going to smoke it Tuesay and take it to him on Wednesday. It will have to be refridgerated until he gets ready to re-heat it.

After I FTC, what is the best way to keep it so that its best for re-heating? What is the best way to re-heat so that it is moist. I usually serve it the day I cook it. Should I go ahead and slice it or keep it whole? I just hate to go through all this and it be dry!!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



I do brisket the same as I do pulled pork and that is to store it in a heat proof plastic zip-loc pouch and reheat the sealed pouch in hot/simmering water until it is heated through.  Guess one could steam it too.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Had about 5 lbs of Brisket left over from the So Cal Smoke out.  I wanted to have a quick little luncheon for my employees so this is what I did and it turned out very well.

When I finish a brisket, I place it in a foil pan covered with a sheet of foil.  When the fat and liquid renders out, it collects in the bottom of the foil pan.  I keep some of that liquid to keep the brisket moist and store it in the refrigerator in a zip lock bag.

For reheating, I have used 2 different methods depending on the circumstances of convienence.  Foil pan or crockpot/slow cooker.

I sliced the brisket, put it in a foil pan with the liquid and 2 cups of beef broth made with some beef base.  You can also add some of your brisket seasoning (without the salt) to the broth to keep the flavor enhanced (not that you necessarily need it).  Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and place the brisket in until it is heated up thoroughly.  I was able to bring this in directly and serve it. 

Alternatively instead of using the foil pan and oven, you can put the sliced brisket with the liquid and beef broth in the crock pot and reheat it that way. 
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Yep, a little beef broth will do wonders for stored, re-heated brisket.



I wrap it in foil and place in an oven set to around 200 degrees for about 20-30 mins.  Microwaving imparts strangeness to the meat so don't do it when serving brisket to a group (i do it for myself but just enough so its not cold anymore but not hot)


Consume' of beef soup has a good bit more complexity than beef stock and makes a fantastic reheating liquid.  Better yet, if you can find Glace de Viande, I would use that instead.