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Not quite first turkey

Started by stillsmoking, June 28, 2008, 07:00:05 PM

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Last week did my not quite first turkey.  The first time results were not great but I am learning.  10 1/2 pound turkey, rubbed with margarine (low calorie kind), then dry rub, brown sugar, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, sage, saran wrap and refrigerate overnight.  In the smoker at 6:00 the next morning, low and slow for 12 hours with hickory, cherry and apple.  End result, pure, yummy, turkey goodness.  I have barbecued many a turkey to rave reviews and smoked one or two with mixed and sometimes regrettable results, this one maybe the best ever.  Can't wait to do this again!


Welcome Stillsmoking.

  How many hours of smoke did you use and what cabinet temperature?
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Hi Gizmo, I used about four hours of smoke but will use more next time.  I was concerned about the smoke overwhelming the turkey but the wife and I agree it was not a problem.  I ran the smoker down around 150-170 for most of the time and then brought it up around 220 for the last hour or two.  Moist, tender and delicious.


Did you get a crisp skin on the bird?  I suspect the margarine rub on the outside could have contributed as usually you get a rubbery skin on a low temp run on the birds.
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I wouldn't call the skin crisp but I would say it was crisper than I am used to with the smoker.  The turkeys I have done previously in this smoker and others had the rubbery skin you talk about.  This skin was more tough than rubbery.  We have preferred the barbecue for our turkeys, due to the way the skin comes out.  After this last bird though, the barbecue may retire from the turkey business.  This bird was so tender you could almost use a butter knife to just spread it rather than slicing.  (Slices were good though!)  Even more flavor after the turkey had the chance to sit overnight in the refrigerator.  I will definitely fine tune the rub but will stick with the longer times for smoking.  Birds that I have done in less time still had the rubbery skin and not near as enjoyable to eat.  I think the margarine was a good move, I have used oil in the past but margarine seemed to help a little with the skin and keeping the rub on the bird where it could do the most good.


Sounds great stillsmoking.  If you have a lot of leftovers, smoked turkey soup is awesome as well as smoked turkey pot pie, smoked turkey sandwiches.  Oh darn, now I'll have to go get a turkey for the 4th of July.  Ben's original American symbol.  Sure am glad we can eat it!   :) :D
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The wife will probably use the carcass for soup today.  Leftovers went quick for sandwiches and such.  Smoked some ox tails yesterday and got some wonderful soup material.  Second time with the ox tails, much better this time.  Thanks for taking the time to converse Gizmo, have been reading the forum for a while but just recently got the courage to write a little bit.


Super, Don't be shy.
If you don't mind, post how you prepared the tails and what their next journey will be before the voyage to your palate.
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Will do Gizmo, just haven't had the time.  I will post under ox tails.  I live in Alaska and work for Uncle Sam's Forest Service.  We have to make hay when the sun shines, got a man in town and good weather so need to make it count.  Will definitely contribute more.  Just good, clean, smoky fun!


Hey another Alaskan! Welcome stillsmoking. Another trick to getting crisp skin is to place the turkey in a 400F oven the last 30 to 40 minutes. Smoked tails make a heck of a nice soup. Hope the fire season doesn't mess with you to much this year. Love to hook up with you sometime and smoke something over a few cold ones.


Thanks iceman for the welcome.  Good to hear from a fellow Alaskan.  I know the oven trick but something in me rebels against putting my pretty turkey in the oven.  Although I do love nice crisp skin I really don't need any more fat than I am already packing so it is no great loss.  We did the tails and they did make a great soup, will post this weekend.  Sure do appreciate a cold one and generally got something smoking.  Fresh sockeye this weekend and there has been loose talk about shrimp and scallops.  Will be the second time for shrimp and first shot at scallops.