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Quick question about the OBS

Started by Stitches040, November 22, 2008, 08:05:35 AM

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Hey Alll ...

I have tried to locate the information I need using the search feature, but no real luck.

If I use the Smoke generator and the smoke box at the same time, I know there is no problem. But once I am done using the Smoke Generator, is it ok to shut it off? (I know there are no more pucks to be smoked).

Does shutting the smoke gen. off, kill the power to the Smoke Box? Which will no longer allow it to heat/cook.  or do I have to keep the smoke generator going, even though I no longer going to be adding smoke?  I just wonder if it will prolong the life of the motor assembly that is responsible for the puck advancement.

Thanks in advance ...

Smoking Duck

You can shut it off, but I really don't see that you need to.  I've been doing mine with the generator running after the smoke for 2 years and no problems whatsoever.  Additionally, remember that if it's cold outside, the smoke generator will still provide additional heat to help keep the box temp where it needs to be.  I suppose the call is yours, but I've never done it. 

Steeler....she's a keeper!

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the awnser to turning off the smoke generator is yes you  can, I prodominatly cold smoke then cook ... during my  cooking process the smoke generator is off.. and no it doesent afect the heater in the box they are controlled seperatly,

I would recomend that when done smoking / cooking that you  unplug the bradley to save energy and wear and tear on the unit.

However I do run a 900 watt finned heater in mine...

Also SD did give you  some insite that the smoke generator does generate heat that could be used for additional heat in the box if needed .. only thing i can add is do some load less trails with out the smoke generator on and see what  box temps you achive this will help you  down the road...

if you achieve a 230 to 250 F box temp in 30 to 40 mins and it is  stable then you  should be  good,,, higher is also good..