Cold smoking venison summer sausage

Started by sausagemakers2, March 05, 2009, 02:35:34 PM

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Habanero Smoker

Fermentation is part of making some dry cured sausages that requires a starter culture, most commonly Bactoferm F-RM-52 is used as the starter culture. It is an additional step that requires holding the sausage at around 80°F for around 12 hours or longer for the culture to grow. It give the sausage a tangy flavor and helps lower the pH in the sausage, because the fermentation produces an acid. I haven't made any dry cured sausage yet, but have bee doing some reading.

Bactoferm Products

The is a dairy product called Fermento that imitates the flavor, but I don't believe it helps lower the pH.

How was the flavor of the sausage after applying 16 hours of smoke.



Our first batch of sausage has been curing for 24 days. We couldn't resist and had to have a sample on the 21st day. It was not quite firm enough in the center at that time so we decided to wait for another week and sample it again. As to the taste, it was superb. We were so pleased with it. It has had 20 hours of smoke and has a medium smoky taste. The second batch with the 16 hours of smoke is curing nicely as well but has been hanging only 15 days. It has at least another 2 weeks to cure. We are so proud of our first endeavor and can hardly wait to share our product with family and friends. We are still looking at and reading any books or recipes, etc., that will give us more insight into the process. We managed to keep the interior temperature of the smoker on this second batch at about 43.6 F, during the cold smoking process. Details are noted in our journal so we can review or revise or whatever as we go. The casings were very firmly stuffed with very little air in them and the sausage has stayed round instead of denting and creasing like our friend's did. It has been exciting doing the work. We have always wanted to make sausage and at last we are doing it. We will report back when we sample the first batch next week and when the second batch is ready. Then we can let you know if there was much difference in the taste from the 20 hour batch. We welcome replies, as we are happy to share what we do.


Habanero Smoker

Thanks for the feedback on the sausage. I'm glad you are have great success.

I'm interested in how you are dry curing. Are you fortunate enough to have a cellar, and/or a room that can maintain proper humidity and temperature; or did you make a "dry curing" box - such as some use a converted refrigerator.



We are doing our dry curing in a used refrigerator that we bought for that purpose. It seems to be taking quite awhile to cure out and we are wondering if the humidity escapes slower this way. The sausage has been curing for 28 days and we didn't cut any of our sample stick today. It still seems a bit soft in the center so we are just letting hang for awhile longer before we check it. All in all it has been a good experience so far. We are learning a lot and hope it will help us to perfect the process. Thank you for your reply.


Habanero Smoker

Depending on the sausage, I have seen many recipes that call for 6 weeks or longer. I've learned from a few failures that humidity is important to keep around 60%. If the humidity is too low the surface of the sausage dry too quickly. When this happens the moisture gets trapped inside and it will spoil. The temperature should also be around 60°F to 70°F. If the temperature is lower it will take longer for the sausage to dry.

I will be using a refrigerator also for dry curing. I'm going to equip it with a humidifier that will be controlled with a humidistat, and a pid or other temperature control device to maintain 60°F. I've been waiting for some one to get rid of a freezerless refrigerator or upright freezer, but so far nothing in my area. I might have to bite the bullet and purchase a new one.



Ya'll have probably seen it, but Poli on his site has an elegant solution to a curing cabinet our of an upright freezer using a PID and a humidifier.  Link is  It will be about halfway down the page.

The Bard of Hot Aire
Pontificator Extraordinalre'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

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