Mortons Tender Quick

Started by Piker, March 19, 2009, 06:02:13 PM

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I am trying to make a basic wet brine using MTQ and cannot seem to find any formulation. I have just a 4lb. pork loin ready to go and all I need is I gal. of water a few spices and MTQ. I have looked almost everywhere but they all call for cure. Help Please. thks Dave


I have not used MTQ in a brine, I have used it for a dry cure. I don't have a package around here, I assume there aren't any wet cure directions on there.

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I long ago got rid of the package but there was no instructions. I emailed Mortons but have received no responce as of now. Thks Dave

Smoking Duck

For brine curing, dissolve 1 cup of tender quick for every 4 cups of water.

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the basic brine that I found was 1 gal. of water,1 cup of salt, 1/2 cup of sugar 1/3 cup of cure plus spices. At a rate of 1 cup of mtq to 4 cups of water that would require 4 cups of mtq. I think that would be very salty I would have weigh the loin down for sure. Even in the basic brine the 1/3 cup of prague #1 seems excessive. How much do you guys use of prague powder in a brine? I know the amount will vary accordingly to the amount of water so how much for 1 gal.? thks Dave

Smokin Soon

If your going for Canadian Bacon, just go for the dry rub. A lot of us use the Hab's recipe and do it on a regular rotation as it freezes very well. The one that I brined was just too salty. Very happy with Hab's very simple dry rub.   

Habanero Smoker

I've seen the amount of pink salt (prague #1) as high as 2/3 cup (32 teaspoons) for 5 quarts, that is in Kutas' book. I've always believe that was way too high. When you see recipes with high salt content, and a high amount of pink salt generally the curing times are very short. You didn't mention what the recommended curing time this recipe calls for, or if it called for pumping (injecting).

For a wet brine I now use 1.5 ounces of pink salt per gallon of water; that's is equivalent to about 8 teaspoons. The 1.5 ounces is recommended in the book Charcuterie for Canadian bacon. Charcuterie recommends curing for 24 hours, I recommend curing it for 3 - 4 days.

For a 4 pound loin, you don't need to make one gallon of brine. One gallon is overkill. Find the smallest non-reactive container that the loin will fit in without touching the sides. Place the loin in the container and add enough water to come about 1 inch above the loin. Remove the loin and measure the water. That is how much brine you will need, and you can adjust the rest of your ingredients from there. If you have the appropriate size container you will probably not need more then 4 cups.



thks everyone  Actually I have 2 2lb. pieces of pork loin tied together as thats the way it comes. As I have made can bacon before I wanted to make a small ham just for something different. So I will do as HB said I found a small container for the loin and all the brine I need is 2 qts. The original recipe called for 4 days curing for a solid 4 lb loin but with mine I will leave it only 2 days and maybe fry a small piece to test. I will also adjust all seasonings accordingly. I will be using prague #1 as I finally found some 5 miles from home. will keep you posted.

Habanero Smoker

I'm not sure if you are going to keep them tied or separate them. If you keep them tied together I would cure for the full four days, because that would be the same as a solid 4 pound loin.



They fit in so much better tied so I left them that way and I was wondering how long to leave them. So now I know. Thks HB  Dave

Habanero Smoker

You're welcome.

I forgot to mention, it not as much as the weight, then it is about the thickness. The thicker the meat, the more time required to cure.
