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New Guys Need a Glossary!

Started by sheltie, March 27, 2009, 06:20:40 AM

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Take a chicken drumette and scrape all the meat to the big end (sorta french it), exposing the bone at the other end.  Wrap the meat in bacon, sprinkle with favorite rub and smoke till done but applying BBQ sauce the last 15 to 30 minutes.

LaQuinta  (Warning brown-nosing alert - gonna get deep ahead)  This delightful, beautiful, nice, charming, attractive, kind, intelligent, smart....did I say intelligent, charming and attractive........young lady resides in Callyforny, the Golden State.  This wonderful and compassionate young lady has this way that scares the bejiggers outta us males.  We tremble at the mere mention of.....of.....of..... the power of the Tea Bag!!  ---shudder---.  Do not try to run, it only makes it worse, you cannot hide - it will find you!!!!  Just stand there and take it like a man.  It's the best way!!  See Tea Bag and WTS

'M' Wood
Dare I say it?  Mesquite  WTS's (and others - they just won't admit for fear of reprisal) favorite smoking wood.  Lends a nice hearty wood smoke flavor to anything its thin blue, sublime and wonderfully flavorful smoke caresses with its savory tendrils of luscious mouthwatering deliciousness.  See WTS

Pretty simple.  Take a frozen, precooked, meatball, thaw it and wrap a slice of bacon around it, secure with a toothpick and sprinkle with your favorite rub before putting in the smoker until done.  Towards the last of the cook, glaze with your favorite BBQ sauce.  Started life as Oinkballs - balls of ground pork wrapped in bacon, proceeded to boinkballs - balls of ground beef wrapped in bacon, and went to ''C" for chicken etc...Settled in as "M" for meatballs - infinitely easier to prepare.

Moink of the Sea
Just about anything seafood wrapped in bacon, but usually shrimp or scallops or oysters.  My favorite variation is shrimp stuffed with a jalapeno slice and pepper jack cheese, wrapped in bacon and smoked until done.

Original Bradley Smoker    If a 4 is at the end (as in OBS4) then it is a 4-rack unit, if a 6 then a 6 rack unit.  If any other number is behind it, then that must be treated carefully and the poster checked on as that is one of the lingering sideeffects of the Tea Bag "treatment"! 

Original Stainless Steel smoker.  More commonly used after the digital models were introduced.

Oven Temperature.  Temperature of the oven / tower/cabinet, not meat.  See CT

Proportional, Integral, Derivative.  Geekese for an electrical temperature control devise used to provide tighter temperature regulation of the smoker - a popular add-on to OBS and DBS.  Can be built by those that are more savvy than the rest of us.  The rest of us can purchase one from Auber.

Pig Candy
This stuff will make you crazy!  Strips of bacon, sprinkled with brown sugar and cayenne and then baked or smoked until crispy.

or PRIB - Prime Rib  Proper noun for a wonderful cut of meat and correct usage for either a whole Prime Rib or a Prime Rib steak.  Prime Rib is good eats!!!!

Scotch Eggs
This one is the Sphere of Goodness.  Typically a hard boiled egg, encased in sausage, breaded and deep-fried.  Smoker version is hard boiled egg encased in sausage, wrapped in bacon, sprinkled with rub and smoked until done.

Shroom Bombs
Something tasty stuffed inside a medium-size mushroom cap, wrapped in bacon and cooked on a grill, roasted in TBE, or smoked.  Use your imagination with the something tasty, but a good starts would be cream cheese, jalapenos, cheddar, shrimp, garlic, and bacon, mixed together topped with more cheddar cheese after being stuffed into the mushroom cap and wrapped with bacon.  From Hawaii way.  Mahalo Ka Honu!

Syracuse Egg
Invented here on the Bradley forum by Seemore – however, don't know if it was the Mr. or the Mrs.  We'll have to wait to see who takes the credit, but the Mrs. is the prime suspect!  A variation of the Scotch Egg.  Take a Syracuse Salt Potato (potato dish invented by the salt miners near Syracuse, NY and very popular in those Blue states of the NE) and wrap it in sausage and smoke until done.  Put a Scotch Egg and a Syracuse Egg on your plate and guess what you get – a complete breakfast!

The Big Easy – No not the city of New Orleans (NOLa), but this wonderful propane-fired, infared "tunnel" cooker.  The item to be cooked is placed in the cooker and it is surrounded with infared heat.  Touted as the 'Oil-less Turkey Fryer.  But in the hands of the imaginative Bradley cooking fanatics, you never know what will come out of it.  Sometimes referred to as simply BE.

Tea Bag
Don't ask!  On a need to know basis only!  Trust me - you will know about the tea bag when you confront the tea bag!  See WTS and LQ.

Tri Tip
Mythical cut of meat, supposedly popular in Central Calliforny.  Not much is known about this roast as very few people East of the Mojave Desert has seen one.  Sometimes called a Santa Maria Steak to further confuse things, it has reportedly been spotted occasionally, but is likely some other cut of meat!  It is said the cut comes from the bottom sirloin, but that is yet to be proven.  Magically, it is said to be a versatile cut of meat that takes well to grilling and to "low and slow" – yeh, sure! 

West Texas Smoker  Delightful Cantankerous Curmudgeon that hails from the wastesland of West Texas (duh!!!!), an expert on the production of smoked brisket and the use of the 'M" wood, but constantly flirts with danger - the tea bag is always watching him!  See: Tea Bag and "M" wood.

Chicken in it's many forms.
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"




Yippee, Yessiree, Sausage Smoking is Wonderful????
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"