Rolls for Sausage

Started by deb415611, May 25, 2009, 03:47:28 PM

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I used Peter Reinhart's Italian Bread recipe from The Bread Baker's Apprentice.  This is my favorite bread book (at the moment,  Peter has a new book coming out in the fall & I personally know that some of the test recipes are really good ;D)

3 1/2 cups (18 oz) biga (see below)
2 1/2 cups (11.25 oz) unbleached bread flour
1 2/3 tsp salt
1 Tbls. sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
1 Tbls diastatic barley malt powder (optional) - I did not use
1 Tbls. olive oil
3/4 to 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbls (7 to 8 oz. water)

Make biga the night before:
2 1/2 cups (11.25 oz) unbleached bread flour
1/2 tsp instant yeast
3/4 to 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbls (7 to 8 oz. water) at room temperature

stir together flour & yeast , add water, stir until everything comes together and makes coarse ball.  Adjust flour or water so the dough is not too sticky or too stiff. 

Sprinkle flour on counter, knead for 4 to 6 minutes until dough is soft & pliable, tacky, not sticky.  Internal temp s/b 77 to 81 degrees.

Place in oiled bowl, cover w/  plastic wrap & ferment at room temp for 2 to 4 hours til nearly double in size.

Remove dough from bowl, knead lightly to degas & return to bowl.  Cover w/ plastic wrap.  Into fridge overnight .

Biga after getting happy in fridge overnight:


Take biga out of fridge 1 hour before making dough.  Cut into 10 pieces with pastry scraper or serrated knife. cover w/ plastic wrap & let sit 1 hour.

Stir together flour, salt, sugar, yeast & malt powder in 4 qt bowl.  Add biga pieces, olive oil & 3/4 of water and stir together until a ball forms.  Adjust flour or water.  the dough should be slightly sticky & soft, not batterlike or tough & stiff. 

Sprinkly flour on counter, knead by hand or in mixer w/ dough hook for 10 minutes.  Dough should be tacky & supple but not sticky.  Should pass the windowpane test & be 77-81 degrees. 

Oil bowl, lightly coat dough with oil, place in bowl, cover w/ plastic wrap.   

Ferment at room temp about 2 hours or until dough doubles in size.

Divide dough degassing the dough as little as possible- I used 4.5 ozs per roll  (original recipe was for two loafs of italian bread or 4 oz rolls).  Cover w/ towel or plastic for about 5 min.  Shape into rolls - here is a video on shaping batards that should help if needed     Line a sheet pan w/ baking parchment and dust with semolina or cornmeal.  Place on pan & lightly spray with spray oil.  Cover loosely w plastic wrap & proof at room temp for an hour.

Original recipe calls for prepping oven for hearth baking - I did not do this.  If anyone wants this info, let me know

Preheat oven to 500 degrees.  Put pan in oven & lower oven to 450 degrees (I just realized, I never lowered oven temp, might have been problem if it was 2 loaves of italian bread, no ill effects for the rolls).  Bake rolls about 15 minutes (italian bread about 20).  Should   be golden brown and at least 200 degrees in center. 

let cool for at least 1 hour



outstanding. I love bread



Thanks for sharing Deb,
That took some time to type!
Bless your heart Deb,


Not a Baker Deb but I sure do love a Pictorial. I might try some of this bread making stuff one of these days. If I do I will be giving you a call!!
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Smokin Soon

Pass the butter please, That is a beauty deb!


Thanks for posting this Debs, looks mighty fine. ;)
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


Quote from: Tenpoint5 on May 25, 2009, 07:40:27 PM
Not a Baker Deb but I sure do love a Pictorial. I might try some of this bread making stuff one of these days. If I do I will be giving you a call!!
making rolls for all those beautiful fresh sausages you make would be a good excuse to start baking  ;)



I can just smell that fresh bread baking!!!!!

"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"