New to smoking, bit on the cabelas deal

Started by goblism, July 22, 2009, 09:45:09 PM

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well picked up the smoker today from cabelas, got a variety pack also.  Also got a et-7 from a guy for $25, figure it should probably be as good as the et-73, and i plan on modifying my bradley to use a pid anyway.

pumped, can't wait to get something going in it, unfortantly i live in an apartment, so might have to run over to the parents house and give it a whirl there (wifey said that maybe i could smoke inside with some dryer venting...we will see)


Welcome to the forum. Your ET-7 will work just fine. You can use a couple paper clips to hang the second probe to moniter the cabinet temp. Good luck on your first trial run.


thanks, my biggest worry was that everyone endorses the et-73, and here i am buying a et-7, price was right, and won't matter once i get the pid, actually i will probably be glad once i get the pid installed.


I think the only difference is you have 2 probes and the ET-73 has 1 probe and 1 cabinet monitor. You can use the second probe as a cabinet monitor just by hanging from a couple of paper clips. Here is what I did.
