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help with measurement conversions....

Started by firerescueman, September 21, 2009, 08:59:12 PM

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I have a found a recipe that a friend of mine gave me a long time ago for his home made BBQ sauce that I absolutely LOVED!

I have the recipe,  but some of the ingredients are measured in ounces......  I need help converting the following:

1/3 oz  Garlic Powder

1 oz black pepper

1/4 oz celery seed

1/4 oz mustard seed

I need to know how many teaspoons / tablespoons, etc for each of the amounts above.  If the recipe turns out good,  I will post it here for everyone to share.  If you can at least point me in the direction of a proper conversion chart it would be a big help.   I found a couple of conversion charts buit the refer to liquid measurements.  I don't know how far off those measurements would be from what I need.



God has a sense of humor....  Don't believe me?  go to WalMart and just LOOK at people!



Hey there!

Thanks for the quick reply.  I wasn't doing the right type of internet search.  I found a conversion chart,  and YES.....  you did it right!

Thanks again!

God has a sense of humor....  Don't believe me?  go to WalMart and just LOOK at people!


Jeff, you are welcome and post that BBq sauce recipe


Most of the by-weight recipes I've seen are used for cake or bread.  It seems a little unusual for a BBQ sauce.

In general, be careful with the conversions.  Different spices and such have different weights for the same volume.  For example, a TBS of pickling salt will weigh more than a TBS of coarse Kosher salt.  The pickling salt is much finer and so will be more salt by weight per TBS.  The same thing holds for anything that is fine vs coarse vs unground.

It probably doesn't matter that much for BBQ sauce.  I usually just throw 'stuff' in until it tastes good; I'm not all that good with recipes.  :)  And, you could always invest in a decent kitchen scale; they're not that expensive.  I've thought of that, but I figured I wouldn't use it all that much and so never bothered.  Good luck.  Keep notes and keep tuning it up until you like the result.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Hopefull Romantic

Hi there firerescueman and welcome to the forum,

I might be a bit lat on this one but I always use this site for all my conversions.


It is great and can convert just about any thing to any thing.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.

Habanero Smoker

Here is a conversion table for most common herbs and spices.

Spice Volume to Weight Table

I had a couple of book marks for online calculators, but can't find the bookmark this morning.


Here is one calculator; it not the easiest to use, but there are others on the web. Make sure you read the full instructions. It makes the conversion a lot easier.

Ingredients Weight to Volume Calculator




Habanero Smoker
