Since my posts in the ST. Patrick's Day post are a little cryptic

Started by Tiny Tim, March 17, 2010, 01:26:02 PM

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Tiny Tim

I'll let you know what's going on here.  As you know, my father passed away just under a year ago.  My truck was registered in his name so he could take care of the insurance on it.  The registration expired in November, and as I was getting ready to get it renewed, I had the health setback that landed me in the hospital in December, then wasn't able to walk any distance until mid-late January.  By then I was pretty much unable to afford any expenses besides food and gas to get to the wrapping appointments....until the end of last week when I sold the inventory from our Liquor Store.  I was going to get new plates and insurance yesterday, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it got postponed until today.  I was heading to my wrapping appointment (was going to do the plates after that appointment), and got within 3 blocks of the hospital when an officer decided to stop me to see why my plate still had the old sticker on it.  I bet you now know where this is going.  Ticket for expired registration, and ticket for no insurance.

Now I'm done with my appointment and up at the courthouse getting the truck registered in my name.  Guess what.  The person helping me sees that a bank supposedly has a lien against the truck.  I think that's impossible, as Dad hadn't been a customer at that particular bank for over 2 years, and since his passing, I had never recieved a notice of any loans or bad accounts for him from that bank.  So, I got the paperwork I needed to have signed to release the lien, walked over to that bank to find out what the deal was, found I'd walked to the wrong door, so I had to walk another block (remember, I'm fat and extremely out of shape) to the front door which was open.  This is where the day starts getting better.  The bank had only forgotten to release the lien and send me the title back, so I am able to leave with the title.  Walk back over to the courthouse and back to the auto department so I can get the transaction done.  I now have the new plates installed on my truck, and registration in my name.  Once I arrived home, my first call was to the insurance agency where a friend of mine works, to find some insurance.

Now that those little ducks are starting to get in their row, I hope to talk to the County Attorney to see if I can possibly get the fines reduced, or better yet, dropped altogether due to the unusual circumstances that caused the penalties in the first place.  Bear in mind, I'm not trying to make excuses for my wrongdoing, I am guilty and fully acknowledge that fact, I just could use a break once.


I Think that sometimes courts are more understanding than we think.

IMO, based on your story and the fact that you immediately took care of registration, etc.

the Court will have merci on you and just give you a spankin which you probably deserve anyway. ;D

Seriously, I think if you told the court what you just stated, you will get your break. At least I'm pullin' for ya.


Ditto, just tell the truth.    Most courts/judges understand so you shouldn't have any problem. 

Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Hey Tiny , My heart is with you my Smokin' Buddy ! When it rains it always seems to pour, but this seems like one of  those rare occasions that "THE TRUTH" could actually work for the defense . I sure wish you well in this , even more in regaining your health. After that everything else will fall into place..... You'll see.





Good to hear the system went in favor of someone good. I'm sure things will all work out.

Habanero Smoker

Glad to hear you are able to get around on your own. Though I don't think you need it; good luck with your tickets.



Tim, Glad to hear you are getting around!  But then sorry about the tickets.  Lets just say I have some experience with that.  A couple of years after moving to Nashville I bought a truck off of a guy.  I had just sold my Mazda RX-7 and had taken the plates off of it.  So, I go get the truck to bring home.  As he had taken the plates off the truck, I put my Mazda plates on it.  Within sight of my house - actually one house from my house I got stopped by a Lady cop.  I think my first mistake was when I nervously answered her first question with 'Yes Sir".  Let me count the tickets.  Can I say butch!

Expired plate
Wrong plate on wrong vehicle
Expired city tag
No insurance
No proof of insurance
Tail light out
License plate light out
Out of state drivers license too long (6 month limit)
Expired driver's license
No proof of sale - since the Mazda tags were on the truck, she thought it might have been stolen. - but she wouldn't let me walk next 
                door to get to my house so I could get the sales receipt.

When I showed the judge all the papers, and that I had paid for all the licenses and tags, and had fixed the lights, etc...he dropped all the tickets.  The South ain't a bad place to live!
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Another ticket story:

Been having trouble with my leg and knee since last October and have been making regular trips to the clinic.  So I finally get a temporary handicap sticker application from the doc, which I fill out and send that very day, had to be at the clinic the very next day and its freezing cold and icy, so I park in the handicap spot, but I do not have a card to hang in the window.  I make my way in with my crutches and tell the desk clerk that I parked in the handicap area and explained the situation.  He says " no problem, that's OK,"  When I returned to my truck, yep, there's a ticket ($ 177.00)  I call the officer and tell him the story, and he says "Too bad, so sad,  I am not pulling the ticket, either pay or go to court".   To do this I have to send in a written request to say I will be in court.  I go to court and the judge says, " Do you have a handicap card?" I say yes I do, it is in my truck which is parked in the handicap spot out front. He says, " So if I go look out the window I'll be able to see it? and I say yes, plus I have a copy of the application for it.  He then says " Case dismissed!!!"

Far better result than the young man before me,  The judge tells him that it looks like he had a very bad morning on a certain day, the kid goes, ya, I guess so.
1. Drunk Driving  $1588
2. OWI $1100
3. Blood alcohol over the limit $1250
3. Over the center line $189
4. Failure to stop at a stop sign $209
5. No seat belt $50
6. Resisting an officer $2500

Judge tells him, this is just the beginning of your problems!!
Retirement, Everyday's a Holiday, and every night's a Saturday night!!


5. No seat belt $50

No Seat Belt in Texas is a $500 fine.

At least he got a deal on that one.


With a total of $6886 even the $50 bargain don't seem so great.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.