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Whatever I found in the freezer...SMOKED!

Started by NewfieSmoker, April 02, 2010, 01:17:49 PM

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I was looking through the freezer for something to smoke relatively quickly....AKA..Midnight snack....And decided to through together a fatty of some sort.

Here are the ingredients I found to thaw quickly.

1 roll of Pure Pork Brkfst sausage (not that great on its own)
Fresh Pork Belly (sliced thin with the meat slicer)
Pre-cooked bacon from costco (pretty good for pre cooked)
3 big strips of Mozzarela cheese
Hot sauce
Ted Readers "Bone Dust" from Canadian Tire (Man that stuff is good)

Spread the pork, coat heavily with Bone Dust and Cayannne, and then stacked up some of the bacon and mozza

6 slices of pre cooked bacon and 3 1" slices of Mozza, a bit of Third Degree Hot Sauce

And rolled up tight with more Bone Dust, and 4 slices of the fresh Pork Belly wrapped around the outside with a bit more seasoning.

Gonna hit with 2 hours of Hickory with temp around 225-250 until IT of 150 or so.

Stay tuned

Smoke em if you got em!



Wow, that is one heck of a midnight snack. Mine usually consists of dry ichiban noodles broken in the pack and the powder seasoning spread on top. Now you got me looking forward to my next midnight snack !
Bob and Doug Mckenzie encompass all that is Canadian ehh.


Well, it never quite made it to midnight. :D  I just finished installing some ceramic tile in our bathroom, what a way to relax when it was done. From the freezer to my belly in 7 hours.

Turned out quite nice.  The precooked bacon on the inside worked out well.  It was not soggy at all, nice and firm and melted in the cheese.  The fresh Pork bellies on the outside crisped up nice, and sliced great. 

And of course a great beer ;)

Smoke em if you got em!



I am sorry I thought you said great beer and then you put a pic of Molson Canadian. I just wish that the beer whose is to be the icon of canadian drinking would at least be worth popping the top off.  :D :D :D Being from the east coast I would think you'd drink Alexander Keiths or Moosehead beer or something  like that. I'm just kidding, although I don't like Molson Canadian I am also not much of a beer drink anymore. But it's like when one of my buddies shows up with a Harley, you know you are just going to have to give him a hard time about it. ;D ;D Anyways that is some damn good looking snackfood there Newfie. If you just whipped that up for a snack I would love to see what you do when you really put your mind to it.
Have you seen the thread where the guys and gals are weaving the bacon and then wrapping their fatties. They sure look pro all the way. Nice work and keep the smoke rollling.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Thanks Quarlow,

Keiths and Moosehead are a little more common in Nova Scotia, but  they are available here.  The local beer would be Black Horse, or BlueStar. "Hey Buddy, Hands off my Bluestar!" "The shining beer of the granite planet!"

Smoke em if you got em!



Well what did you expect from a left coaster. I don't even know the regional beers much further than about Saskabush. :D :D :D
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


My wife drinks Keiths and I drink Canadian. Stick with the "man's" beer. When I go west I do enjoy Kokanee.
With my Bradley, no one tells me to quit smoking!