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What's This Grease Leak??

Started by GerryB, April 13, 2010, 11:50:37 AM

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After I preheated the OBS on Sunday, I saw this as I went to load it. It looks like it is leaking from the smoke generator, but, on the other hand, it looks like grease left over from the pork butt last time I used the OBS. It's definitely grease, doesn't have much an odor, but I didn't taste it. I hope its not some kind of lubricant from the generator. If it's pork grease, where was it hiding all this time? Anyone else ever see something like this?


It looks like condensation to me.

Did you have your vent shut?

If so you should keep it at least half way open when using your smoker.


I've had my generator open and there isn't any grease it there.   Only moving parts is the small motor that operates the puck pusher.    Condensation seems right mixed with smoke residue.


Can we get a pic of the inside bottom of the smoker?

looks like a grease leak from the smoker, I don't see any way pork butt grease could get IN the smoke generator.
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Ka Honu

Quote from: FLBentRider on April 13, 2010, 01:01:29 PM...looks like a grease leak from the smoker, I don't see any way pork butt grease could get IN the smoke generator.

Is it possible that...

     • the smoker isn't level (smoke generator "downhill"),
     • the puck-pusher ramp is somehow bent/tilted (pushing bisquettes "uphill" to the heating element), and/or
     • the V-tray is tilted (downhill on the side with the smoke generator)?

If I still understand gravity, any or a combination of those might cause drips from the chamber to "backflow" into the smoke generator.

Habanero Smoker

Make sure that your smoker is level running your level from side to side. Check the drive guide (the assembly the bisquettes are pushed over to get to the heating pad). If it is covered with grease, then your smoker is unlevel and tilted toward the smoker generator. When it is unlevel like this drippings form the "V" pan will flow along the underside of the pan, drip down on drive guide, and then continue to flow into the generator. This happened to me once when I had my smoker setup on uneven ground.

I agree with Ka Honu, who is a faster typist. :)



I know it sounds odd, but I seen it before. 'Is the V-tray installed correctly?'
Looking at it from the generator it should look like a V. The middle should be just above the water bowl.
If installed upside down the grease from cooking can run everywhere.

Ka Honu

Quote from: Habanero Smoker on April 13, 2010, 01:25:53 PMI agree with Ka Honu, who is a faster typist.

Maybe, but you know the names of the parts while I have to describe them using the MSU* method.

*MSU - Make Sh*t Up


I'd have to go with checking the V tray for proper insertion.  If the unit is off-level to the left, the door won't stay open (simple check).  I'm assuming of course that the grease tray was actually in there.

I didn't know turtles could type let alone MSU.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


OK, good ideas. I checked everything I could. When I did the pork butt a couple weeks ago, I did have the vent too closed. But this substance is grease, and didn't manifest itself until the unit was heated (i.e., the goo melted at temperature). It appears that the bottom of the smoker is intact and not leaking. The patio surface where the smoker was sitting is very level. The smoker (now on the level floor of the garage) is level on top and level at the interior bottom. The drive guide (puck ramp) is not level, but it runs downhill to the water bowl. I certainly had the V-tray inserted correctly when I was doing the butt, but I didn't notice if it was level. I just checked now, and it sits level when inserted.

Here's the inside of the smoker:

Here's the bottom of the smoke generator:

You can see where grease has dripped down from the drive. Grease is getting from the interior to the exterior, and the only "hole" is the one where the drive guide goes into the smoker.

So I checked the V-tray. On one side where the V is formed, there is a tiny, almost imperceptible leak. When I put a little water into the V, it slowly dripped out. Not so on the other side, it is completely sealed. So I surmise that grease is building up and slowly leaking from the V-tray onto the drive guide, and then somehow running uphill to escape the smoker (the drive guide goes *downhill* to the water bowl). I understand gravity the same way that Ka Honu does, so I don't really understand how this can be, unless there is some other capillary-force-type action going on.

Ka Honu

Quote from: ArnieM on April 13, 2010, 02:58:00 PMI didn't know turtles could type...

It can be tricky, what with the flippers and all, but I manage.  It also helps to have a human assistant to do the heavy stuff (like right-clicking the mouse and painting all the letters blue).



The SG does look pretty greasy on the bottom.  That could be caused by smoke/moisture/grease backing up if the vent wasn't open enough.  I go full open all of the time.

You could give Brian at Bradley a call and point him at this thread to see if he has any ideas.  Good people there.

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KH, your flippers probably aren't much worse than my fingers.  One of my cats walked on the keyboard and almost bought me something from eBay.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.

Habanero Smoker

It looks like the drive guide is clean, was there any grease on or under it. With the vent not being open enough would cause steam and smoke residue to backup into the generator, but not grease like it is shown in your pictures. One other thing you may want to check is the seams of the "V" tray to see if they leak. Mine are water tight, but if you have a leak some of the grease will flow through the drip hole, and some will leak through the seam over the drive guide.

When you check the seams make sure they are clean and free of grease. If the "V" tray is cool, and there is grease build up, the grease will act as a sealant. So it is best to check the seams when the "V" tray is warm, not hot. Check both ends. If it is a leaky "V" tray and you are under warranty, Bradley will replace it. So you should check it before giving them a call.

Also I would open up the generator, and check it. Opening the generator will not void your warranty. The following link will help guide you through opening and cleaning your generator.
Cleaning the generator.

Quote from: Ka Honu on April 13, 2010, 01:53:00 PM
Quote from: Habanero Smoker on April 13, 2010, 01:25:53 PMI agree with Ka Honu, who is a faster typist.

Maybe, but you know the names of the parts while I have to describe them using the MSU* method.

*MSU - Make Sh*t Up

;D  ;D  ;D
