Maple pucks

Started by Oldman, June 11, 2005, 01:33:41 PM

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I just open a pack of Maple pucks and man did they shed. If I just moved one in my hand around in the air the stuff kept falling off. Anyone else seen this?
They have been kept in my office so moisture is not a problem.


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Habanero Smoker

Out of all the pucks, Maple is the most delicate. Every package of Maple that I every had, flaked a lot. What you are describing, always happens to me.

I collect all the particles that have fallen off the pucks and store them in a plastic container. When I am grilling I place some of the collected particles in a smoke box, and close the lid, to give my grilled food some smoke flavor. As Bradley, I keep the mesquite separate, but not much falls off those pucks.



Same thing happens to me, Olds.  Still seems like 90% of the puck is still intact, however.  I sometimes use an extra puck or two when I'm using maple.

Newton MA
Newton MA


Only the maple pucks seem to be rather brittle.Iwonder if they are made a little different.Good idea Hab I will start saving the small particals.

<b><font face="Comic Sans MS">Mike</font id="Comic Sans MS"></b>

Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it
Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.

Phone Guy

That is a great idea. All the pucks "shed" a little and I never thought of saving the sheds for the grill. You guys are smart. This might be a good idea for a new post. " Tips and ideas" What do you think?