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Bubba pucks for sale in UK

Started by Cuckoo, July 07, 2005, 02:20:03 PM

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I ordered my smoker yesterday and am so excited.  It should be with me next week.  I've been reading your posts and guess I need some Bubba Pucks.  Can anyone tell me whether they are available for sale in the UK?  I looked on Chez Bubba (US site) and the postage was mega.

Also with all your experience what recipe would you recommend for me to try for my very first smoking session?

Thanks in advance



Hi Cuckoo,

No, bubba pucks are not available in the UK at the moment.

I bought 3 (ideal number) of them from Chez together with a Maverick ET-73 dual probe thermometer. This enables both the BS cabinet and internal food temperature to be monitored remotely. They are brilliant but they are not available in the UK!!

Chez had to get the thermometer from another source then forward it to me but the total postage charge came to around £14/$25 which I thought was OK.

Given the exchange rate it could well have been cheaper doing it this way than if these (US) products had been available in the UK given the mark up and profit margins some things attract!!

May be worth emailing |Chez to get a quote, I do know he has sent them to the UK for other people too.

For my first smoke I did brisket and ribs and both turned out brilliantly, plenty of information on this site on both if you nose around.

Welcome to the forum, bet you gets loads of fun with your new toy!!![:D][:D][:D]



Thanks so much for your reply.

I'm a complete novice at smoking.  I did try and build one with a friend out of oil drums.  It was a total failure but caused much hilarity. [:I]  Our bacon wasn't smoked; it was cooked.  It was vile.

Can I start using the Brad before I receive the pucks from Chez?




Welcome to the forum! Yes, you can smoke without Bubba Pucks. Obviously, you will need Bradley Pucks. The Bradley Smoker is usually shipped without any pucks. Hope you ordered some so you are ready to roll when it arrives.
Have fun. Don't be a stranger and don't smoke in anymore oil drums!!![:D][;)][:D]

<font size="4"><b>Doug</b></font id="size4">


Welcome to the Forum, Clare.  You can definitely use the BS before getting Bubba Pucks.  Just be sure to add two wood pucks to the amount of smoke you plan to use ie, if you want 3 hr of smoke, that would be 9 pucks + two additional to push the last two smoking pucks onto the hot plate, making a total of 11.  The problem with using regular pucks instead of Bubba Pucks is that they tend to get damaged by handling and humidity . . .

Newton MA
Newton MA


Hi Cuckoo,

Yes, as JJC and jaegar say you can start using the BS as soon as you get it.

Important thing is to follow the instructions in the manual including seasoning the smoker prior to doing any actual smoking.

Anything not covered in the manual or additional queries you may have just holler here on the forum and someone will help you!![:D]

Useful to have a good selection of different flavoured pucks, I generally have oak, apple, hickory, pecan and alder handy so I can chop and change as the mood takes me although I have mainly used oak and apple.

Getting the bubba pucks ASAP would be really useful, not only does it save on the wood bisquettes but it means that the puck burner heater element stays a lot cleaner. Less cleaning is good!!!!![:D]



Thank you so much to everyone who has replied.  This is all so new to me and I haven't even seen a smoker yet - I've ordered online as there is no stockist near me.  Can't wait to get it.

Would like to say that I received a really nice email from Kirk this morning.  Thanks for that, Kirk.

I'm sure I'll be back asking loads of questions that you'll all think are naive [8)] so thanks for your patience.

I'll order the pucks via email today.



Quote<i>Originally posted by manxman</i>
<br />Hi Cuckoo,

a Maverick ET-73 dual probe thermometer. This enables both the BS cabinet and internal food temperature to be monitored remotely. They are brilliant but they are not available in the UK!!

Should I order one of these?  If you think it's helpful I'll ask Chez to get one and send it with the pucks.




The Mav ET-73 is definitely helpful, and it's pretty light, so the shipping cost shouldn't be too bad . . . do you have any friends coming over from the States?  If so, perhaps they could order one for you and carry it with them--it's really quite compact.

Newton MA
Newton MA