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smoked sausage question, final pics

Started by smokeNcanuck, November 26, 2010, 11:44:25 AM

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I stuffed 2# of BBQ jalapeno sausage today.  The mix is for fresh sausage but I am going to smoke it.  I added the right amount of cure #1,
but I'm not sure what IT I have to smoke to.  Do I just go with 151-152F like beef, or go I need to a higher temp?  The sausage is all pork.
Thanks for any help.
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


dry the casing at 130 to 140 for an hour.  Roll smoke after the casing is dry.  Bump the temp up every 3 hours to 170-175.  Cook until the IT is 152-155.  You can also apply the smoke and after the smoke you can plunge them in a hot bath 160 and soak until the IT is 152-155.  Then pull and enjoy.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Thanks Sailor, I have been reading a lot about peoples success using the water bath.  I may just have to give it a try, it really speeds up the process.
I'll post some pics when I'm done.
Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Well I smoked these on Sat.  they turned out Ok but not as good as I wanted.  Was hoping they would be good cold sliced up, but I think I liked them better hot.
Nothing is ever bad though, just some better than others ;D  I'm sure they will get eaten up(hot or cold). The mix had a pile of jals(dehydrated) in it maybe too many. Really strong
tasting and I really like jals.

two hrs of maple and apple(4 to 2) darks spots are jals, not fat out

Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


I think I bought that brand in the store before.

They sure look nice.

Is there such a thing as too much jalapeno?


They look good to me!  I also have found that my smoked sausage does not taste as good cold as they do hot.  I just put them in a skillet with a little water and heat them up or cut them in 1/2 and heat.  If you nuke them I find that the casings get a bit tough on a reheat.  But I would sure hammer those that you have.   Great job!

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Look good! 

I think I'd eat every bit of that.
I like animals, they taste good!

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The fight isn't over until the winner says it is.


Quote from: classicrockgriller on November 29, 2010, 06:17:59 PM

Is there such a thing as too much jalapeno?

What CRG said.  ;D

They look grrrrrrrrrrreat!

Makin me hungered, I'd devour the whole thing.


Those are some great looking sausages!!
I have often found that time often turns so-so sasages into mouth watering hits.
If I have a batch that I am not impressed with, I leave some in th fridge for a couple weeks.
Then when I try them again, I am sometimes pleasantly suprised.
Thanks for the pics,


I have found that if you wrap the sausage and throw in the fridge for a day or tow the flavor gets better.


Nothing wrong with em

Send em to me  ;D


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