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Smoked Turkey help

Started by DebTexas, April 20, 2011, 11:55:30 AM

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Hi ya'll,

I just started smoking this year with my OBS.  I have smoked a brisket (wonderful!), many cheeses, almonds, two whole chickens, and today a turkey.

My problem is my poultry doesn't taste "smoked".  It comes out tasting roasted or even oven-baked.  I smoked the chickens with a dry rub using apple and I brined the turkey and smoked it with 2:1 apple:hickory.

What am I doing wrong?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


After you brined and rinsed the bird did you let it sit in the fridge un covered over night?

The over night sit will dry the skin and allow the smoke to penetrate, smoke wont penetrate a moist serface.

Also did you letthe bird sit out at room temp a couple hrs?

Putting a cold bird in the hot smoker will cause the skin to sweat, again smoke wont penetrate a moist surface.


I did let it sit in the fridge (mostly) uncovered overnight....I did tent with foil.  I also put it in the smoker cold....that could be the problem.  The meat is VERY moist but lacks that good smoke flavor.  Next time I will let it sit out before putting in the smoker.  Thanks for the advice!

Habanero Smoker

Hi Deb;
Welcome to the forum.

Next time air dry without the foil tent.

How much smoke are you applying?



I smoked the turkey for 3 hours.  I also put it in a foil pan as opposed to directly on the rack.  Not sure if that would affect the moisture level or not.


3 hr of Apple is what I do but not in a pan. I will put a pan down a rack to catch the drippings.

My thoughts with the bird in a pan the smoke is only kissing the very top, if even that, as it passes by.

With the pan down a rack the smoke can kiss more of the bird.


I will definitely try that next time.  Thanks again for all the help....this forum is a great resource!


I personally smoke turkeys longer than 3 hours.  I find they are like a butt and can handle much more smoking time.  The boys have you straightened out on the other tips.