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Large loads in the OBS

Started by jimmyb, July 18, 2011, 09:58:51 AM

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I recently smoked two butts and two picnics all aprox 7.5 lbs. The only way I could fit them is two butts on the second rack down from the top and the two picnics on the very bottom rack. I had the probe for the PID just below the lower rack. It took many hours for it to get up to temp after adding the meat (6 hrs+) which is ok since I anticipated a long cooking time because of this. I have the dual element mod so I really expected it to recover quicker.

In the end, the picnics too around 14 hrs and the butts much longer (one 17 hrs and one 19). Again, this timing was expected. I FTC'd the ones earlir and they seemed to stay hot. When I went to pull the picnics they were not easy to pull. Lots of connective tissue that didn't break down and I had to chop it off. The butts melted like butter and easy to pull as usual. All were taken out with an IT of about 190.

So, my question is, why were the picnics very tough and the butts perfect? Is it because they were on the lower rack or is this expected of picnics? I usually only do butts.

Also, should I rotate the racks in this situation? I was afraid to rotate because of the long recovery time. It really struggled to get to 200 degrees as it was. Again, took many hours to just get there. I am a little confused because I took the cabinet temp from the bottom rack. I was also thinkng that it might be because the picnics were so close to the heat source. But that was the only way to fit it.

Sorry for the long post but I see that many of you experts do four butts at a time with no problem. Any suggestion/comments are appreciated.


I don't think the fact that they were on the lower rack should make a difference. It is the IT that would make the difference. By not rotating, one may get done sooner than the other.

Were they really at 190? Did you take the temp at different locations on the meat? Sometimes you may get a false reading because you hit a fat pocket.

I'd like some more info on the temp recovery time. I have 2 elements and have had two 8 lbs and a 14 lb brisket and still recover within a matter of 15 -20 tops.

I put very hot water in the pan, pre-heat to 230 and then put the meat that has been sitting at room temp for about 1/2 hr and have no problems. I lower the temp to 225 and open the door now and then (I'm a "peeker") and still recover within a short period of time. Are both elements working? (turn them on and see if they get red hot)
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


To be honest, I did not check the IT in multiple locations. The fact that both picnics were about the same IT gave me some confidence.
As far as recovery times, both elements were working but there is one other variable here. I was at a different location than my home and am questioning the power supply. SO the recovery time should not affect the final product. Just the cooking time.

Like I said, the butts were perfect. I never smoked a picnic so maybe this is what I should expect? Looks like I'll have to try, and try again. Sill tasty just very difficult to pull. Almost like the IT wasn't where it should be.


I was goin to say "were you useing an extention cord or is some thing else on the circuit?"

But you answered that.

Also the picnic will not get as tender as a butt but I have got some to come out pretty close.

Theres a couple different muscle groups in a picnic that just dont pull like a butt, more foe slicin.

Habanero Smoker

Picnics have less connective tissue then the butt end, but as stated I also find that the picnic do not pull as good as the butts, but there are a few members who mainly smoke/cook picnics to pull. How was the texture of the picnics?

Your recovery time does sound very slow for a dual element. Did you make sure the temperature control slider was all the way to the right?



I really wasn't pleased with the texture of the picnics. After attempting to pull them I proceeded to the butts. The butts are just like butter as they melt when you pull them. The picnics took me a good 20 min to try to pull where the butts literally fell apart and pulled themselves in about three minutes.

As far as recovery time, I suspect it was the lack of power at the vacation house I was renting. I actually tripped a breaker a couple of times.

Habanero Smoker

Was the picnics tender, or where they a little too "chewy". When I smoke/cook picnics I almost always slice them, on occasion will chop, but the meat is tender. Keep in mind I don't like my pork with a texture of being mushy or close to that texture.



The meat was tender and not really chewy. The issue was with trying to pull it. It just didn't want to pull. Like the connective tissue was still "connected". I guess picnics are not good for puling. I'll stick with the butts.