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another bacon question

Started by rigstar, October 10, 2011, 01:29:10 PM

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hello all,
happy thanksgiving to those in the north!!
i have been reading lots and done a few searches for answers but nothing i can find
for my question.
i am going to cure either using "maple cured bacon" or " maple canadian bacon" recipes from
the "susanminor" site. can't say enough about all people who donated recipes and to the
people/person who took the time to set that up!! THANK-YOU!!!
my question is:
i would like to inject the bacon with maple syrup(not the cure)or maybe a maple suger/water boiled and cooled to give it a heavy maple flavor,
has anyone done this?
would injecting this wreck the bacon, make it soggy, to much flavor, etc?
i am also looking for the right injector to buy, i seen in one post that he recommended
a "spray gun" that had opening along the needle vs just one at the end.
any thoughts on either question would be greatly appreciated
either your in, or your in the f***ing way

Habanero Smoker

I've never tried the Maple Canadian Bacon recipe, but keep in mind he is not using cure #1, he is using a commercial Maple Flavor cure mix sold by Butcher-Packer.

As far as injecting the maple syrup, I would do that after the bacon is fully cured. After injecting you would allow it to "rest" at least 24 to allow the syrup the more evenly distribute itself. Injecting you may find streaks in the meat, or it could blend in very well during the cooking process.

I purchased one of my injectors from Sausage Maker
Meat Pump

For $10 more you can purchase this.
Meat Injector
They use to sell them for $60.



right on thanks habanero,
the second injector looks like it would do some damage, in a good way though,
i don't think i need something that heavy duty right now, i am going to try to find
the first one, i like it comes with both needles, single hole and multiple holes

i see that in the recipe, that is why i am kinda leaning towards the other recipe
"maple cured bacon" , as that B-P product is from the states, not sure if
they would ship to canada,unless someone from canada can chime in and let me know where to find it up here or similiar product.

has anyone tried the maple cure off of the bradley site??

good advice about injecting and letting sit for awhile, i am hoping the heat will
liquidfy it enough to allow to "melt" throughout the bacon
hopefully someone out there has tried this technique, and will let me know,
as now i have mentioned i want to try this to the boss and the kids, and they are
want me start on it right away,lol
i will let you guys know how it turns out when i am done, as yes i will try to remember to take
pics for you guys
either your in, or your in the f***ing way

Habanero Smoker

I've never tried the Bradley cures, but several members have given them high marks.

Here is a guideline on how to use them:

Bradley Cures

Bradley Cure Recipes - PDF Download



right on
thanks for the links H/S
not sure if i am going to try them or not
if i do, i will report on sucess/failure
either your in, or your in the f***ing way