professional electric heat elements

Started by rlharbi, December 04, 2011, 10:57:16 AM

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Hi folks! New to forum but have been reading past posts for days. I am going to build an electric hot smoker and intend on using the Bradley smoke generator. Where can a guy find some professional heating elements to tie to the Auber temp controls? Thanks for any comments! Rob


here are  some heater  choices. i run a 900 watt with a blower. The blower helps maintain even box temps.

also here is a site to help with load calcs  all you  have to do is put in the dimensions of your smoker, how well insulated it is and it  will give you  the wattage of heat needed, also you can use multiple elements  to acquire the total needed

hope this helps


Beefman, Just wondering why you didn't use the 1500? Seems a better choice for quick revival rate. Also Do those need a fan to cool? I see they say good for confection heat.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


biggest reason is the 1500 watt element is 25 1/2 inch ( at least the one i saw ) which will not fit in a bradley on the back wall  nicely. also  when it  operating the temp coming off the element and across the bottom of the meat i felt  would be two great .. burning the meat.

if i was running a  larger smoker then the obs 4 rack, or a custom made one that has a larger volume  where i needed the  extra heat ... I  would run it in a heart beat. as for the larger elements yes they  do need a fair amount air  movement across them.. and yes there are good for  confection heat as well as forced.

a good reason to run a fan or blower is to help maintain even box tempts.

hope this  helps ... if you  have  more  questions i will do what i can to help


Ok thanks. Figured there was a reason. I know about the fan for even temps. But was wondering. Does this type element require it or not.
Not asking because of Bradley , more future projects.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


according  to the manufacture  on the  lower wattage units no, on the higher  wattage units  yes, However i have been  running a blower on  mine for 4 years  now and never had a problem, while others  have reported  that they  burnt theres up,  not  sure  of how many  hours it took, 


A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.