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Look at what you are missing out on.....

Started by Oldman, January 25, 2006, 08:31:11 AM

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<b><font color="blue">This is the log for tonight's chat.....sorry you all missed it.</font id="blue"></b>

<b>01/24/06 09:33:23 IKnowWood Logs in []
01/24/06 09:33:27 IKnowWood Logs Out
01/24/06 20:43:00 grillinfool Logs in []
01/24/06 21:04:02 JJC Logs in []
01/24/06 21:04:17 JJC: Hi GF
01/24/06 21:04:27 grillinfool: hey there jjc
01/24/06 21:04:42 JJC: just us chickens at the moment, eh?
01/24/06 21:04:50 grillinfool: looks like it
01/24/06 21:05:09 JJC: I'm chatting dfrom just outside Boston--how about you?
01/24/06 21:05:36 grillinfool: i am in fla b ut used to live just outside boston too
01/24/06 21:05:42 JJC: where?
01/24/06 21:06:00 grillinfool: acton, carlisle, concord
01/24/06 21:06:14 grillinfool: its where i grew up
01/24/06 21:06:20 JJC: know those towns well . . . how close do you live to Olds in FL?
01/24/06 21:06:37 whitetailfan Logs in []
01/24/06 21:06:38 grillinfool: i guess about 40 mins, about 20 miles
01/24/06 21:06:52 JJC: did you go to C-C or A-B High?
01/24/06 21:06:53 whitetailfan: hey there guys
01/24/06 21:06:59 JJC: Hey, WTF!
01/24/06 21:07:04 grillinfool: concord carlisle
01/24/06 21:07:12 grillinfool: Hi WTF
01/24/06 21:07:39 whitetailfan: whats happening in Mass?
01/24/06 21:07:41 JJC: a couple of my kids went to Newton North--used to play C-C occasionally in different sports
01/24/06 21:08:16 grillinfool: so what town are you in now?
01/24/06 21:08:30 JJC: Mass is dull, WTF . . . or maybe I'm too busy to realize that someone just dropped a bomb on Boston or something :)
01/24/06 21:08:46 JJC: GF, I still live in Newton--been here since 1980
01/24/06 21:09:08 JJC: where are you chatting from WTF? someplace cold, no doubt!
01/24/06 21:09:35 whitetailfan: Actually we have had very little or at least a mild winter. It was plus 15C today
01/24/06 21:10:01 whitetailfan: I hang my hat in Lethbridge Alberta, about one hour north of the border
01/24/06 21:10:25 JJC: Wow! 15C in Jan in Alberta . . . whodathunkit
01/24/06 21:10:59 whitetailfan: If you cross at Coutts, the other side is Sweetgrass MT, and if you go west into BC and down to Rooseville, thats the other 24hr crossing
01/24/06 21:11:01 grillinfool: thats still cold, i have the house open right now
01/24/06 21:11:24 grillinfool: near the rocky mtns?
01/24/06 21:11:32 whitetailfan: Ya I can still keep beer at drinking temp in teh garage
01/24/06 21:11:36 JJC: be back in 10 min . . .
01/24/06 21:11:43 grillinfool: k
01/24/06 21:11:54 whitetailfan: Yes, about 1 hour west of me is the rockies
01/24/06 21:12:15 grillinfool: i would like to visit that area someday
01/24/06 21:12:23 whitetailfan: I grew up in the foothills on a farm, so it was all of 20 min to get to the Crowsnest Pass into BC
01/24/06 21:12:54 whitetailfan: where you from GF
01/24/06 21:13:24 grillinfool: i am in florida
01/24/06 21:13:37 grillinfool: but originally from the boston area
01/24/06 21:13:39 whitetailfan: no wonder you have the house open...
01/24/06 21:14:02 grillinfool: i have to admit that winter here is pretty amazing
01/24/06 21:14:08 whitetailfan: thats a pretty place from the little I know of it, full of history etc, I would like to see that some day
01/24/06 21:14:17 grillinfool: or boring, depending how you look at it
01/24/06 21:14:30 whitetailfan: nothing compared to Boston Im guessing
01/24/06 21:15:08 grillinfool: from a cultural perspective florida is pretty sad comapred to boston
01/24/06 21:15:37 grillinfool: but i was lucky to enjoy alot of that area growing up so i am ok with boring now
01/24/06 21:15:50 whitetailfan: lol
01/24/06 21:16:11 grillinfool: not to mention my old house could be built in my living room here and you could still walk around fine
01/24/06 21:16:31 whitetailfan: thats a nice change
01/24/06 21:16:45 grillinfool: i moved here just before real estate went up in price
01/24/06 21:16:53 whitetailfan: nice timing
01/24/06 21:16:57 whitetailfan: what took you south
01/24/06 21:17:27 grillinfool: the weather and i was tired of people from new england
01/24/06 21:17:39 grillinfool: too much keeping up with the joneses
01/24/06 21:17:58 whitetailfan: lots of old money in Boston?
01/24/06 21:18:19 grillinfool: yep
01/24/06 21:19:10 whitetailfan: I think there is a lot of that going on now here in AB, especially in Calgary where all the oil money is
01/24/06 21:19:28 grillinfool: yeah? they making money up ther with oil now?
01/24/06 21:19:38 whitetailfan: in a big way
01/24/06 21:19:43 grillinfool: no kidding
01/24/06 21:19:58 grillinfool: i was looking at buying some stock in that
01/24/06 21:20:31 whitetailfan: with the energy spikes, all the oil company stock doubled in the last year, so all the old timers sitting on their employee savings plans got a rediculous boost
01/24/06 21:20:44 grillinfool: thats cool
01/24/06 21:21:30 grillinfool: i was at a seminar last week and i asked this anylist about it and he said that i shouldnt buy now, that all the money has been made
01/24/06 21:21:45 whitetailfan: I read a piece about the wealth in Cowtown, and one example was a porche with a vanity plate the read "THX CNQ" -
01/24/06 21:21:55 whitetailfan: I tend to agree to some extent as well
01/24/06 21:22:17 whitetailfan: The big profit has been made and we are due for a correction in the next 12 months
01/24/06 21:22:43 grillinfool: something about how you need natural gass ot get the oil and that natural gas isnt so cheap any more
01/24/06 21:23:02 whitetailfan: That does not mean energys are no good, they still have healthy dividends
01/24/06 21:23:24 whitetailfan: I dont know the science behind the oil sands, but the potential there is mind boggling
01/24/06 21:23:39 grillinfool: well, it is oil and i would think that much oil has to be a good thing
01/24/06 21:24:01 grillinfool: i would sure rather see you guys get rich instead of the middle east
01/24/06 21:24:41 whitetailfan: From what I remember, the oil sands have an X dollars per barrel cost to get them out, so once we are past that its profitable, at one point it was not, but now it sure is
01/24/06 21:25:02 whitetailfan: Yes, thanks, me too
01/24/06 21:25:16 whitetailfan: Wish I had taken somehing different in school now
01/24/06 21:25:34 owrstrich Logs in []
01/24/06 21:25:56 grillinfool: good evening owstrich
01/24/06 21:25:59 whitetailfan: We're getting $400 head in Alberta from the budget surplus due to how much the govt took in
01/24/06 21:26:05 owrstrich: hello...
01/24/06 21:26:12 whitetailfan: hey there owrstrich
01/24/06 21:26:59 grillinfool: i have a good friend in calgar and i was floored to hear she got a 1 year maternity leave
01/24/06 21:27:07 owrstrich: hi...
01/24/06 21:27:14 owrstrich: just got in...
01/24/06 21:27:31 whitetailfan: yes, they did that a few years back
01/24/06 21:27:42 whitetailfan: my wife qualified and our first was born in 2001
01/24/06 21:28:00 grillinfool: its got to be great if your on the receiving end of it
01/24/06 21:28:48 whitetailfan: ya, her employer topped up her earnings for 6 weeks, and then we can receive a parental employment insurance for up to a year
01/24/06 21:29:16 whitetailfan: bummer is she never went back to work, and so we got diddly squat for the second kid
01/24/06 21:29:54 grillinfool: my friend went back, they let her go after 4 or 5 weeks back, she was bummed
01/24/06 21:30:20 grillinfool: se had been there 13 years but when she got back her whole dept had changed
01/24/06 21:30:43 grillinfool: new boss didnt like her and fired her for poor performance or something
01/24/06 21:30:48 whitetailfan: there goes the problems with going away - crap always changes around you
01/24/06 21:31:14 grillinfool: need to go for 5 mins, brb
01/24/06 21:31:23 whitetailfan: would have been better off to know and then be looking for a job
01/24/06 21:31:47 whitetailfan: where you camping out these days owrstrich?
01/24/06 21:33:07 whitetailfan: gotta run, wife came home with the kids. Catch you all later.
01/24/06 21:33:43 owrstrich: im in anaheim...
01/24/06 21:33:46 whitetailfan Logs Out
01/24/06 21:33:50 owrstrich: bye...
01/24/06 21:34:05 nodak Logs in []
01/24/06 21:34:17 owrstrich: nd...
01/24/06 21:34:32 nodak: hello
01/24/06 21:34:37 whitetailfan Logs in []
01/24/06 21:35:11 whitetailfan: now Im lost, how the hell do I get out of here...cant find the logout button
01/24/06 21:35:29 JJC: Hi guys--I'm back, but need to run out again . . .
01/24/06 21:35:34 nodak: door icon far right
01/24/06 21:35:37 JJC: Owrstrich--how are you?
01/24/06 21:35:48 JJC: and Nodak--nice to have at the chat . . .
01/24/06 21:35:53 owrstrich: doing good...
01/24/06 21:35:59 whitetailfan Logs Out
01/24/06 21:36:01 grillinfool: back, hi nodak
01/24/06 21:36:09 nodak: hi
01/24/06 21:36:32 JJC: just got a call from someone in my lab that her daughter has appendicitis--gotta call a surgeon friend to do the surgery!
01/24/06 21:36:35 owrstrich: been busy... had to stay an hour late at todays job...
01/24/06 21:37:31 owrstrich: ok... appendicitis... i got a barlow...
01/24/06 21:37:44 nodak: Will be in and out, waiting for a phone call and my son jsut came home and is yelling to show me something. That wud be priority one.
01/24/06 21:38:21 owrstrich: i got my dwyer digi temp switch today... gonna open it right now...
01/24/06 21:38:40 grillinfool: i tested frozen pulled pork today, 3 months old was great
01/24/06 21:39:24 JJC: lucked out--got the surgeon on his cell--he's already at the hospital anyway and will do the surgery--woohoo!
01/24/06 21:39:30 owrstrich: that frozen pp stays good for a long time... especially with a vacuum sealer...
01/24/06 21:39:34 JJC: what's a barlow???
01/24/06 21:39:50 owrstrich: its an old time pocket knife...
01/24/06 21:40:13 owrstrich: have you tried vaulted vinegar on pp...
01/24/06 21:40:17 JJC: kinda like using a ball point pen for a tracheotomy . . .
01/24/06 21:40:24 JJC: what's vaulted vinegar?
01/24/06 21:40:26 grillinfool: yeah i think you told me how to freeze it owstritch, with balsalmic vinegar
01/24/06 21:41:45 JJC: vaulted vinegar = balsamic vinegar?
01/24/06 21:41:55 owrstrich: the way i do it is take a bottle of balsamic vinegar and put lotts of crushed red pepper in it...
01/24/06 21:42:33 grillinfool: i didnt do any red peppers but about 1/4 cup per roast
01/24/06 21:42:45 owrstrich: let it set out for a few days... when butt comes out shread it... no ftc...
01/24/06 21:43:14 JJC: sounds great
01/24/06 21:43:24 grillinfool: i will say the smoke was prety strong in todays frozen pp
01/24/06 21:43:44 owrstrich: then stir in 1 cup per butt... seal it up and freeze after it cools down...
01/24/06 21:44:05 grillinfool: i gave some to a new girl at work and she was burping smoke all afternoon
01/24/06 21:44:28 JJC: now THAT sounds delightful . . .
01/24/06 21:44:33 grillinfool: lol
01/24/06 21:44:48 owrstrich: he he he...
01/24/06 21:46:00 grillinfool: i also did a top round rare, sliced it and froze it for sandwiches
01/24/06 21:46:04 JJC: I've got some of Kummock's salmon in the freezer--gonna try it in about a week
01/24/06 21:46:17 owrstrich: the vinegar does someting to the hot pork... will be juicy and tender on reheat...
01/24/06 21:46:35 grillinfool: i want to do some salmon but i cant cold smoke i dont think
01/24/06 21:46:43 owrstrich: what temp did you pull the top round...
01/24/06 21:46:58 grillinfool: 130-135 ish
01/24/06 21:47:03 JJC: Kummock's is warm-smoked . . .
01/24/06 21:47:35 grillinfool: my next new item is going to be that buckbord bacon
01/24/06 21:47:55 grillinfool: if i ever get around to ordering the cure
01/24/06 21:47:59 owrstrich: im doing an eye of the round this weekend... 1st time... was gonna pull it at 130... its about the same as top round i guess...
01/24/06 21:48:27 grillinfool: i only smoked one hour i think, cant remember
01/24/06 21:48:34 JJC: my next new project will be jerky
01/24/06 21:49:23 owrstrich: i would like to do fish but im the only one that would eat it...
01/24/06 21:49:26 grillinfool: i think jerkey would be fun
01/24/06 21:49:52 JJC: jerky should be good for my diet, too!
01/24/06 21:50:15 owrstrich: diet...
01/24/06 21:50:38 grillinfool: i would think after a bunch of jerky i would be tired of it, how long can i t keep?
01/24/06 21:51:12 JJC: need to lose 20# before my wife and I go to Cabo in March . . . so I can gain it back again in a week :D
01/24/06 21:51:29 owrstrich: i have about half of a gallon bag of jerk i made in october... never been refered... still good...
01/24/06 21:51:44 grillinfool: you use any cure?
01/24/06 21:51:46 JJC: I think jerky last forever if vacuum-packed . . . that's my plan, anyway
01/24/06 21:52:06 owrstrich: dang... i got a bottle of cabo wabo right here...
01/24/06 21:52:13 grillinfool: as in nitrites etc?
01/24/06 21:52:28 JJC: now THAT'S good tequila, my friend!
01/24/06 21:52:39 owrstrich: i have some in iowa that has been refered for more than a year... still good...
01/24/06 21:52:41 grillinfool: did you see sammy haggar on barrets auto action this past weekend?
01/24/06 21:52:42 JJC: I don't think jerky needs a cure
01/24/06 21:53:15 grillinfool: he gave away a case of cabo in his car he sold
01/24/06 21:53:50 JJC: nice touch . . .
01/24/06 21:53:56 owrstrich: nope... i dont have speed here...
01/24/06 21:54:25 owrstrich: in my another night another concert days i got to meet sammy...
01/24/06 21:54:56 owrstrich: i saw sammy with ronny montrose in san fancisco this summer...
01/24/06 21:54:58 grillinfool: is he as hyped as he seems?
01/24/06 21:55:14 grillinfool: wow did they play?
01/24/06 21:55:43 JJC: I've on ly met 2 performers--both by pure luck, not design . . .
01/24/06 21:56:00 owrstrich: everyone was there to see sammy and montrose back together again... was an awesome night...
01/24/06 21:56:07 JJC: Jerry Garcia in 1970 and Sleepy LaBeef in 1980-something . . .
01/24/06 21:56:22 owrstrich: sammy dis his set with the waborittas...
01/24/06 21:56:36 grillinfool: i used to have a montrose tape in my car, back in oh 1980 ish
01/24/06 21:56:41 owrstrich: then montrose came out and they did a complete set...
01/24/06 21:57:18 owrstrich: i was truely killer... i even called my buddies in indy because none of us had ever seen montrose...
01/24/06 21:57:50 owrstrich: i have a friend who is top local guy for clear channel in midwest...
01/24/06 21:58:06 owrstrich: that made it easy...
01/24/06 21:58:39 owrstrich: what was sammys car and bj...
01/24/06 21:58:45 grillinfool: i went to a concert last year, first one in a long time
01/24/06 21:59:20 JJC: went to see the Stones at the Razor two years ago
01/24/06 21:59:25 grillinfool: he sold a red mustang gt500
01/24/06 21:59:40 arcs_n_sparks Logs in []
01/24/06 21:59:48 owrstrich: dang... gt5000... 6 figures...
01/24/06 22:00:01 grillinfool: i think it went for 250
01/24/06 22:00:11 JJC: loved the music, but I was in one of those boxes above the stage level and the atmosphere wasn't there
01/24/06 22:00:14 owrstrich: dang...
01/24/06 22:00:22 JJC: Hi, Arcs!
01/24/06 22:00:29 grillinfool: with the gituar, the booze, and back stage passes to any of his concerts
01/24/06 22:00:34 arcs_n_sparks: arcin' & sparkin'
01/24/06 22:00:38 grillinfool: hi there Arcs
01/24/06 22:01:11 arcs_n_sparks: sorry I'm late; just got home from work
01/24/06 22:01:17 owrstrich: i passed on the stones this year... they plays angels stadium right across the street from my hotel in november... tix were going fot $400 to $5000... couldnt see it...
01/24/06 22:01:42 JJC: Yeah . . . mine were free from one of the soccer players
01/24/06 22:01:52 grillinfool: aerosmith just played here last weekend
01/24/06 22:02:01 JJC: GREAT Boston band!
01/24/06 22:02:06 arcs_n_sparks: Going to see Coldplay next week
01/24/06 22:02:08 grillinfool: they are getting old too
01/24/06 22:02:37 grillinfool: i saw aerosmith in 1976 at the highschool
01/24/06 22:02:49 grillinfool: school dance
01/24/06 22:03:06 grillinfool: i guess that means i am getting old too huh
01/24/06 22:03:09 owrstrich: coldplay... they are here in anaheim next week... its a hot ticket on ebay...
01/24/06 22:03:19 JJC: Man, ol' C-C High must have been rockin' that night!
01/24/06 22:04:00 owrstrich: was it areosmith and lenny kravitz...
01/24/06 22:04:03 JJC: not as old as me . . . Archie Bell and the Drells played at my high school dance one year. . .
01/24/06 22:04:12 arcs_n_sparks: took a corned beef and smoked it last weekend to make pastrami. Not too bad; learned a few things.
01/24/06 22:04:32 JJC: . .. and Junior Walker and the All-Stars played at my senior Homecoming!
01/24/06 22:04:40 nodak: I'm back, I'm feeling young here.
01/24/06 22:04:42 arcs_n_sparks: Saw Bob Seger play high schools around Detroit when I was a teen ager
01/24/06 22:05:16 JJC: we're all gettin' old(er)
01/24/06 22:05:26 grillinfool: yeah no kidding
01/24/06 22:05:38 arcs_n_sparks: Ah, the flow of time.....
01/24/06 22:05:47 owrstrich: segar... there you go... he was through indy every 6 months there for a while... that band rocked...
01/24/06 22:05:52 grillinfool: how about that pastrami, what did you learn?
01/24/06 22:06:47 owrstrich: i really dig good deli quality pastrami...
01/24/06 22:06:47 arcs_n_sparks: Should have trimmed off more fat before smoking it. Also, this hunk of meat was almost two pieces, and they should have been separated for better smoke penetration.
01/24/06 22:07:11 grillinfool: what did you rub it with?
01/24/06 22:07:43 arcs_n_sparks: Didn't want to experiment too much, so I started with a corned beef instead of trying to cure a brisket.
01/24/06 22:08:24 arcs_n_sparks: I took the spice packet that came with it (used to boil it in) and ground that up in a food processor and used that as a rub.
01/24/06 22:09:20 grillinfool: did you boil the meat at all or just smoke?
01/24/06 22:09:22 owrstrich: so you smoked a packaged corned beef...
01/24/06 22:09:37 arcs_n_sparks: Yes. Did not boil it. Just smoked a packaged corned beef.
01/24/06 22:09:42 JJC Logs Out
01/24/06 22:09:48 grillinfool: scale of 1-10 how was it?
01/24/06 22:10:54 arcs_n_sparks: I'd say 5-6-7. As a first attempt, not too bad, but needs improvement. Smoked about 3.5 hours, should have gone longer. Took it to about 165 degree internal. About 205 in the box.
01/24/06 22:11:27 nodak: was the rub good?
01/24/06 22:11:28 grillinfool: i ask because i alomst did that exact same thing two weeks ago
01/24/06 22:11:35 arcs_n_sparks: My wife thought it was pretty good, so that was a second opinion (and she doesn't aways agree with me)
01/24/06 22:11:41 grillinfool: but then i boiled it and ate it
01/24/06 22:11:48 nodak: whose does
01/24/06 22:11:50 arcs_n_sparks: So you boiled it after smoking?
01/24/06 22:11:51 owrstrich: what cut is corned beef... i think they look like small brisket flats...
01/24/06 22:12:05 grillinfool: it is a brisket
01/24/06 22:12:21 grillinfool: no i bought a corned beef and boiled it only
01/24/06 22:12:34 nodak: Tightly trimmed or just flats?
01/24/06 22:12:41 grillinfool: i love hot corned beef, grew up in an irish family
01/24/06 22:12:55 owrstrich: those corned beefs are always on sale for cheep...
01/24/06 22:13:11 grillinfool: yup and kinda salty but good
01/24/06 22:13:20 arcs_n_sparks: Nodak: the prepacked corned beef looks like a part of the flat.
01/24/06 22:13:36 arcs_n_sparks: Yes, my wife thought it was salty.
01/24/06 22:13:57 arcs_n_sparks: I probably should have soaked it in water for awhile before throwing it in the BS
01/24/06 22:14:47 arcs_n_sparks: Boiling it takes a lot of the salt out.
01/24/06 22:15:16 arcs_n_sparks: be right back, have to float this window....
01/24/06 22:15:18 arcs_n_sparks Logs Out
01/24/06 22:15:20 grillinfool: they sell corned beef in the bbq places here and its pretty good
01/24/06 22:15:22 owrstrich: i may do one next week... think saok in water... 4hrs of smoke... and take to ???... maybe regular brisket temp... 180 to 190...
01/24/06 22:15:24 arcs_n_sparks Logs in []
01/24/06 22:16:23 grillinfool: the corned beef in the bbq places here seems to be just that with out being pastrami
01/24/06 22:17:06 grillinfool: its super salty and smokey and i like it, but every one else thinks its gorss
01/24/06 22:17:09 grillinfool: gross
01/24/06 22:17:25 grillinfool: thats why i havent made one
01/24/06 22:18:11 arcs_n_sparks: Well, I think I'll soak it next time then smoke. Give another report in a few weeks.
01/24/06 22:18:23 grillinfool: sounds good arcs
01/24/06 22:18:32 owrstrich: never know unless you try...
01/24/06 22:18:49 Thunder_Fish Logs in []
01/24/06 22:18:51 arcs_n_sparks: Got it at Costco, so the price was pretty good.
01/24/06 22:19:03 grillinfool: i am trying to get my dad to help me make a controller
01/24/06 22:19:04 Thunder_Fish: hey folks
01/24/06 22:19:07 grillinfool: hi ther
01/24/06 22:19:11 arcs_n_sparks: What kind of controller?
01/24/06 22:19:17 arcs_n_sparks: High Thunder...
01/24/06 22:19:26 Thunder_Fish: hello
01/24/06 22:19:29 grillinfool: i guess like the ones in the norbert thread
01/24/06 22:19:39 Thunder_Fish Logs Out
01/24/06 22:19:51 grillinfool: dads a retired electrical engineer
01/24/06 22:20:01 nodak: PID
01/24/06 22:20:05 arcs_n_sparks: I an E.E. that would like to retire.
01/24/06 22:20:09 grillinfool: says he would love to do it, but i need to give him direction
01/24/06 22:20:17 Thunder_Fish Logs in []
01/24/06 22:20:24 arcs_n_sparks: Thunder: power surges?
01/24/06 22:20:28 Thunder_Fish: sorry about that
01/24/06 22:20:39 Thunder_Fish: brain I think lol
01/24/06 22:20:52 owrstrich: hollo fish...
01/24/06 22:20:52 arcs_n_sparks: Happened to JJC once: we agreed on power surges vs. operator error
01/24/06 22:21:00 Thunder_Fish: lol
01/24/06 22:21:19 grillinfool: i would like to have a controller that works through my blackberry but that might be asking too much
01/24/06 22:21:25 Thunder_Fish: we are building eletrical today?
01/24/06 22:21:59 arcs_n_sparks: grillinfool: I wrote to the ET-73 folks asking for the protocol on the wireless. Could not get it.
01/24/06 22:22:00 jaeger Logs in []
01/24/06 22:22:02 owrstrich: your blackberry working maybe asking too much very soon...
01/24/06 22:22:38 Thunder_Fish: wow blackbeery ? for controling the smoker?
01/24/06 22:22:50 arcs_n_sparks: Ain't arcin' and sparkin' for nothin'
01/24/06 22:23:00 Thunder_Fish: N I C E
01/24/06 22:23:04 grillinfool: you know actually i did some researchand it is very possible
01/24/06 22:23:23 grillinfool: there are web based controllers that would work fine
01/24/06 22:23:31 arcs_n_sparks: Was thinking of using a palm pilot as and I/O device. They are getting pretty cheap.
01/24/06 22:24:05 arcs_n_sparks: GF: you think people would buy into a web-based device?
01/24/06 22:24:25 grillinfool: i figured i could set up a page with a web cam and all teh controller screens
01/24/06 22:24:48 grillinfool: if they didnt have wives they would
01/24/06 22:25:03 grillinfool: if i spent money on that it would be all i get in the divorce
01/24/06 22:25:13 arcs_n_sparks: GF: :o
01/24/06 22:25:30 grillinfool: but if i "build" it with dad it seems like that should be ok
01/24/06 22:26:04 arcs_n_sparks: working on a PID that would use the ET-73 probes. About 80% there.
01/24/06 22:26:39 grillinfool: is the et73 the simple one?
01/24/06 22:27:17 arcs_n_sparks: Et-73 has two probes; one for the box, one for the meat. Simple monitor, no control
01/24/06 22:27:21 owrstrich: i think the maverick probes are better then the polder... i have had 3 polder probes fail...
01/24/06 22:27:35 grillinfool: mine just says redi check
01/24/06 22:27:43 grillinfool: no maverick nothin
01/24/06 22:27:51 grillinfool: 2 probes though
01/24/06 22:29:06 owrstrich: my maverick say redi check tooo... redi check mod et-73...
01/24/06 22:29:18 arcs_n_sparks: Ditto on the Redi Check
01/24/06 22:29:32 nodak: same
01/24/06 22:30:12 grillinfool: trying to find the web based stuff i thought i bookmarked, www.omega.com is one i have
01/24/06 22:31:07 arcs_n_sparks: Well, cost will be an issue. Getting a sensor on the web takes some doing.
01/24/06 22:31:10 grillinfool: but i dont see the web ones so maybe not that one
01/24/06 22:31:16 nodak: My ET73 is on the way I had just the one probe one, or should I say my wife did. She'll get it back and I'll hear about the smoke smell.
01/24/06 22:31:32 owrstrich: i spent the $50 on the love controll... just got it today... gonna use it as line voltage on/off and figure out the temp swings... thats as fancy as im getting with it...
01/24/06 22:32:30 nodak: Me too for now. can't be worse than my guru
01/24/06 22:33:30 owrstrich: i think you guru was messed up...
01/24/06 22:34:22 nodak: Me too!!! but they assured me they were all tested and my other 3 thermometers were off.
01/24/06 22:34:36 IKnowWood Logs in []
01/24/06 22:34:42 nodak: So it went back
01/24/06 22:34:47 arcs_n_sparks: Just for interest, over what temp range would people use their controller?
01/24/06 22:34:58 arcs_n_sparks: IKW: welcome
01/24/06 22:35:18 IKnowWood: evening all
01/24/06 22:35:39 Thunder_Fish: welcome IKW
01/24/06 22:35:42 nodak: +-2 or 3 depending on what I was doing
01/24/06 22:35:52 nodak: hi IKW
01/24/06 22:36:05 grillinfool: hi there ikw
01/24/06 22:36:14 arcs_n_sparks: I meant something like: 150 to 275 degrees. Overall box temp range
01/24/06 22:36:14 IKnowWood: Hey nodak, Thunderfish and all
01/24/06 22:36:30 IKnowWood: You all talking about the TS
01/24/06 22:36:32 Muskwa Logs in []
01/24/06 22:36:46 grillinfool: i would use 180-250 but might like to be able to do cold too
01/24/06 22:36:47 arcs_n_sparks: Holy cow, critical mass
01/24/06 22:36:49 owrstrich: i dont do any cold smoking and everyting i smoke it at 200 deg low and slow... except for rib roasts... then it hot and fast...
01/24/06 22:37:04 nodak: for butts ect. maybe 4 depending on the swings and length.
01/24/06 22:37:09 Thunder_Fish: get ready for some in depth electrical no how Muskwa
01/24/06 22:37:26 grillinfool: i ultimately just use 205-220 now
01/24/06 22:37:50 nodak: sworry you meant temp 120-220
01/24/06 22:37:52 grillinfool: and meat temp from 130 - 200 i guess
01/24/06 22:37:57 IKnowWood: I have been using 100 to 150 for those things I just want to "Tease" eith smoke.
01/24/06 22:37:58 Muskwa: Sounds good
01/24/06 22:38:08 Thunder_Fish: it IS
01/24/06 22:38:50 Thunder_Fish: missed out on the first part .............darn
01/24/06 22:39:02 IKnowWood: Teasing to me is smoke gneerator only. No cabinet heat element. I actually do enjoy a good amount of stuff like that. Nuts for sure.
01/24/06 22:39:16 owrstrich: there seems to be lotts of canadicans around here...
01/24/06 22:39:17 arcs_n_sparks: Box would probably get to 100 with just the bisket burner running.
01/24/06 22:39:29 arcs_n_sparks: Must be the western time zone
01/24/06 22:39:35 Thunder_Fish: CDN's
01/24/06 22:39:36 Raye_Minor Logs in []
01/24/06 22:39:43 arcs_n_sparks: more critical mass......
01/24/06 22:39:51 Raye_Minor: greetings ladies
01/24/06 22:39:55 arcs_n_sparks: Ouch!
01/24/06 22:39:56 Muskwa: It's too cold outside to be smokin'
01/24/06 22:39:59 IKnowWood: you can get over 100 to 150 with just the smoke generator. If ambients are ober 50
01/24/06 22:40:03 owrstrich: at 70 deg... i can maintain 150 deg with just the puck burner...
01/24/06 22:40:27 IKnowWood: I can maintain 150 with no wind in the garage at 50
01/24/06 22:40:36 grillinfool: Hi there Raye
01/24/06 22:40:46 Raye_Minor: :D
01/24/06 22:41:05 arcs_n_sparks: This must be a chat record....
01/24/06 22:41:06 owrstrich: 70 deg ambient = 150 deg box w/o heat element...
01/24/06 22:41:14 grillinfool: this is the server test
01/24/06 22:41:25 IKnowWood: Hey Raye, I been waiting for you to propose to take up the general Forum.
01/24/06 22:41:39 arcs_n_sparks: You must not have seen his email today
01/24/06 22:41:43 IKnowWood: Chat record, good proposing it.
01/24/06 22:41:45 Muskwa: How big of a fluctuation do you guys see with the wind. When I used to use my old charcoal smoker it wasn't too bad
01/24/06 22:41:51 nodak: Good thing it's Raye's not bradleys
01/24/06 22:41:59 Thunder_Fish: lol
01/24/06 22:42:05 owrstrich: wind is your enemy...
01/24/06 22:42:09 Raye_Minor: I got an E-mail from John today and Bradley will be fixin' the boards
01/24/06 22:42:21 Muskwa: when????????????????
01/24/06 22:42:31 Raye_Minor: hell who knows...
01/24/06 22:42:52 IKnowWood: Wind.... Uck. With my old Propane smoker it is horid. I had that think pegged to maintain 200 degrees, and melted some aluminum at that.
01/24/06 22:42:57 nodak: I thought they wud post something when I received such a quick reply today
01/24/06 22:42:58 Raye_Minor: if in a week it is not fixed I will personally call Wade
01/24/06 22:43:03 owrstrich: i saw a insulated blanket made for small electric smokers... it was to guard agains heat loss form wind...
01/24/06 22:43:04 boxertrio Logs in []
01/24/06 22:43:04 Raye_Minor queries IP of boxertrio
01/24/06 22:43:05 Thunder_Fish: I'm close to them
01/24/06 22:43:17 arcs_n_sparks: more critical mass.....
01/24/06 22:43:23 IKnowWood: Man, this is a chat record.
01/24/06 22:43:26 Thunder_Fish: good thing
01/24/06 22:43:36 arcs_n_sparks: box: hows the motorcycle running?
01/24/06 22:43:42 Raye_Minor: glad to see folks using this chat
01/24/06 22:43:43 IKnowWood: The problem I now had with wind is it not only pulls heat, but also smoke!
01/24/06 22:43:51 boxertrio: Great had'r out today
01/24/06 22:44:01 IKnowWood: That's why I am thinking of sticking in the Garage.
01/24/06 22:44:23 IKnowWood: Its pouring down rain and gusting over 20 MPH now over hear on East Coast
01/24/06 22:44:38 boxertrio: sunny and 50 in MO
01/24/06 22:44:39 arcs_n_sparks: Yeah, should have had mine out today too, but had to take the daughter to school
01/24/06 22:45:04 Thunder_Fish: first break in the rain on the wet coast here
01/24/06 22:45:06 Raye_Minor: I pick up packaged in cryrovac one who strip steak and one who sirlion... both black angus beef yesterday... going to age them about 30 days
01/24/06 22:45:19 grillinfool: sorry to deflate the critical mass but i need to run guys
01/24/06 22:45:23 boxertrio: Me and the wife rode down to MT Home ARK
01/24/06 22:45:28 Raye_Minor: *hole strip*,,,,,
01/24/06 22:45:34 Raye_Minor: hehehe
01/24/06 22:45:35 Thunder_Fish: ah next time more tech pls
01/24/06 22:45:41 grillinfool: great chatting tonight, have fun all
01/24/06 22:45:41 arcs_n_sparks: need taste testers?
01/24/06 22:45:46 arcs_n_sparks: bye GF
01/24/06 22:45:52 IKnowWood: later Grillingfool
01/24/06 22:45:58 Raye_Minor: cya fool
01/24/06 22:45:59 boxertrio: see ya man
01/24/06 22:46:00 Thunder_Fish: thanks GF
01/24/06 22:46:18 owrstrich: bye fool...
01/24/06 22:46:19 arcs_n_sparks: What is it running a pound for those quantities?
01/24/06 22:46:24 grillinfool Logs Out
01/24/06 22:46:36 Raye_Minor: the sirloin was 4.99
01/24/06 22:46:42 IKnowWood: Raye, where you get them cryovac from?
01/24/06 22:46:45 Raye_Minor: dont remember the strip
01/24/06 22:47:01 Raye_Minor: a meat store... butcher if you will
01/24/06 22:47:18 IKnowWood: Last time I tried a butcher he sold me a picnic for a Butt.
01/24/06 22:47:22 Muskwa: Anybody ever just buy a whole cow direct from a farmer?
01/24/06 22:47:24 arcs_n_sparks: Ouch!
01/24/06 22:47:45 nodak: I can help you there
01/24/06 22:47:45 Thunder_Fish: yes vealers
01/24/06 22:47:53 Raye_Minor: yes I did years ago but there is only two of now so I don't purchase whole beef anylonger
01/24/06 22:47:58 boxertrio: We buy a half beef every year and a whole hog
01/24/06 22:48:02 arcs_n_sparks: My brother bought into a few cows in Michigan. When the time comes, a butcher will take care of everything.
01/24/06 22:48:04 IKnowWood: when I was a kid with my extended family we would get half a steer once a year and have a big family picnic.
01/24/06 22:48:26 Raye_Minor: nice
01/24/06 22:48:38 nodak: we do one or two a year with the inlaws
01/24/06 22:48:55 nodak: cut it up ourselves
01/24/06 22:48:57 IKnowWood: Now its just me the wife and the little ABT
01/24/06 22:49:01 owrstrich: http://www.cabelas.com/information/CampingFoodPrep/LuhrJensenElectricSmokersandAccessories0005854/LuhrJensenSmokerInsulationBlanket0005854516219a.html
01/24/06 22:49:27 arcs_n_sparks: Ah, the NASA blanket
01/24/06 22:49:32 IKnowWood: My parentas are 2,500 miles away and Dad is not in good health.
01/24/06 22:49:42 Muskwa: A friend of mine sold their dairy operation and got into beef just this year. I just got my hands on one for a buck a lb and (30 cents to have a butcher cut and wrap it)
01/24/06 22:50:22 nodak: Was that on the hoof
01/24/06 22:50:25 IKnowWood: The NASA blanket is actually much thinner and made of a blended alloy fiber compound that is very delicate.
01/24/06 22:50:41 Thunder_Fish: I was able to get veal for that 1.30 a lb 10 years ago
01/24/06 22:50:45 arcs_n_sparks: Don't forget the gold!
01/24/06 22:51:03 Muskwa: I cut up my own deer, but leave the steers to the pros.
01/24/06 22:51:05 IKnowWood: That's in the alloy
01/24/06 22:51:33 arcs_n_sparks: We use it pure; forget the alloying stuff....
01/24/06 22:52:03 owrstrich: http://www.luhrjensen.com/product_images/full/9999.jpg
01/24/06 22:52:09 Thunder_Fish: good old foil wrap insulation any one?
01/24/06 22:52:22 nodak: Muskwa That buck must have been live weight or you got a deal
01/24/06 22:52:53 boxertrio: I use an old fire coat when its windy
01/24/06 22:53:05 arcs_n_sparks: On the motorcycle or the smoker?
01/24/06 22:53:17 IKnowWood: I once tried a fan going the other direction and just confused the smoke
01/24/06 22:53:22 owrstrich: *)
01/24/06 22:53:25 boxertrio: leather and a heated vest on the cycle!
01/24/06 22:53:26 Thunder_Fish: I'm using the hot tub gazzbeo
01/24/06 22:53:34 nodak: any one ever try one of those cheap emergency blankets???
01/24/06 22:53:42 Muskwa: That was hanging prebutchered weight. Family discount. The steer dressed out at 725 lbs and I ended up with about 510 after the cutting and wrapping.
01/24/06 22:53:55 IKnowWood: Only for a gag picture
01/24/06 22:53:57 Raye_Minor: you could make a good insulation wrap using what they put behind siding of a house... it would work real good and you can pick it up in a place like home depot
01/24/06 22:54:02 IKnowWood: tore that think two ways from Sunday
01/24/06 22:54:21 boxertrio: tyvek?
01/24/06 22:54:34 Raye_Minor: it is what I use to insulation my above worm farm
01/24/06 22:54:43 Raye_Minor: *above ground*
01/24/06 22:54:50 Thunder_Fish: double layer foil 1' insulation
01/24/06 22:55:00 Thunder_Fish: 1" I ment
01/24/06 22:55:03 IKnowWood: that's like that black fiber material stuff
01/24/06 22:55:12 Thunder_Fish: nope foil back
01/24/06 22:55:23 IKnowWood: Oh, Ok I get it
01/24/06 22:55:37 Thunder_Fish: keeps the itche's were they belong
01/24/06 22:55:52 Thunder_Fish: use foil tape also
01/24/06 22:55:54 IKnowWood: Like center core was compressed fiberglass insulation
01/24/06 22:56:02 Thunder_Fish: ?
01/24/06 22:56:19 Muskwa: I made a plywood shell for the smoker to keep the wind out. Just left the top open
01/24/06 22:56:36 Thunder_Fish: This the the material they use to wrap duct work with
01/24/06 22:56:54 IKnowWood: Heat tape?
01/24/06 22:56:55 owrstrich: yes... looks like metalized duct wrap...
01/24/06 22:57:09 Thunder_Fish: yes but 1" thick
01/24/06 22:57:11 boxertrio: someone had the idea of a plastic duck blind....I'm keeping my eyes open
01/24/06 22:57:17 Raye_Minor: I guess I should feel bad for you all as today it hit 82F at my house
01/24/06 22:57:29 Thunder_Fish: Ice fishing tent?
01/24/06 22:57:36 Muskwa: turn the heat down raye!
01/24/06 22:58:04 Raye_Minor: test
01/24/06 22:58:11 Thunder_Fish: Raye I'll have to send a pic on my Super smoke cooler for you
01/24/06 22:58:12 arcs_n_sparks: Keyboard is hot now
01/24/06 22:58:19 Raye_Minor: test
01/24/06 22:58:23 boxertrio: It was plastic...about 6 feet at the center...said he could fit the smoker and a chair in it
01/24/06 22:58:25 arcs_n_sparks: guess it's cool now
01/24/06 22:58:41 Thunder_Fish: lol
01/24/06 22:58:51 IKnowWood: yeah!
01/24/06 22:59:07 arcs_n_sparks: Not only do you not know if you are a dog on the internet, you don't know the temperature either
01/24/06 22:59:26 Raye_Minor: Thunder Fish where is the option for the beep when you type a message?
01/24/06 22:59:32 Thunder_Fish: woof woof
01/24/06 22:59:41 Thunder_Fish: ?
01/24/06 22:59:49 IKnowWood: What beep?
01/24/06 22:59:50 boxertrio: *meow*
01/24/06 22:59:59 arcs_n_sparks: this *beep*
01/24/06 22:59:59 owrstrich: *beep* *evil*
01/24/06 23:00:05 Thunder_Fish: beep ? ? ? ?
01/24/06 23:00:07 Raye_Minor: when you were type before everytime you post a message it would beep
01/24/06 23:00:14 boxertrio: *slap* *whip*
01/24/06 23:00:18 Raye_Minor: now it is not
01/24/06 23:00:22 arcs_n_sparks: wake up! *slap*
01/24/06 23:00:33 IKnowWood: I just hear d whip, I had my sound off. that's wild!!
01/24/06 23:00:36 Thunder_Fish: fluke I guess
01/24/06 23:00:54 arcs_n_sparks: Ah, creative minds at work.... lol
01/24/06 23:00:58 Raye_Minor: ya and the color of your text is now black
01/24/06 23:01:04 IKnowWood: Dude, first there were smiles, not
01/24/06 23:01:10 IKnowWood: now "soundes"
01/24/06 23:01:13 Thunder_Fish: I might have hit the music note? ?
01/24/06 23:01:15 Muskwa: Way to go guys, you woke up my dog!
01/24/06 23:01:22 Thunder_Fish: HA HA
01/24/06 23:01:28 boxertrio: *meow* *meow* *meow* *meow*
01/24/06 23:01:54 boxertrio: mine looking around the house too
01/24/06 23:01:59 Muskwa: that's just mean
01/24/06 23:02:01 Thunder_Fish: *whip*
01/24/06 23:02:10 nodak: *evil*
01/24/06 23:02:13 IKnowWood: to much! *harp*
01/24/06 23:02:16 Raye_Minor: *beep*
01/24/06 23:02:30 Raye_Minor: *beep* *bird* *bleep* *choochoo* *evil* *harp* *meow* *slap* *welcome* *whip*
01/24/06 23:02:37 IKnowWood: *slap*
01/24/06 23:02:38 boxertrio: *whip* who's your daddy *whip*
01/24/06 23:02:50 IKnowWood: Raye, tyhat sounded liek an Evil Thomas the tank engine song.
01/24/06 23:03:00 Raye_Minor: I really need to get in this chat room and do some mod work on it
01/24/06 23:03:01 Muskwa: *evil*
01/24/06 23:03:13 IKnowWood: *choochoo*
01/24/06 23:03:21 Raye_Minor: IknowWood you just send to me a pm?
01/24/06 23:03:29 arcs_n_sparks: Next thing you know, there will be MP3 ring tones
01/24/06 23:03:41 Thunder_Fish: You folks must try the stuffed chicken with peppers with ham with cheese U N R E A L thanks
01/24/06 23:03:51 Raye_Minor: we can add mp3 if I remember correctly
01/24/06 23:04:05 nodak: good night it's getting late and all the wierdos my mother warned me about are coming out.
01/24/06 23:04:12 IKnowWood: Oh no. "Daddy le the big one" is going to be everywhewre
01/24/06 23:04:21 arcs_n_sparks: nodak: bye
01/24/06 23:04:24 Raye_Minor: ok cya nodak~~!
01/24/06 23:04:25 Muskwa: TF, just might try that this weekend
01/24/06 23:04:30 Thunder_Fish: HA HA nite
01/24/06 23:04:35 boxertrio: did some at work yesterday...rolled them in bread crumbs and rub....yummy
01/24/06 23:04:40 owrstrich: fish... i do those kinds checken things... awesome...
01/24/06 23:04:46 Thunder_Fish: it is really really G R E A T
01/24/06 23:04:56 nodak Logs Out
01/24/06 23:04:58 owrstrich: bye... nd...
01/24/06 23:05:20 Thunder_Fish: bread crumbs and bacon?
01/24/06 23:05:27 Raye_Minor: I'm on TS listening to a group of gamers cry about getting spanked in a game... too too funny
01/24/06 23:05:35 IKnowWood &gt; Raye_Minor: test message. PM
01/24/06 23:05:44 Thunder_Fish: love Team Speak lol
01/24/06 23:05:45 Raye_Minor &gt; IKnowWood: test back to you
01/24/06 23:05:56 IKnowWood &gt; Raye_Minor: Wow, side bars. Neat feature
01/24/06 23:06:03 Raye_Minor: I have a full time Ventrilo server up
01/24/06 23:06:05 IKnowWood queries IP of Raye_Minor
01/24/06 23:06:15 Muskwa: Raye, I didn't know you could multi-task
01/24/06 23:06:27 Raye_Minor: only when drinking orange soad
01/24/06 23:06:30 arcs_n_sparks: Raye: figured we needed a web-based temp controller so you can game and smoke on the same screen
01/24/06 23:06:33 Thunder_Fish: used TS for talking with Bro's back east...........now on Yahoo
01/24/06 23:07:05 boxertrio: we link our X-Boxes throu the city's Intranet to other firestations and beat the hell outa each other
01/24/06 23:07:12 Raye_Minor: hahahaha
01/24/06 23:07:30 Thunder_Fish: ans has a good plan here just caught the last part
01/24/06 23:07:54 Raye_Minor: TS 1 was bad but TS 2 is pretty good if on a good server
01/24/06 23:08:21 Thunder_Fish: it was ..........I had a dedecated channel
01/24/06 23:08:31 IKnowWood: I never heard of Team Speak, is it basically an online gamers invention?
01/24/06 23:08:44 Thunder_Fish: Raye.
01/24/06 23:08:53 Raye_Minor: It is a way to talk using head sets and a mic
01/24/06 23:09:02 IKnowWood: over internet?
01/24/06 23:09:02 Raye_Minor: ya generally gamers use it
01/24/06 23:09:08 Raye_Minor: yes over the internet
01/24/06 23:09:12 boxertrio: it allows you to talk sh@t to the other gamers
01/24/06 23:09:17 IKnowWood: hmm..
01/24/06 23:09:26 Thunder_Fish: and were to go lol
01/24/06 23:09:50 IKnowWood: Can it be secured for private communications?
01/24/06 23:09:55 Thunder_Fish: yes
01/24/06 23:10:02 Thunder_Fish: sort of
01/24/06 23:10:07 IKnowWood: ALA First responders?
01/24/06 23:10:16 Thunder_Fish: ?
01/24/06 23:10:28 Raye_Minor: If you all want I can post how to connect to my Ventrilo server and it has a chat like this plus you all can talk (voice) to each other or chat here and talk there
01/24/06 23:10:57 Thunder_Fish: is there voice on this? .....
01/24/06 23:10:59 arcs_n_sparks: Then they could tell I was a dog
01/24/06 23:11:04 Raye_Minor: not here
01/24/06 23:11:08 IKnowWood: I have a Ventrilo server network diagram at my office I need to look over a bit more.
01/24/06 23:11:13 Raye_Minor: lol sparks
01/24/06 23:11:26 Thunder_Fish: I just lost TS
01/24/06 23:11:49 owrstrich: im in olds... i can listen... no mic...
01/24/06 23:11:50 Thunder_Fish: no longer aneed
01/24/06 23:12:14 Raye_Minor: I run an older Ventrilo as the new ones are limited to 8 clients only.... mine will handle up to 200 clients and run as many copies as I have ports.....
01/24/06 23:12:28 Thunder_Fish: Nice
01/24/06 23:12:41 Raye_Minor: well a 10 dollar mic will work
01/24/06 23:12:58 Thunder_Fish: it might be taken up by folks that want it but do not use it
01/24/06 23:12:59 IKnowWood: built in PC or PDA mic&gt;?
01/24/06 23:13:04 owrstrich: ooo... i have mic in my work trailer...
01/24/06 23:14:12 IKnowWood: my security cam at work has a great pickup mic on it.
01/24/06 23:14:34 owrstrich: im interested... most likely wont be a positive contributor... just curious...
01/24/06 23:14:59 Thunder_Fish: man the tech support that was going out here earlier tonight was very very GOOD only got the last part
01/24/06 23:15:10 IKnowWood: I saw the posts on the new bradley's. Are they real you think?
01/24/06 23:15:16 Raye_Minor: you will hook your mic up to your sound card most of the time... my mic is direct to the card, but the sound is hooked to my speakers.... you can do it many ways
01/24/06 23:15:40 Thunder_Fish: I can go down there and look 30 minutes away...........
01/24/06 23:15:47 Muskwa: so who's smoking what for their Superbowl parties?
01/24/06 23:16:00 Raye_Minor: what new Bradley? the gas fired one?
01/24/06 23:16:10 IKnowWood: yeah
01/24/06 23:16:17 Thunder_Fish: The stuffed chicken can not be beat
01/24/06 23:16:31 boxertrio: ABT's, Whole Hog
01/24/06 23:16:32 IKnowWood: the portable thing that I have a hard time thinking it holds any heat
01/24/06 23:16:34 Raye_Minor: I heard the prototype blew up in front of Wade a few months back LOL
01/24/06 23:16:51 Thunder_Fish: propane?
01/24/06 23:16:55 Raye_Minor: ya
01/24/06 23:16:57 IKnowWood: Not good.
01/24/06 23:16:57 arcs_n_sparks: Got to watch those combustible gases.....
01/24/06 23:17:05 Muskwa: I'm gonna do up some jerky ahead of time and then do a turkey on SUnday
01/24/06 23:17:16 IKnowWood: What the the propane do? It still says no fire inducted
01/24/06 23:17:23 arcs_n_sparks: Going to redo my corned beef to pastrami experiment
01/24/06 23:17:28 Thunder_Fish: Propane is only left to profesionals like Hank Hill
01/24/06 23:17:48 Thunder_Fish: Damn scary stuff
01/24/06 23:17:52 Raye_Minor: that unit was heated and the puck burned do to it... maybe they made a change.
01/24/06 23:18:13 Raye_Minor: where is the unit's information???
01/24/06 23:18:37 Thunder_Fish: a small link on the forums
01/24/06 23:18:40 IKnowWood: there was a post online in the forum from some new guy "Ty" about a gun show
01/24/06 23:18:44 IKnowWood: in Vegas
01/24/06 23:18:53 Raye_Minor: k brb
01/24/06 23:18:58 Muskwa: I agree with T_F, leave the propane to Hank
01/24/06 23:19:06 jaeger: i just finished a batch of jerky a few minutes ago.........marinated with teriyaki the tumbler...
01/24/06 23:19:15 Thunder_Fish: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
01/24/06 23:19:18 arcs_n_sparks: Revo?
01/24/06 23:19:22 IKnowWood: I use propane for grilling, Heating in the RV and Fridge in the RV.
01/24/06 23:19:24 jaeger: yes
01/24/06 23:19:49 arcs_n_sparks: thinking of buying one
01/24/06 23:19:53 jaeger: moist for jerky even after an extra hour+ in smoker
01/24/06 23:20:23 jaeger: arcs- they are nice, I don't know if I will use it for jerky again though
01/24/06 23:20:45 IKnowWood: What is the benefit of the tumbler, the vacum or the paddles in the container
01/24/06 23:20:48 arcs_n_sparks: I was thinking of using it for my flank steaks
01/24/06 23:20:57 jaeger: both, mainly the vacuum
01/24/06 23:21:14 jaeger: you would be amazed at the capability
01/24/06 23:21:23 Thunder_Fish: vacume works good?
01/24/06 23:21:28 IKnowWood: I been wondering, I got a good vacum sealer with large containers.
01/24/06 23:21:33 jaeger: especially if you also injected
01/24/06 23:21:43 boxertrio Logs Out
01/24/06 23:21:50 IKnowWood: I was thinking of just trying that.
01/24/06 23:22:06 boxertrio Logs in []
01/24/06 23:22:06 Raye_Minor queries IP of boxertrio
01/24/06 23:22:08 jaeger: vacuum sealer would be good , tumbler will marinade even better
01/24/06 23:22:12 Thunder_Fish: what size ya folks talking about?
01/24/06 23:22:13 arcs_n_sparks: ah, another power surge
01/24/06 23:22:19 jaeger: 5#
01/24/06 23:22:21 jaeger: small
01/24/06 23:22:25 jaeger: 200 bucks
01/24/06 23:22:32 Thunder_Fish: Liters or quarts?
01/24/06 23:22:56 jaeger: about a gallon is suppose
01/24/06 23:22:56 IKnowWood: I have a large 1 gallon container
01/24/06 23:23:15 Thunder_Fish: vacume and tumbler?
01/24/06 23:23:24 jaeger: yes
01/24/06 23:23:26 IKnowWood: just vac for me
01/24/06 23:23:40 Thunder_Fish: IKW what size vac?
01/24/06 23:23:48 Muskwa: I need to call it a night...going in to work early tomorrow. Hope to see you all next week!
01/24/06 23:24:02 jaeger: bye Muskwa
01/24/06 23:24:02 IKnowWood: The Vac containers I have vary from 1 gt to 1 gallon
01/24/06 23:24:02 arcs_n_sparks: Muskwa: bye
01/24/06 23:24:06 Raye_Minor: back
01/24/06 23:24:12 IKnowWood: but its a simple vac system
01/24/06 23:24:12 Thunder_Fish: NIce see then I hope Muskwa
01/24/06 23:24:20 IKnowWood: used mostly for bags
01/24/06 23:24:27 Muskwa Logs Out
01/24/06 23:24:44 Raye_Minor: interesting... guess Wade is ticked off at me for all of the noise I have made concerning the generator and the forms
01/24/06 23:24:45 Thunder_Fish: food saver?
01/24/06 23:24:55 arcs_n_sparks: e-mail?
01/24/06 23:24:56 boxertrio Logs Out
01/24/06 23:24:59 Thunder_Fish: oops RM
01/24/06 23:25:11 boxertrio Logs in []
01/24/06 23:25:11 Raye_Minor queries IP of boxertrio
01/24/06 23:25:16 IKnowWood: another power fault.
01/24/06 23:25:16 arcs_n_sparks: another power surge
01/24/06 23:25:29 IKnowWood: Yes Food Saver
01/24/06 23:25:30 arcs_n_sparks: box: getting hard to cover for you
01/24/06 23:25:31 owrstrich: wade needs to get his issues worked out... olds has done nothing but promote the product by telling the truth... freaking wade...
01/24/06 23:26:05 IKnowWood: Raye, yhou talking about the new products or general pissed off?
01/24/06 23:26:05 boxertrio: keep x ing out instead of - ing out
01/24/06 23:26:11 Thunder_Fish: I can not find any thing larger than a quart up here in CDN
01/24/06 23:26:16 Raye_Minor: I was part of a private group that tested new woods for Wade and we all were to get one of those gas smokers as a thanks... guess mine got lost in the mail
01/24/06 23:26:44 owrstrich: o...
01/24/06 23:26:46 Raye_Minor: wood why is your text changing colors
01/24/06 23:26:53 Thunder_Fish: I'm 30 minutes away want me to talk to him LOL
01/24/06 23:27:01 Raye_Minor: you doing a type of pm?
01/24/06 23:27:14 Raye_Minor: naw no worries Fish
01/24/06 23:27:19 IKnowWood: ??? I don't know. I not doing it on purpose
01/24/06 23:27:22 Thunder_Fish: lol
01/24/06 23:27:38 owrstrich: wood is magic...
01/24/06 23:27:39 arcs_n_sparks: RM: you are the only one with colored text on my screen
01/24/06 23:27:43 Raye_Minor: do you see the color change
01/24/06 23:27:47 Thunder_Fish: mine also
01/24/06 23:27:59 jaeger: no color change here.........
01/24/06 23:28:00 boxertrio: What about me
01/24/06 23:28:02 Raye_Minor: ummm
01/24/06 23:28:09 owrstrich: freaky...
01/24/06 23:28:10 Thunder_Fish: bt yep
01/24/06 23:28:17 IKnowWood: Box just changed colors
01/24/06 23:28:20 arcs_n_sparks: Of course RM has special powers. Everyone on the chat list is alphabetical except him!
01/24/06 23:28:33 Raye_Minor: hehehe
01/24/06 23:28:42 boxertrio: yeah freaky
01/24/06 23:28:46 arcs_n_sparks: And bigger font!
01/24/06 23:28:46 Thunder_Fish: how about now
01/24/06 23:28:49 jaeger: He's bold text to
01/24/06 23:29:03 IKnowWood: Bold?
01/24/06 23:29:12 Raye_Minor: use the color box on the left bottom to change the text color if you like
01/24/06 23:29:27 arcs_n_sparks: I'm starting to get vertigo with all the colored text on the screen :o
01/24/06 23:29:39 Thunder_Fish: salmon smoked orange
01/24/06 23:29:39 Raye_Minor: suffer baby suffer
01/24/06 23:29:44 Raye_Minor: haaha
01/24/06 23:29:53 IKnowWood: :?
01/24/06 23:30:11 IKnowWood: I was not trying to change color thu
01/24/06 23:30:25 arcs_n_sparks: IKW: nice puke green
01/24/06 23:30:29 Thunder_Fish: green with envy LOL
01/24/06 23:30:37 Raye_Minor: well when it change it also beeped when you entered the message
01/24/06 23:30:56 Thunder_Fish: OH NO what have I done now
01/24/06 23:31:04 Raye_Minor: you broke it
01/24/06 23:31:10 Thunder_Fish: ha ha
01/24/06 23:31:11 IKnowWood: :o
01/24/06 23:31:12 owrstrich: 1st sound... now color...
01/24/06 23:31:31 arcs_n_sparks: Next thing you know, monitors with smells.
01/24/06 23:31:35 Thunder_Fish: jpegs than mpegs we are domed
01/24/06 23:31:46 IKnowWood: OK, this is wierd. if I TRY to change the color I get stuck changing the color and cannot type. then I send a smiley then I can type.
01/24/06 23:31:58 arcs_n_sparks: sounds like cockpit error
01/24/06 23:32:08 IKnowWood: Smellervision
01/24/06 23:32:10 Thunder_Fish: bf
01/24/06 23:32:16 IKnowWood: or smeller-posting
01/24/06 23:32:31 jaeger: what kind of wood you smokin............. :o
01/24/06 23:32:35 Thunder_Fish: smeller vision on a food smokin chat mmmmmmmm
01/24/06 23:32:37 IKnowWood: Apple!
01/24/06 23:32:43 boxertrio: I don't no what my dogs ate....but you dont want smell the result!
01/24/06 23:32:45 Thunder_Fish: P E C A N
01/24/06 23:33:05 IKnowWood: Itd be newspaper if it were my Lab
01/24/06 23:33:26 Thunder_Fish: black ,brown or golden?
01/24/06 23:33:36 jaeger: black here...........
01/24/06 23:33:48 IKnowWood: Black and Brown. One of each. One Dumb as a rock other smart as ever
01/24/06 23:34:01 boxertrio: boxers...2 fawn...1 brindle
01/24/06 23:34:03 arcs_n_sparks: pullin' the plug men. Got to finish burning down some VHS tapes to DVDs and put in a little more time on my PID code.
01/24/06 23:34:09 Thunder_Fish: nice just had to our 13 yr old sugar nosed Lab down last fall tough
01/24/06 23:34:22 jaeger: later arcs!
01/24/06 23:34:22 IKnowWood: 'nite arcs
01/24/06 23:34:24 boxertrio: see ya arcs
01/24/06 23:34:25 Raye_Minor: cya
01/24/06 23:34:27 arcs_n_sparks: bye.
01/24/06 23:34:29 arcs_n_sparks Logs Out
01/24/06 23:34:33 Thunder_Fish: thanks arc
01/24/06 23:34:36 Raye_Minor Logs Out
01/24/06 23:34:38 Raye_Minor Logs in []
01/24/06 23:34:46 Raye_Minor: opps wrong button
01/24/06 23:34:54 Thunder_Fish: ya sure LOL
01/24/06 23:34:58 IKnowWood: "power surge"
01/24/06 23:35:06 Thunder_Fish: sureeeeeeeeeeeg
01/24/06 23:35:27 jaeger: Thunder- I had to do the same thing with my chocolate 1 year ago...........
01/24/06 23:35:44 Raye_Minor: I can see I got to find some time to get into the back half of this chatroom and add some more options
01/24/06 23:35:51 boxertrio: I'm out too, riding up to Chicago in the marrow....need pizza!!!
01/24/06 23:35:52 IKnowWood: My chocolate is 10 now. He is really starting to feel it now.
01/24/06 23:35:54 Thunder_Fish: what true heart clowns they are
01/24/06 23:36:11 jaeger: Later Box!
01/24/06 23:36:21 owrstrich: chicago...
01/24/06 23:36:29 IKnowWood: 'nite Box!
01/24/06 23:36:32 Raye_Minor: cya
01/24/06 23:36:40 Raye_Minor: come again
01/24/06 23:36:41 boxertrio: nice ride...staight and fast!
01/24/06 23:36:46 Raye_Minor: next time say longer LOL
01/24/06 23:36:48 Thunder_Fish: Run
01/24/06 23:37:04 boxertrio Logs Out
01/24/06 23:37:11 jaeger: I rescued a black from the pound ........he's great!!!!
01/24/06 23:37:17 Raye_Minor: nice
01/24/06 23:37:39 Thunder_Fish: Jger are broens as goofy as they seem ....no pun intended
01/24/06 23:38:00 jaeger: She was awesome............
01/24/06 23:38:17 owrstrich: http://www.giordanos.com/cover.jpg
01/24/06 23:38:32 jaeger: she would hunt all day, her nose would be bleeding after!
01/24/06 23:38:42 Raye_Minor: dang
01/24/06 23:38:52 Thunder_Fish: Can not go through that again no kids 1 good wife and the boy dog yiles
01/24/06 23:39:19 Thunder_Fish: yepper good hunter he was
01/24/06 23:39:35 Raye_Minor: tell me about it... Skyway will die here at home but never again will I have another handicaped dog.....
01/24/06 23:39:37 jaeger: amazing , there sense of smell........
01/24/06 23:39:49 jaeger: you don't realize until you hunt.......
01/24/06 23:39:51 Thunder_Fish: wait for the live chat the stoeies will fly than lol
01/24/06 23:40:03 jaeger: true!
01/24/06 23:40:24 IKnowWood: I got a female black lab. Would swim in the ocean all day and puke all night if we let here. She got hurt 2 weeks ago. neck damage. Its heart breaking
01/24/06 23:40:40 Raye_Minor: damn
01/24/06 23:40:50 Raye_Minor: so sorry to hear this
01/24/06 23:41:01 Thunder_Fish: neck damage?
01/24/06 23:41:14 jaeger: how is she doing, comin g along?
01/24/06 23:41:37 IKnowWood: Dr is not sure as are we what happened, maybe fell off deck or big dumb male jumped on her neck playing
01/24/06 23:42:00 Thunder_Fish: maybe stick in her yap and twisted?
01/24/06 23:42:25 Raye_Minor: it is funny how our pets become family ....
01/24/06 23:42:33 jaeger: how old is she?
01/24/06 23:42:34 IKnowWood: might have compressed nerve and muscle. She had major issues laying down and getgin up and turning to the left
01/24/06 23:42:47 IKnowWood: 9 yrs old and hips are certified bad
01/24/06 23:43:15 IKnowWood: she pops and knocks in her joints worse than I.
01/24/06 23:43:35 Raye_Minor: you know you can get a wheel chair to help your dog walk...
01/24/06 23:43:48 IKnowWood: yeah. She's not that bad.
01/24/06 23:44:11 Raye_Minor: you give her anything for it?
01/24/06 23:44:25 IKnowWood: In bad weather changes all of us in the house feel it bad other than the 5 yr old brat
01/24/06 23:44:41 Raye_Minor: brb
01/24/06 23:44:42 Thunder_Fish: I used to walk/swim my Lab on the dikes out here...guy on a bike is giving me poo for having my dog in the water in Feb......said I will kill it in 10 minutes....I told him the should of died 10 minutes ago swimming for 20 minutes
01/24/06 23:44:57 IKnowWood: She takes 2 Glycoflex (with condritin) and 2 doses of Vet Asprin
01/24/06 23:45:06 jaeger: Labs are tough, maybe she will recover from the neck injury
01/24/06 23:45:27 Thunder_Fish: I do think so
01/24/06 23:45:36 Thunder_Fish: tough mutts
01/24/06 23:45:37 IKnowWood: Dr says she will have issues, a lot less then now till she is done.
01/24/06 23:46:59 Raye_Minor: have you tried Rimadyl 100mg .....it works wonders for dog with bad hips
01/24/06 23:47:22 IKnowWood: She is tough, its hard seeing her hurt. the big Chocolate dope. hes been thru three surgerys. 2 for invasive tumors on his shoulder and another for major knee repar. He's been thru pain
01/24/06 23:47:37 jaeger: The first year I hunted with my current dog he fell into a deep ditch with my bro-in-laws dog right behind and on top, it took a minute but they both hopped out. I thought he broke his neck for sure, the way he went in.............
01/24/06 23:47:45 Thunder_Fish: Ours ended up having minor stokes/seizurers(sp) did not know if he was out side or in nere the end....Glucosumine 1000mg aday
01/24/06 23:48:03 IKnowWood: the Rimadyl is the next step the Vet and I have talked about. If she gets post weather change issues we will step up.
01/24/06 23:48:34 Raye_Minor: by the 3rd day you will see a major improvement
01/24/06 23:48:45 Raye_Minor: it is not cheap
01/24/06 23:48:59 Thunder_Fish: what is Rimadyl or do have to Google it
01/24/06 23:49:36 IKnowWood: Thanks Raye. We paid $6K at least on the Chocolate for surgery. the Black female has not been anywhere near that type of issue. If it helps her remove pain for a while, its OK.
01/24/06 23:50:57 Thunder_Fish: Pet insurance? $9.00 a month if they are reg. dogs till they drop... not trying to sell anything
01/24/06 23:51:46 jaeger: cover rabie , distemper shots?
01/24/06 23:51:48 IKnowWood: We thought of that for the female when we heard she would have hip issues a week after we got her as a pup. We decided not to get it
01/24/06 23:52:28 IKnowWood: The male was a and is a picture of great breading. And he is the one eho costed us the most
01/24/06 23:53:00 Thunder_Fish: you do the mantanice they do the rest we were spending average $300 anual ....money well invested though
01/24/06 23:53:32 IKnowWood: The male's father was a regular 10 years ago in many hunting adds in magazines. Large English chocolate Lab in a boat on the Lake. Head as big as the motor.
01/24/06 23:53:41 Raye_Minor: sorry I was away from keyboard.... I'm having to play host on the BADS server as all other BADS have left.....but I will stay here and chat and then go launch the game as needed
01/24/06 23:54:31 Thunder_Fish: thanks for the time and chat RM putors go as putors needed LOL
01/24/06 23:54:59 IKnowWood: I am done for the night as well. Nite all.
01/24/06 23:55:07 owrstrich: bye wood...
01/24/06 23:55:18 Raye_Minor: ok cya all and take care
01/24/06 23:55:26 Thunder_Fish: Nice too touch base with a few folk's take care all nice chat
01/24/06 23:55:32 jaeger: later wood
01/24/06 23:55:33 IKnowWood: *evil*
01/24/06 23:55:40 IKnowWood Logs Out
01/24/06 23:55:42 Thunder_Fish: *whip*
01/24/06 23:55:46 Thunder_Fish Logs Out
01/24/06 23:56:30 owrstrich: dang... lots of folks here tonight...
01/24/06 23:56:44 Raye_Minor: well it looks like just us chickens now
01/24/06 23:56:46 jaeger: yeah there were...
01/24/06 23:56:58 jaeger: *bird*
01/24/06 23:57:16 Raye_Minor: I got to turn down my head set LOL
01/24/06 23:57:45 owrstrich: hopefully we will get some regulars... i know jaeger... box... wood... ans... are usually here...
01/24/06 23:57:54 owrstrich: olds you are a freak...
01/24/06 23:58:04 jaeger: The teriyaki jerky I did needs some tweaking.............
01/24/06 23:58:36 owrstrich: it turned out good though...
01/24/06 23:58:48 owrstrich: did you do several types at once...
01/24/06 23:58:51 jaeger: yeah, strong slightly
01/24/06 23:58:57 jaeger: just one type
01/24/06 23:59:18 owrstrich: did you use kikomen...
01/24/06 23:59:29 jaeger: I was going to use your recipe, but I was after teriyaki and I wanted to tumble.........
01/24/06 23:59:40 Raye_Minor: I'm glad that folks are using this chat... I was not sure at first
01/24/06 23:59:53 jaeger: i used master piece honey teriyaki
01/25/06 00:00:16 jaeger: I think it will get used more also........
01/25/06 00:00:34 owrstrich: thanks olds... jaeger and i talked about it and i posted the thread for a regular tuesday night chat...
01/25/06 00:00:53 jaeger: a lot of times some one having problems would benefit from a live chat........
01/25/06 00:00:54 owrstrich: we will have to work at it... we should get a bunch of regualrs...
01/25/06 00:01:00 Raye_Minor: I saw it
01/25/06 00:01:37 Raye_Minor: thanks for taking the lead on this guys
01/25/06 00:01:47 owrstrich: i only use kinkomen...
01/25/06 00:02:02 jaeger: for marinade?
01/25/06 00:02:05 owrstrich: i have had terrible results with other brands...
01/25/06 00:02:26 Raye_Minor: I use Vodka myself
01/25/06 00:02:33 owrstrich: kikoman... yes... marinade... you know the brand...
01/25/06 00:02:52 jaeger: yes , haven't tried it though,
01/25/06 00:03:38 owrstrich: i got some tequilla but no vodka...
01/25/06 00:03:51 jaeger: I will keep experimenting.....I want to add the cure color though.........hmmmmmm............
01/25/06 00:04:10 jaeger: no cure, no color................
01/25/06 00:04:18 Raye_Minor Disconnects
01/25/06 00:04:25 jaeger: looks like a hamburger............
01/25/06 00:04:33 jaeger: brown.......
01/25/06 00:05:00 owrstrich: http://www.kikkoman-usa.com/_pages/consumer/products/images/tyaki_marinades_sauce.jpg
01/25/06 00:05:05 owrstrich: this stuff...
01/25/06 00:05:49 jaeger: is it pretty strong..
01/25/06 00:06:10 owrstrich: not really...
01/25/06 00:06:14 Raye_Minor Logs in []
01/25/06 00:06:16 owrstrich: i dont think so...
01/25/06 00:06:49 owrstrich: i have tried the other brands... no good... i have even tried the lite... the lite is terrible...
01/25/06 00:06:57 Raye_Minor: sorry I have a confict with this chat, the voice chat and over seeing the game.... if I drop again I will see ya next week
01/25/06 00:07:07 jaeger: K
01/25/06 00:07:17 Raye_Minor: brb I hope
01/25/06 00:07:23 owrstrich: ok...
01/25/06 00:07:29 jaeger: I will try it ......
01/25/06 00:07:40 owrstrich: i learned allot about saucees...
01/25/06 00:08:10 owrstrich: i would get the cheap stuff or the off brand stuff or what they had at big lots...
01/25/06 00:08:11 jaeger: If I don't get what I'm after I can always use it on chicken and beef tumbled/grill etc....
01/25/06 00:08:45 owrstrich: now i stick with that kikkomen for terraki and soy...
01/25/06 00:09:01 owrstrich: its all trial and error and retry...
01/25/06 00:09:13 jaeger: I picked up some thai hot sauce, that stuff would freak you out.............
01/25/06 00:09:24 owrstrich: are you looking for sweet...
01/25/06 00:09:29 Raye_Minor: ok I have record the game on... turn it off I hope that fixes the conflict
01/25/06 00:09:52 jaeger: I don't know what I will do with that stuff.........
01/25/06 00:09:56 owrstrich: yes... thai... ooooo... gotta be careful...
01/25/06 00:10:02 owrstrich: is it red...
01/25/06 00:10:09 jaeger: brownish
01/25/06 00:10:12 Raye_Minor: so what do you all do for a living if I may ask
01/25/06 00:10:17 jaeger: like A1
01/25/06 00:10:23 jaeger: from he77
01/25/06 00:10:25 owrstrich: oooo... the brownish is the hottest...
01/25/06 00:11:01 jaeger: I will use it on something..............
01/25/06 00:11:06 Raye_Minor: A1 on a good sub roll with brisket is great
01/25/06 00:11:31 owrstrich: i think it the meat and oil from those crazy whole peppers you get in some thai dishes...
01/25/06 00:11:37 owrstrich: i like a1 bold...
01/25/06 00:12:33 Raye_Minor: Hey Owrstrich
01/25/06 00:12:42 owrstrich

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