More meat

Started by viper125, March 06, 2012, 11:07:33 AM

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Well Ham is about ready to start smoking but I'm getting bored. So I'm making a small batch 3 lb batch of Wisconsin Brats. Their a lot like the Johnsonville brats. And a batch of My family's  mild Italian sausage. Well took for ever to get this recipe from my Aunt. Imagine my suprise when I compared it to 4 or 5 other good recipes for Italian mild the are so close I couldn't believe it. But my aunt and her full blooded Italian husband  has been making it for a while now. My Uncle Brought it from the old country I was told. He was a old style Itailian, didn't like the new ways. LOL Bought can't figure why there isn't more difference then there is. Oh well I know it's good so thats all that matters. And I like the thought it was passed down.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Pics? :D

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Is the Wisconsin brats a recipe or mix?  My DIL love the Johnsonville brand....and when they come out I sure would love to make her some,  Thanks!


Well believe it's the lem poli recipe or real close.. Here it is. I just got done mixing the spices for it and Italian mild. Will mix with meat and check in the morning or two. Got to go try get some Pork casings tomorrow. I guess I messed up with the Italian but when I ground all thew spices I also ground the parsley and red pepper seeds. Would have rather added that just before stuffing for looks. Probably too much if I add later. but here is the brat recipe.
Wisconsin type Bratwurst- A johnsonville type clone...or a close as we can get.

2-lbs             Pork butt
3/4 lb.           Pork fat
3Tbs.+1 1/2 tsp.  Corn syrup
2 1/2 tsp.        Salt
1 1/2 tsp.        White Sugar
1 tsp.            MSG (accent) or if allergic leave out.
1 tsp.            Phosphate
1/4 tsp.          Mustard Seed
1/2 tsp.          White Pepper
1/4 tsp.          Marjoram
1/8 tsp.          Citric Acid
1/8 tsp.          Ginger
1/4 cup           Ice water

1.  Grind pork and fat separately thru 1/4 inch plate
2.  Grind spices,salt and sugar into a fine powder
3.  Stuff into casings and make 5 inch links
4.  Brats can be refridgerated for up to 3 days
5.  If longer then 3 days freeze.
6.  Suggested preperation is to simmer sliced onions and brats in beer. Don't boil them!
7. Brown in pan or on the grill!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Thanks!  I know it will be 100% better than the stores!  I might even become her favorite MIL! lol


Well hope you like it. I don't like mixes much! I usually only use them to get a idea of what Flavor I want. I prefer to get a recipe worked out and I can tweak it to my taste. With all the company's closing these days, you get use to a mix then there gone and your MIA! Those that buy from the sausage maker are only getting The late Rytek Kutas, author of "Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing" recipes. So I have that and Lem Polies recipes. So always glad to look one up there also.
Well not much to see in mixing. I did use my spice grinder and powder these two. Just experimenting a little. I ground the red pepper and parsley also. But I will test a little and see tomorrow if I can add more just to look good.

This is the Italian all mixed and ready to close it up in the fridge. Don't look like 2 lb. Hope i didn't mess up. Didnt have red wine so used red wine vinegar instead. I've seen them substituted before.

Then I got the Brats mixed and started grinding fat last.Then I'll work it in easy as not to break up the fat so much. I will put lids on and re fridge now.

sorry for the pics. I had to send my new droid x out for repair and am using the old droid. Was to tired by the time I went to do this didn't feel like dragging out the good camera.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Well got it out and started stuffing. Found some pork casings at my butcher shop. I had a few blow outs but all in all went ok. First things first thought.

This first pic is probably the most important on of yesterday after all that processing. Ye p cleaning up the tools to make sure they stay clean and sanitary.

First thing this morning  I fried a little to test it. Well didn't get pics of that but I did get picks of the pattys I paid for a snack and to let the wife taste. this is mostly what is left in the stuffer. Lightly browned and Delicious!

Then of coarse the links. I did this quickly as we were running out late. So the sizes aren't all the same as i like. This is 9 lbs worth. Total

the lighter are the Wisconsin Brats!

These darker ones are the mild Italian

Well all done and in the refrigerator. Probably try some links tomorrow. The sausage was a mild, the wife says it's a little hot but not bad. She loves the Italian taste. Now the Brats are a different story. She says their to sweet for her taste and she don't like the texture. Well Me I love them both! Its as close as you'll get to Johnsville Brats but even better. I like the Italian also. But to me not hot enough!
  The texture I'm not sure about. I tried to see the differences in the two patties. Seems like the Brats were in bigger pieces even though they were ground the same. I'm thinking the frying pan heat caused clumps of meat to stick together causing it. Not sure. Will try the links to see if it's the same. I did use a Medium grind of 1/4 inch in both these. Maybe 1/8 inch for Brats next time and less sugar too.
She just said not to mess with the Italian she likes it the way it is. :-\ :)

As all ways open to suggestions,tips and comments. These are keepers!

A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


This is my Aunts Italian Mild Sauage. Her husband taught her.
He was from the old country and brought this with him. Says
his family have done it forever. So with her permmision I would like to share. It's a keeper!

3 pounds well-marbled pork butt, cut into 1" inch pieces then grind
1 tablespoon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon freshly cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground anise
2 tablespoons freshly chopped Italian parsley leaves
3 tablespoons dry red wine (I used red wine vinager)
1/8 tsp Oregano
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1/8 thyme
1 1/2 teaspoons toasted fennel seeds
2 tsp red pepper seeds

Pork casings, optional


Grind pork mixture with a medium grind 1/4" or to your preference. Grind all spices together in a small spice grinder if you got it.
Then mix with your pork.Put in refridgerator overnite to give spices time to mix.You can fry a patty up to test spices in the morning
and adjust if you like. Stuff the meat into the casings Twist to makeslinks I prefer 5-6 inch.
Cook sausage in usual manner, making sure the internal temperature of the sausage links reaches at least 145 degrees F.
Uncooked sausage can be stored in the refrigerator up to 3 days or freeze and use within 3 months. I prefer natural pork casings
for this but other types could be used.


Or shape into patties. Put on a wax papered cookie sheet and freeze. Then remove and place in bags and put back in freezer. You'll be
able to remove 1 or more when ever you like.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Great job Viper!  Where do you order the phosphate and citric acid for the brats? Thanks!


I got them and a lot more from Allied Kenco Sales. Been dealing with them a lot for sausage spices and additives. Shipping and prices are way cheaper the sausage maker and them. I can drive to Pa alot of times and with gas prices still save a lot over some these places shipping. Lol ;)
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Thanks!  I forgot about AKS...used them last year.


Look awesome viper125!

Here in ZINZINNATI we love our Brats and Metts.

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