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Timing and Placement

Started by Swany777, April 05, 2006, 07:51:14 AM

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Welcome aboard threerivers.  "FTC" stands for Foil-Towel-Cooler, don't worry, I just learned this myself when I got my Bradley a couple months ago.

Basically, when you take meat out of the bradley, you wrap it in foil, then wrap that in an old towel, then put that into a typical cooler (without the ice/water).  This keeps the food quite warm for hours and allows the juices to reincorporate back into the meat. 

I had never heard of this, but it works great- especially great if you are cooking for guests- you can have the food done way in advace and just pull it out when you are ready.  I also found a good trick is to put some hot water in the cooler to get it up to a nice temperature, then drain the cooler and put your wrapped food in.  Also, for ribs and pork shoulder I put a little apple juice in the foil with the meat to help keep things moist- that works well for me.
