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Sausage Shrinking

Started by turbold, October 30, 2012, 07:57:30 AM

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I have just started making sausage.  I have a smoker that has precise temperature control and ventilation.  I have made 3 batches of summer sausage.   They taste great but don't look so good.   They are shriveled up before I remove them from the smoker.   I have read that is caused from too high of heat or too long in the heat.  I followed the directions in the book I purchased.   I preheated the smoker to 130 and applied smoke for 3-4 hours.  I then raised temperature to 160 and cook until internal temperature reaches 146 and then remove to a cold bath.  I leave the draft open about half way during the process.   What am I doing wrong??    Many Thanks.


What type of casings are you using?  Do you have a photo of a cut slice so we can see the meat and edges?

I find that a slow rise in temp gives me the best results.  I try at 130 for 1 hr then bump to 140 with smoke for 2 hrs.  Then 150 for 2 hrs then to 160 for 2 hrs then to 170 for 2 then to 175.  I bring the IT to 150-152.  I use fibrous casings and when they come out of the smoker they don't have an wrinkles.  I give them an ice bath and then bloom for 2 hrs.  Then in the fridge for 48 hrs. 

Wrinkles can be caused by fat out or a big loss of moisture.  Did you use a binder in your mix?

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


As sailor says, it could be the casings, their material and diameter.  If you are using large diameter casings you may need to slow down the process so that the sausage is cooked evenly and not overcooked at the edges.  After the sausages reach 125-130, you might want to finish the sausages in by simmering them in 160-170 degree water until 152IT.  Your sausages will then be nice and plump and still have the full smoked flavour.  Also check your smoker's thermometer against another one and move the sausage around in the smoker while smoking.  Post some pics, maybe it's not that bad as you make it sound.


X2 with Sailer and skip the hot water, IMHO its a PITA.