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Started by viper125, November 18, 2012, 03:30:08 PM

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Great pics and stories all! As you see i have been on a little more and some of my friends have noticed and asked about me. Well with all the tests and procedures Ive been trough its hard to really explain. But since 1985 I have repeatably been told Im dying. Given less then 6 months many times. But know one could really point any thing much out. We knew I have Diabetes and arthritis,sleep apnea, and a lot more. Even started getting Neuropathy a while back. Lost my job because of no control of my bowels to the point of 30-40 times a day. Didnt believe it so insurance put me in the hospital about a week and the slowest was 30 times in one day. No place will let you stay in there, LOL! Put on lots of weight and was bed ridden almost 5 years.  Well started coming out of some of it by pushing and dieting really hard. Lost 80+ lbs and then got hit hard by my neck. Seems Ive had RA for quite a while and its destroying my spine. So went in and they stuck these 1/8" tubes into and threw my cervical spine and added medicine threw them. Very rare surgery and done with little to no anesthesia. This allows medicine on both side of the spine where shots can't get. So feeling a little better. Not sure how many i'll have to take. And its only about 40 minutes. But the most awful 40 i know. And I have internal Peripheral neuropathy thats in my bowels and intestines.. Could move to a vital organ when ever.
Well not complaining just wanted you to know I didnt run off. And glad I get to participate this year in Christmas with you all. Ive been trying to smoke when I can but only when my body and money allows. LOL! Hey things are tough all over. And I know the rule no pic didnt happen. But some times its too much and all i have is my cell any way since my sony A100 quit. So hope every ones great and dont mind me lurking ill post when I can and read the rest. LOL!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


Lurk all you want. If pics aren't available I'm sure a good narrative will suffice.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.

seb bot

Hey viper, was thinking about you yesterday as I finished the last of the 2nd batch of sauce I made with your recipe a while ago... It's pretty good stuff, though I think I've mentioned that already! :)

Knew you had some health troubles by some of your other posts, take care of yourself, wish you well... Post when you can, take it easy!

p.s. I'm a terrible lurker, and have posted no pics! :-[ ;D


I for one, am still glad you're still around!


Thanks every one and glad to still be around  ;D Not sure how long but who is? Just hard not doing much and after a while the computer gets old too! Going to try that bacon and trail bologna as soon as I can get every thing.  Maybe my wife will take pics with her phone and see how they come out.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


You take care of yourself and keep proving those doctors wrong. 

God Bless and remember that everyone has something to be Thankful for during the holiday season.



V125, you take care of yourself man.  Given your situation I think we can give you a pass on the "no pics didn't happen" rule. ;)


Hang in there Viper,,,,,,,,,,,you got this  ;)


Dont sound like fun viper and I  wish you well.


Viper, Sorry to hear all of your medical issues, it is tough going through it all, hope you are around for many more years and get better, Glad you  did come on , letting us know what is going on... hopefully you will be on more and smoking soon


Good Luck,My Friend.All The Best.
If your looking back at the things you missed,You won't know what hit you.


Thanks for the kind words. Nothing really new for me. Just has names now. LOL! But i truly have been blessed with family and friends. Thank You!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.