First smoke!

Started by Thompsoncentre, June 01, 2013, 12:26:47 PM

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So I've got my meat cut up, after supper I'm going to make slim Jim's. and tomarrow I'm going to attempt my first smoke! Pretty excited.
I'm going to start at 130 with smoke and every hour bump it up 10 degrees until I hit 155 and leave it there untill I get my internal temp of 152.
I will post pics tommarow and any advise will be appreciated.
I have nothing to hang the sticks so I'm going to cut them in 6 inch lengths and Lay them on the racks.


to get to 152 you may want to keep bumping the temp up to 170
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


agrees with gus.. 170 - 180


At 155 the IT will get to 152 but it will take a long time and by the time it does, the sausage will be all dried out.   180 would work better.


Ok that sounds good, do I add smoke the whole time? Amd does anyone have approx time this will take?


I put in smoker at 100* for 1 hour or until casings are dry. Smoke at 110* for 2 hrs; 130* for 2 hrs; 150* for 1 hr; then 170* until IT reaches 152-155*. Remove from smoker spray with cold water (or cold water bath) until cooled to 100* or lower.
Others may vary.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


I've had sticks hit 152 after 5 1/2 hours and some have taken 8 hours total.  I ramp the temp like everyone above with my top temp at 180.  I usually smoke the first 3 hours.  I think it depends on how many I have in there and how big around they are.  The batch that took 8 hours was in 24mm casings instead of my usual 19mm casings.  Also what the weather is like outside.  If it's cold and real windy, it can take longer.


Thanks guys. So I figured I was going to cut them at 12" or so and lay them on the racks, but when I'm slicing there some what bursting at the end, nothing major but it's not a nice clean cut. Hopefully in the morning when they stiffen up a bit it wil be better. Should I smoke the whole time or just a few hours?
I made 10 pounds, I should of made a smaller batch so if I screw up I won't be out so much meat!


Only apply smoke for 2-3 hours
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


most mistakes are edible and very tasty !!! good luck TC.


Thanks everyone, so far so good I think! I'm having a hell of a time keeping a certin temp! I think the temp slide should have notches that say a temp.
How do you add pics? I will add some


Not overly impressed with the heating element on this thing. I've had it wide open for  2 hours now and can not get it passed 160! There's not a lick of wind and its about 30 degrees Celsius!


When you are doing sausage be careful of the temps.  If you go passed 175 you are flirting with a fat out.  Normally if you dry at 130 for an hr and bump to 140 and add the smoke then bump 10 degrees every 2 hrs you have your sausages finished by the time the temp hits 170.  After 170 hold the temp at 175 until you get the IT.  If you ramp things too fast you will fat the sausage out.  Even if you give them a hot bath you want the water temp 160 to 165.  Nothing worse then having a nice load of sausage and seeing the end product all fatted out.  I have had my share of fat out and it ain't fun.  :o

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.