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Hello from NE Ohio

Started by XCRunner200U, July 03, 2013, 02:21:46 AM

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Hello everyone I have been a lurker here for the last few month since I got my 4 rack digital Bradley. I have learned a ton from all of the posts here so a big thank you to everyone.
Because my wife and I live in an apartment I have only got to use my wonderful smoker once time since I got it. We have big plans for it this weekend though, with 5lbs of brisket and 5lbs of butt. This will be my first time cooking brisket and I am currently trying to get up to speed on all that I need to do for that to turn out.

Thanks again for all of the great info here, I am looking forward to learning, smoking and enjoying all that these things can do!



welcome aboard congrats on your smoker.

as for doing buts and briskets  you  can do them together and they will get  done at different times... put the brisket on top. butt in the  middle, Warm up your Box and smoker for  30 minutes prior to sticking the meat in. box temp of 225 and shoot for an internal Temp of 195 - 200 om both, it will take a while  10 hr or  more  depending on connective  tissue which you  want to have  break down, the brisket will take longer because it is a tougher  cut

start early and good luck Also... keep your top vent  wide open

Saber 4

Welcome from Texas, Follow Beefman's advice and you'll have no problems, remember to use hot water in your puck bowl and keep your vent open.


Saber, ive seen that idea on here a lot with the hot water, should it being boiling or just hot off tap? i'm guessing the hotter the better, but thinking i'll need to go get me a nice big teapot or something.


Snoopy, the idea with the hot water in the puck bowl is to reduce the preheat time.  Some good, hot tap water will do.  But using boiling water would be faster.  Hot tap water will usually be about 120F - 140F.  At that temp, the water will absorb heat from the heating element until the water temp stabilizes at somewhere close to 212F.  The boiling water would already be close to 212F and will release heat to the cooler smoker cabinet until the cabinet and water temp equalize.

If you're running a stock, single element heating system, I'd think putting boiling water in the puck bowl could significantly reduce your preheat time.


awesome will do, thanks for the help. now if my dang smoker would just get here...

Saber 4

Snoopy, I use my wife's teapot to boil water and I leave the drip pan and puck bowl out while everything is heating up, that way I can pour the boiling water in the bowl and put it in using the tray and I don't take a chance of getting boiling water on my hands or all over the inside of the Bradley


Welcome to the forum from Nebraska, Runner!  Looking forward to hearing about your weekend smoke.  Seeing too!


Thank you everyone for the warm and friendly welcome!! I just picked the meat up today from the local butcher and the totals came out to 4.5lbs of brisket and 6.5lbs of butt.

beefman: Thanks for the tips. To be honest I am most concerned about the brisket as I am a total noob with it. I think I am at the point where I have almost read too much about how to do it that now I am lost. My current plan is to go fairly easy on the seasoning, no injection, and no brine for this first one. I figure I can always do things different the next time. The part I am most confused about is the foiling after smoke but before its done...

I am planning on 200-225box, verified with my Maverick 732 that just showed up, 4hrs of smoke (prob hickory, unless you guys recommend different) and cook until around the mid 190s for both. I am planning on pulling the brisket at around 175 and foiling it with apple juice and bourbon until it hits temp (if this is way off please feel free to let me know, Im just kinda swaging it here based off all that I have been reading, and even then I could just be misunderstanding what people are talking about haha) I like a little chew and texture on my butt so I probably wont go any higher than the 190-195 range. After they are done I am planning on FTCing for at least an hour (though this is another area that I am still trying to figure out, is there a set time that I should do this to allow everything settle down before I slice and pull? And does it have to be FTC?

Thanks Saber 4 and ragweed for the welcome. I will make sure to post updates and pictures as I am able. Im looking forward to this.

Good luck snoopy, hope it gets here soon. Im sure you will love it as much as the rest of us!!

Thanks again guys!
