Pulled Chuckie

Started by GusRobin, March 08, 2014, 10:16:42 AM

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Decided to make pulled beef for dinner. By the time I got home from running errands, it was noon before I put it in the Bradley. I'm using the smoke tube since I ran out of pucks. It is a 3.5# roast so I am not sure I started it early enough to have it done in time for dinner.
I rubbed it with a combo of gunpowder and Rodak seasoning. In the Bradley at 230#.
Here it is all loaded and ready to go.

More to come later.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.

Saber 4

Looks good, can't wait to see the money shots


Here is the finished product. The meat came out great and was done in time to FTC for about an hour before dinner. I cooked it naked until about 140#, then covered in a boat with onions and beef broth. Cooked it to 200#. Next time I'll cook until 205#.
Sorry for the blurred pictures.

The meat out and pulled.

A sandwich, roasted asparagus, and a hassleback potato.

Better picture.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Good lookin' plate of chow that!!!

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Where there's smoke, there's HAPPINESS!!!

Saber 4

You hit that one right out of the ballpark! ;D



How long, at a cabinet temp of  230*, did it take for a 3.5# chuck roast to get to an IT of 200*?   Just looking for the ball partk figure.  Thanks