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Here we go (again)

Started by DJSmoke, December 30, 2015, 05:01:21 PM

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Well hey there smokin' folks, going to take a new shot at this.
I bought a Bradley Digital 4 rack about a year ago, used it only twice, and then we moved out of Canada...
Had mixed results on my previous two smoking attempts (ribs and pork loins, 2 different occasions), but I was battling cold temperatures and I really did bite off more than I could chew.... ::)
Really this is almost a start-over as the Bradley has been in storage for about 8 months...
Now, got the Bradley out, and going for ABT's tomorrow.
Will be doing about 40 total (20 peppers in half)
Any advice? Approx total smoke time? Supposed to be 34 degrees and lightly snowing here in Ohio....
I'm thinking 225 for around 3 hrs...
Appreciate any comments.
Gotta get the hang of this...


your in the ball park with the 225 F and 3 hours,,, However... the 34 F is going to throw a  wrench into things,,, meaning that you  may not achieve your 225 F,...

this is what i would do, put the abt's in the  smoker,,, at  225 F and  smoke them with your favourite  smoke  for about an hour and half,,, then into your  main house oven at  350 to  375 F to  crisp the bacon,, ,then your  good to  go.


Good advice from Beefmann.

If you are dead set on doing it 100% in the Bradley the wind will be your biggest enemy.  Wind blowing across the top of your Bradley will suck the heat right out of the top vent.  Leave the vent open but figure out a way to block the wind from blowing across the top of your smoker.