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Cold smoke salmon?

Started by bighoof, December 13, 2003, 10:01:41 PM

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I paid about $9.00 USD $11.50 cdn for it already cleaned and filleted but for 60 lbs of it. I was paying $6.00/ pound for atlantic (farmed) already cleaned and filleted. My guesstimate is when all said and done you are paying like $14.00 us/ lb after cleaning.




Believe it or not, it can be purchased locally flash frozen or from the meat counter at Sams/Costco for much cheaper....

The full filets we get locally seem to have a lot of fat in them though - I was looking for some lean stuff

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I made a mistake on the species I smoked. They are Red Spring (better known as Chinook or King) Coho don't become available until the end of May
Based on this I pay 1/2 of what you were quoted for King salmon



Wow!  Must be a delicacy over here!![:D]

Wish I could get it that cheap...[:(]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I have a knack for sourcing stuff (have to for my business for parts in Asia) If I were you, I would search for a wholesaler or packer in British Colombia. Shipping distance is the same from there to me or there to you. Do the research. Try www.canada411.com. If you are diligent, I think you will find a good source. However expect to take at least 50 lbs of the stuff. (also when you call, represent yourself as a restaurant and have a need for a regular supply. BS can help)If you find the right company, you should pay around $7.00 USD per pound cleaned but not filleted I am guessing but that price may actually include shipping but you would have to get it at the airport. If you find a good supplier, You are guaranteed a regular supply as long as the market is open for Pacific.

By the way, I called another dealer in Toronto. they wanted $15.99 / lb cleaned only so its where you shop and the relationship you create.

There will be some that tell you chinook season doesn't open till april. Some areas opened Feb 1 and are open until march 30



I catch mine [:D] great posts, especially yours spyguy


THanks for the info spyguy!  Appreciate it...I'll check it out.

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Just returned from brief recess....."Salmon man"???[:I][:I]  You flatter me Fuzz....I'm seeing lots of salmon smokers on the forum and don't think I've earned that "all 'round" title......I catch, I clean, I smoke, I give away....don't do LOX, don't cold smoke and have grown pretty particular to just "Winter/Feeder" King (Chinook) salmon....the rest being pretty much "utility fish" in my book. Glad to share experience in that WK realm, but I just lurk when the talk's of LOX or cold smoking. Might try cold smoking if I get into canning, but I'm too fond of hot smoked and differently seasoned WK to mess with anything else, fishwise.....takes up time that could be better spent fishing! ANy extra time I have for smoking, I'm gonna be trying some of the other recipes (like your chicken!), since I haven't done much of that and it LOOKS so good![:D][8D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Actually, The LOX thing is out on partial necessity I really enjoy it. As to giving it away, I gave away half of it to family and friends and of couse to the fishmonger who gives me such good prices. I even sent 3 lbs by courier to florida to my mother. Anyway, I like hot smoked food and that will be my next venture. I am a driven person and the Lox was a real challenge seeing that the good recipes fall under "family secret figure it out yourself" bull. I would like to know how to make Montreal Smoked Meat but that too seems to fall under the "private family recipe" crap. If you have any good recipes for chicken please let me know. The one I use so far involves brining for an hour in salt and then into the smoker until the internal bird temp is 100 degrees then turn on the smoke until internal temp is 160. If you got any good recipes pass em on

If anyone has a tried and true recipe for Montreal Smoked meat. You would make me really happy.



Spyguy,  what is Montreal smoked meat??  Just out of curiosity.  Grew up in Wisconsin, and not familiar with it.

thanks  [8D]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


It is a pickled brisket, pickled with pepper and other spices. Then boiled or steamed and smoked

I am not sure of the exact process. It is very similar to corned beef but much more taste, a few more steps and certainly spicy. It is very well known up here in Canada and may have a different name in the States. The restaurants that serve it usually make it and guard their recipes. Most Jewish style deli's should have it on their menu and possibly in some states. I know florida has some places that serve it.



Dang! You're absolutely right SpyGuy.....I just did a quick looksee and found lots of folks selling the MSM, but no one posted any recipes. It sure looks like it's worth chasing down though![:p]  I'll have to watch for future posting on this and will certainly NOT keep it a secret if I find a recipe....[8D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


The best way to sum it up is this way:
What LOX is to salmon, Montreal Smoked Meat is to deli

If you haven't tried it and have somewhere nearby you could, go for it. you will see why i want a recipe. or at least a good starting point (like I had for LOX)
