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Should I die tomarrow..........

Started by Oldman, October 17, 2006, 07:08:38 PM

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Should I die tomorrow what would happen to our recipe site?

I know what I would like to see put into place to protect it, but I'm an old fool and I'm going to see what if anything you members come up with.

If nothing is worked out then upon my death in the following January the recipe site will be gone. Many members now here and many that no longer post here helped create the recipe site.  There are really thousands of hours put collectively into this project.

It would be more than a  shame to see it go the way of the Dodo bird. So this is the deal.... the members here come up with a solution to deal with my death or you all will just lose the recipe site. 

I'm not saying this but it needs to be said... It is time that some here stepped up to the pump and took this problem upon themselves as a collective group.

I'm not a young man and my health could be better.... this is your call folks.  You all need to come together and create a committee that will insure our site is not lost.  Until my death I will continue to pay all of the cost, but I'm looking to you to insure that this does not die with me. ...

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Olds --what kind of hardware do you need to run it?


It is currently being hosted by Inmotion hosting.  I have their Pro package: http://www.inmotionhosting.com/hostingplans.html  BTW the disk space shown is wrong. I have 1.5 gigs.

One of the reasons I like these folks is I can pick up the phone and talk with an English speaking American.  Not counting a webmaster the cost per year is about $240.00 for the site, $30.00 for the upgrades on the boards, and $100.00 for the chatroom. 

At the moment jimguy is learning how to code the recipes correctly. Later I will move him into the back of the house. jimguy is a blessing as there is a major problem with the recipes and soon he will be able to correct my earlier mistakes. After that I'm going to show him how to upgrade the download section for the recipes. (He's going to love that~~~Ha ha ha!) Nevertheless there has to be other members as well who know how to do this. One of the reason I went with using a 1st class posting board instead of HTML static pages is it is easy to learn. It is easy to control...to create an end product that you want. 

Nevertheless this needs to be a community effort with a core group leading it. I would like to see this come together while I'm still around to over-see things, rather than Old's is dead what the hell do we do now.

Until this comes together and should something happen to me then this community would need to get with Trey (CyberDude) @ [email protected]   I will be speaking with him directly concerning this issue soon.

Do not misunderstand me... there is nothing I know of that is wrong with me, but I just have this gut feeling I need to get my affairs in order.


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

Habanero Smoker

I don't have any ideas, but would be willing to help out any way I can.



The rat has to put on his thinking cap here.Maybe will it in.Have your hugh estate keep it as a memorial too you.Something to remember you by.Put the scotch down olds.Will tell ya when you can leave not until then.Can you even start to imagin me the top dog.You will be spinning in your grave.But serious I dont use that sight much more i drained all the info i could off of it .This being i would gladley help out.Olds good to see your three steps ahead.I say mabe make up a cabinet of folks to carry this info on.I woudnt be head on the list but im sure iceman habs maxaman and a bunch of other will jump in.I will keep up informed here on this .Rat to the resuce.Dont laugh to hard. ;D

Just another weekend with the smoker...


I'm a new member and only use the internet at work---only 30 but still in the stone ages at home.

I just want to say after reading your post Olds, that I'm glad there's nothing wrong and you're just thinking ahead.  I've already gotten a great deal of info from you and have only been on the board a couple months. 

Ice....if you need help keeping it going let me know.  All the info on this board with the recipes on Old's site makes the bs priceless!!!!


Boy, could I spend some time with you on THIS subject, Olds!! ;) However, I'll save you the "preachin'" on-forum, and just tell you that, although I'm no help with the techie stuff, 'Bubba Pucks' would be pleased to make $$ contribution to Recipe site longevity efforts.......put me on that list of resources