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Tis the way... a seed is planted; it grows, then winter comes.

Started by Oldman, October 28, 2006, 05:32:42 PM

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I recieved an E-mail today that has caused me to return here. However, this should be my last time.

First...Chez we been Cyber and phone friends for some time now. Please do as I asked. Remove me as a member from this site. Thanks. I'm only posting due to an E-mail.

Next, I have this to say as some here have "labled" me in a color I do not agree with:

I used to be a huge fan of Rush, I probably listened to him for 10 years or so. At some point he started to go way off the reservation of intellegent conversation quite a few years ago. That's when I stopped listening.

I think that Sean Hannity is slowly leaning that way also.

I'm sure you could find many Conservatives like myself who find Rush's old tactics to be refreshing and funny and his new one's tactless.

He has gone from politico to entertainer to mindless drone.

Too bad.

I've enjoyed my time here but with recent events I need to move on.

You folks have about one year now to come up with a group to take over the recipe site and the chatroom.  Don't and they go away.

With that I say smoke on... and Rat you can kiss my A$$ -- J/K!

Chez remove me. Thanks

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Chez Bubba

Quote from: Oldman on October 28, 2006, 05:32:42 PM
Chez remove me. Thanks

Sorry, no can do Kemosabe. I no longer have Wonder-Twin powers.

Also sorry to hear of your decision, you will be missed.

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


SADDLY MISSED To say the least. I do hope you reconsider this.


West Coast Kansan

Saddly missed indeed. Olds, I have enjoyed and learned much from your postings.

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)



Hey Olds, newbies like me benefit from the advice and information from somebody such as yourself ;)

Anyway i'm new here, and so i don't know the reasons for your decision, and although i would think you've given it a lot of thought, i hope you change your mind  ;)
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All the best Olds.  You've kept this forum interesting.  While I don't agree with some of your posts many of them hit the nail right on the head.  It is refreshing to have a dialog.  Please don't start smoking again over this.   You'll never regret having quit once the withdrawls are over.


P.S. By "smoking" I mean lung busters of course
Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.



I would hate to see ya go since you are a great help to many of us new guys along with many others!  So do what you have to , just know you will be missed by many.



I sure hate that your leaving.  It is too bad that you let them get to you.  There are so many political views and many times good old fashion common sense fails to come through.  Too many people assume too much based on too little in the way of facts.  This is why I refuse to debate issues except with people I know and can be face to face with.  Perhaps we will cross paths one day.

Your fellow Floridian.

Rick Bailey
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Quote from: Oldman on October 28, 2006, 05:32:42 PM
However, this should be my last time.

Most people don't think it should be, or want it to be Olds, but the decision is up to you of course. By you saying 'should', I hope this leaves the window open for an eventual return once you have a break and do something more enjoyable and positive with your time...like dusting the old Bradley off and smoking a good meal for your family. If you do....then please let us know how it was. Cheers Raye..

"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"