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I'M IN IT... TEXT CHAT TUESDAY... 12-26-06... 7pm or 8pm or 9pm to ? ? ?

Started by owrstrich, December 26, 2006, 06:41:17 AM

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TEXT CHAT TUESDAY...    12-26-06...    Approx 7pm or 8pm or 9pm Eastern To ? ? ?

show up if you can... if not... there is always next week...

here is the link...



to enter the contest you must be in the chatroom on tuesday nights for a minimum of 1 hour per night over any 4 weeks of your choosing between now and the end of february 2007...

this gives everyone a chance at winning over several weeks by simply logging on and chatting for 1 hour per night on any 4 nights...

normally the chat is going on from approximately 8pm to 9pm eastern and goes on to whenever...

oldman will keep track of the chat logs so there will be no funny business going down...

on march 1 oldman will post the names of the persons eligible to draw a number to win a new standard bradley smoker...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


not at the tandy2000... got the noise up... send me an evil...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...



i handed the comp over to the wench for a few and never made it back...

when we are on the road we both have comps... here in iowa i have to share my comp...

it was all for the better anyway... been fighting off the croop... blowing hockers in a toon like the drinking bird sips from the bucket...

and next week is the company holiday party is tuesday... you know the one... cardboard veal parmasian and a 2 coc ktail limit... do they really think anybody wants to be there for more than 2 coc ktails anyway... im sure my boss... the big giant brain... wakes up to 2 coc ktails every morning... that is 1 ugly ho he has for a wife... its mutual you know...

and the boss of all the pissant bosses... he needs 2 coc ktails just to come down from planning out the meetings... you know... how long is it gonna take to rag on everybody and beat them into a pulp with all they did wrong last year... and devise a way to mask the stealing from the 401k... and to justify no profit sharing for the ones who actually do the work...

o my... what a fed up place to work... but you know its not really work... its like being on vacation every single day of the year... o yeah... like at the motel 3 oakland ca or the calexico hilton... give me a fing break... take your single malt and cubans and get in your aston martin and count you fing money you arseho...

when can i expect our expenses... 180 days now... fing beautiful... let me see... 6 tires and a tranny... 180 days... they never answer their phones when you are calling for a cc number... they will go to he11 for this... btw... got those symbols for the 401k... no... just the fund names... how can i take a look if you dont even know what the program is... o i see... you say match but then you fire everybody 1 month before full vesting... what about my matching funds... you know i had to get a new pool... we will see when you quit... no unemployement when you quit and expenses go mout to 360 days to never then...

ok... i want to get back to my vacation... but its review time... come on in for your review... so as you know... nobody can achieve average... but above average is your goal... now i see you have not had a salary or per diem increase in 10 years... we are going to keep it that way because i can get illegal alien mexicans in here for half that... go ahead... what will they do with their goats and their anchors... who cares... it all goes to the bottom line anyway...  well thanks for the new pool and the aston... you have been here for 8 years... let me give you 1 more coc ktail ticket... now go get me another vodka on the rocks and they take cash if you want one too...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Hey owrstrich, mind telling where you're at in iowa so I will never go there looking for a job.
Have a good vacation!



Geez and here I thought I had the biggest jerk for a boss. Ya almost brought a tear to my eyes O. (From the laughter of course). :D ;D