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Started by Oldman, June 23, 2007, 01:11:50 PM

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I know you have just started your web site business and I thought I would offer a suggestion for an add-on item. It is a Global Sun Solar Oven.  I have one and I'm going to get two more.

Once a person uses one of these it is hard to go back to your kitchen oven.  If I may be as bold as to suggest that you purchase one of these smaller units and test it out for yourself.  You can do bread, cookies, stews, pot roast and things like chicken and yellow rice, prime rib, etc. etc. etc. It is also great for warming up your left over smoked foods.... :) EDIT: Any Crockpot recipe works great in one of these. Depending upon what I'm cooking the unit for me cooks at 275F to over 400F. Shoot one time for chits and giggles I did poached eggs in it. Just heated the water for 30 - 40 minutes and then place the eggs in the water / oven for 5 minutes or so... They came out first class.

This unit is a neat package that folds up like a mid to small suit case.  I know these folks are looking for dealers.  I just love mine.

Anyway here is the web site: http://www.sunoven.com/

In fact if I was not as busy as I'm with my business I would become a dealer for sure.

Just a thought.

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Thanks for the suggestion Olds. I sent you an email regarding this.



got to get me one of those !


TheCLAREGO you might want to wait and see if Begolf25 will be selling this item.

I did a fair amount of research concerning solar ovens before I purchased this one.  When you open it up the reflectors fold out and there is little lock to keep them open. Mine came with a thermometer and the glass top also has a couple of locking devices.  In the back there is a rear leg that is adjustable so as the sun moves you just extend the leg as need to keep the reflectors in a maximum range. Also the base where you place your cooking pot on is hinged so as you adjust that rear leg the cook pot stays flat.

As I said this is one neat little solar oven. While it will cook more than enough for 3 people I want two more so if I have to depend upon it for cooking I can do several items at a time. Main meal; vegetables; bread; desert.

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the concept of the whole thing is great its just like babysitting the old bs  ;D


We are definitely considering adding these to our product line. The company requires an initial purchase of 5 Sun Ovens to open an account. If any of you are seriously interested in purchasing one of these I will work out some special pricing to help us fulfill our initial order.
