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How smokey?

Started by aiello, January 16, 2007, 03:11:24 PM

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I am considering buying a Bradley, but I have a question... I have a small backyard in an urban neighborhood and I am wondering just how smokey a smoker gets. Will I drive my neighbors nuts if I do this? Any thoughts are appreciated.


YES - you WILL drive your neighbors nuts with the wonder aroma that will be eminating from it.  As far as how much smoke, I would say not enough to cause any concerns.  If anyone complains, simply share some of your results along with an adult beverage.  If that does not work, then there is no help for them. :D ;)
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Wildcat's right on the money on this, aiello! You should consider charging your neighbors a small fee for the smell that comes from a smoker... ;)

That being said, it really depends upon your closest neighbors. The Bradley puts out about the same amount of smoke as a BBQ grill, but less than a fireplace chimney. The smoke is pretty much dissapated by the time it travels a house or two away. Some people will find ANYTHING offensive and some are truly sensitive to aromas, in a negative sense....it can make them ill.  If you know your neighbors, check with them and let them know what you're considering and what's about to be coming out of your smoker. If they're normal people, they'll love it...if they're PETA folks, heck with them, but you CAN tell em' you're only smoking carrots and bean sprouts. Legally speaking, there's always the very remote, (except in CALIF!;)),  chance of civil actions from someone with a physical intolerance...However, any local ordinances against "noxious odors" could be validated by your local code enforcement or fire officials. As a retired fire official, I'd say that such a complaint wouldn't have had any validiaty in my old jurisdiction (in Calif! :o)

If you must, get a Ghillie cover for your smoker and smoke at night, but SMOKE you must!  ;) ;D ;D


I too have a very small yard and many close neighbors and as of yet no complaints. If you do have trouble with any of them just try moving your bradley to a different part of the yard, it's surprising how just a few feet can make a difference. Welcome to the forums, enjoy!


Welcome and SMOKE ON.  The folks here are right on.  Have a few brochures available on the BS, your neighbors may get upset if you can't give them the information on it right away especially if you are introducing yourself with a fist full of smoked goodness.
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Thanks for all of your input. I'm doing it, and if the neighbors complain, I'll stuff 'em full of smoked goodness till they won't know what's what!  ;D


Make sure you provide the beverages to go with it on the first go-round.  After that invite them over for the smoke-outs and have them bring the beverages.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Good tip, thanks! I'm brewing my own beer too, so that'll help.

Put the order in earlier for a Bradley Digital. Should be here Saturday. Now I just have to figure out what to smoke first!


Since you may wind up with neighbors, perhaps some but would be nice. ;D
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Quote from: aiello on January 17, 2007, 01:57:03 PM
Good tip, thanks! I'm brewing my own beer too, so that'll help.

Homebrew & smoked food......You can't beat that combination. It seems a lot of us have found that out.  ;)

They are both creative hobbies that offer very satisfying results... ;D

"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


Bribes do work well. I used to keep a couple of hives of bees in my backyard and always passed the honey around to the neighbours when it was extracting time. That way they didn't complain about the odd swarm of bees hanging off their bushes in the spring!