Prime Rib - bone in

Started by PigOut, May 12, 2007, 03:04:28 AM

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I've done PR before but not with the bone in .  Any different ? I unrolled it and put Liptons onion soup all  over it and rolled it back up.
What can you do with the bones ?


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When Pigs fly around here,there's a trail of smoke comin from em !!


best bovine ribb bones ever...

some folks will slice between the rack of bones and the roast and get some rubb down in there and tie them back to the roast while smoking... not a full cut off... just a slice... with the rack still hanging onto the roast...

after the smoke i would do a full cut off of the rack then cut the individual bones and chowchilla the ribbs seperate to the roast...

you gotta eat...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Quote from: owrstrich on May 12, 2007, 07:53:07 AM
best bovine ribb bones ever...

some folks will slice between the rack of bones and the roast and get some rubb down in there and tie them back to the roast while smoking... not a full cut off... just a slice... with the rack still hanging onto the roast...

after the smoke i would do a full cut off of the rack then cut the individual bones and chowchilla the ribbs seperate to the roast...

you gotta eat...

Bravo O. I new I liked you for some reason!!! Doing that very thing today! Can't talk cause I drool to much when the roast is in site! :D ;D ;)