Tuscan pork loin

Started by westexasmoker, September 22, 2008, 05:37:47 AM

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One 4 lb pork loin trimmed of fat and butterflied with two trenches per side

6 cloves garlic
1/4 cup fresh rosemary leaves
1 tbls kosher salt
1 tbls black pepper
2 tbls olive oil

Into your chopper to make a paste, spread paste over your pork loin

Time for a little bondage...Fold pork loin back over, using butchers twine tie at 1 inch intervals.  Paste that is forced out is spread on the outside.  Let rest in the fridge for at least 4 hours (overnight would be even better)  Remove from fridge and let it rest while the smoker heats up

Into the smoker @ 220 using your choice of wood (you know what I used  ;D)  2 hours of smoke, until IT of 150, about 4-5 hours

Pull from smoker and FTC till dinner time

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I'd Hammer That!!!! It looks great WTS
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Mr Walleye

Looks real tasty there WTS!  ;)

Droolin' all over the keyboard again!  ::)


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La Quinta

Looks good WTS...what would you serve that with? A pasta perhaps? Maybe a veggie ladend pasta...like a primavera? No sauce to speak of...just a drizzle of olive oil and S&P?



Last night I was to beat to even care about what went with the pork (5 acres of mowing and weed eating)
Tonight with the leftovers some nice pasta with a tomato sauce and stewed tomato base and garlic, along with garlic toast!  Too bad garlic doesn't work on mosquitos, the little bas**rds had a feast on me yesterday!  :o

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!

La Quinta

Sounds good WTS...just wondered if it could be garlic over-kill. Don't get me wrong...I'd do it in a heartbeat...but I'm a bit of a garlic freak...just thought about a nice little side dish (w/o garlic) for people who are not as freaky as I???  ;D Well...and you... :D


6 cloves of garlic isn't overload unless maybe it was on a little crouton.   ;)
Now 1/4 cup of rosemary is probably over the top for me.   :o

Looks great WTS.
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La Quinta

It is 4lbs of pork tho Giz...My assumption is WTS meant 1/4 cup fresh before the chopper...not overkill on the loin with the paste (looking at the pic)...WTS can comment better then I...


Look super good. Congrats on your success.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

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