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At least I had electricity....

Started by HCT, July 29, 2008, 11:31:07 AM

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We had a bad lightning storm here on sunday, 2 strikes about 50-75 feet from the house. How they missed the huge pine trees is beyond me but they hit the aspalt driveway. I saw them hit which scared the bejeepers out of me but the thunder was deafening. Three of the boys just dropped down, the other 3 headed for the bedroom. The worst part of it is that it blew the cable service, no tele :o, no phone :o :o, no internet!!! :o :o :o I felt like I was in pennsylvania dutch country. :D Finally they sent someone out to fix it about an hour ago. The storm fried my cable splitter, my surge protector and my 2 cable tele boxes. Thankfully it didn't get to the tv and computer.
The good thing about it is that I got to get about 25lbs. of my belly in different cures. Refridgerator is so packed you couldn't fit a fart in it. :D :D
Boy it's good to be able to post again. ;D ;D ;D
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


Yikes! - Glad to hear everyone is ok. equipment can be replaced.
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I'm also glad your power is back and that your electronics were not blown. It is amazing on how much we rely on technology and the only time we realize it is when we don't have it.




That could have messed alot of stuff up.    A guy i work with had $15,000 worth of tv/stereo/comp equip shot from lightning, and everything was under surge protection.

Maybe a fairy fart could fit  :D  :D

Seriously though.........  Glad Everyone is ok



Wow I'm glad you folks are ok, and your TV Refrig, computer etc. were spared.

Lighting here is almost a year round event, and in the summer months it is a lifestyle. In the 17 years I've lived in this house we have lost to lighting 7 Australia Pine trees, a large Sand Pine and one Oak tree.

Believe me when it hit here I still jump out of my pants. Our house electrical lines are protected by a device our power company supplies. During all of these stikes we have never lost anything in the house--knock on wood.

Perhaps your power company can offer you the same type of device. I would suggest looking into it.


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   The crazy thing is this time I didn't loose power, it just fried my cable boxes which are on different lines to the house. Loosing power up here happens just about with every severe storm that hits, whether it be summer storms or winter ice storms. The loss is from downed lines. Lightning strikes just leaves us SOL. >:(
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


The surge might not have been enough to knock you off line is my guess.  Nevertheless, as I suggested, I would talk with my power company.

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