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Digital Failure

Started by jbollier, November 15, 2008, 09:41:06 AM

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New smoker- loved it until the fourth time I tried to use it and the digital controls failed. When you close the damper fully to contain the smoke and maintain constant temp moisture condensates inside the box, runs across the floor and finds it's way into the smoke generator ruining the electronic controls. Is Bradley aware of this problem and if so what are they doing to water proof the controls? I have read numerious postings at other sites with the complaint of electronic failure but have read nothing about the fix when the fix seems quite simple. All Bradley needs to do is make the control componets able to withstand the smoke condensation.
Is there anyone else out there with the same problem and what did you do to remedy it? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not submerging the unit in water, the water is running down the inside of the box then into the controls and smoke is seen coming out the vents of the control box and we all know where there is smoke there is condensation.


W E L C O M E  to the Forum jbollier!

In my experience, you should always have the vent at least 1/3 open. Fully closing the vent will result in what you are getting. The moisture from the food must be vented, or it will keep the box temps down and condense and drip on the food. You do not need to "contain" the smoke. It just needs to "kiss" the food on the way past the food, not stay for a one-night-stand.
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Thanks, I will take this one back and get a new one and remember to not let my meat have a one night stand then stay for a smoke. Love your humor. How long have you had your digital? Any problems? If so I may just opt for the nondigital as a replacement.


Welcome to the forum jbollier!

FL got ya covered on the moisture build up.  I run my vent wide open for everything and get plenty of smoke flavor.  While I don't have digital lots of folks on here do and they work very well, I run an OBS with a PID I built from the plans on the receipe site and could'nt be happier!  Good luck and keep us posted!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


I have the original. I had the condensation issue once, then I learned that letting the smoke out was better than trying to keep it in.

I have a PID as well. If  I were to expand it would probably be another OBS and PID.
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!

Habanero Smoker

Hi jbollier;
Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your problem, but I believe the manual states do not operate with the vent closed.

This may help some:
What is the purpose of the vent?

Also from reading various posts on how people set their vent opening, I'm beginning to think that the lower the barometric pressure (or higher elevation) and lower humidity, the smaller opening you will need.

While there you should look through the recipe site and the other FAQ's.



Thanks Habanero Smoker, but I just got home with the replacement smoker (4 rack instead of the 6 rack because I am not commercial and the 4 rack should be easer to maintain the heat control due to it's smaller size) and after carefully reading the enclosed instructions, there is nothing there about the damper opening causing the failure. I am confident after reading the postings here (mucho gracias) the damper was my problem all along. I feel if Bradley would include the damper warning in their instructions as they do in the FAG section, they would be getting less returns to their vendors and less exposure to negitave vibes. If it were not for you guys here I would have taken my smoker back and happily returned to my trusty if not cumbersome oak fired smoker. Thanks guys for the help, now you have a fan for ever!!!!!!

Smoking Duck

Fortuantely, my life is at about its lowest point or I would have had to say something about not wanting to read that section either.

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Habanero Smoker

Glad to hear you got your replacement quickly and without any difficulty.

They should put that information in their manual. I guess the warning must be on the Bradley website, because I do recall that I got that information from Bradley.
