Started by sherlock, March 16, 2009, 02:02:52 PM

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As some of you may know, I recently experienced a tragic loss in my life. In addition, a Big Easy I had ordered was delivered and with all that was happening, it was left by the front door and was stolen.

Several members took it upon themselves to have another BE and LOTS of other goodies delivered to me. I know of three members who I think were in on it and maybe more. Since the contact I had to give them my address was all in the form of PM's, I will not mention the names of those I know. For all I know there may have been much more participation. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have either made this happen or just gave me a shoulder to cry on when I need it. To think that people whom I have never met would do something like this is beyond words can express. All I can say is that this forum is a real "family" that I am so proud to be a member of.


Mr Walleye

I must have missed this yesterday Nathan.

Good things happen to great people and you my friend deserve this and more.

I think everyone on the forum truly feel like family and just wanted to look after their own in anyway they could.

Hope things are slowly coming together for you.


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Nicely said Mr Walleye and I echo these sentiments particularly in that I hope that things are slowly coming together for you Nathan.


I missed your post as well.  I too hope you feel the weight beginning to lift from your shoulders and your heart.  Know that you have a very large extended family from around the world that wish you the very best.



I have received so much that mere words can not begin to express the gratitude I have for you folks. I only hope that someday I will get to meet some of you. I think its been six weeks now and I am able to control my emotions somewhat. Have been working very hard at work to keep busy but I have not mastered the evenings and nights yet. Again thank each and every one of you for the things you have sent me as well as the prayers and words of condolences.



Im sorry for all of your problems and loss .. my prayers are with you, as you can see not all people are bad and you still have a good extended family of smokers here.