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Picnic, corned beef and ABT's... Oh my!

Started by BigFella, March 23, 2009, 06:59:28 AM

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Well I got things going this weekend (finally) with a 12 pound picnic, a couple of corned beef's and some ABT's.  I ended up doing a venison roast as well later on.

Here's some of the "pre" pictures:


Corned Beef


Bacon Covered Venison

I was disappointed with the Picnic as it was SUPER fatty.  I think that's a result of the temperature problems I was having getting it going.  With the 12 pounder, I think I only ended up with about 6 pounds of meat (maybe).  I'll be going with butts from now on, or at least for a while.

Sliced up the Corned Beef today and it's awesome.  Nice smoke flavor (Apple and Hickory) and not too salty.

The ABT's were the highlight of the weekend.  My grocery didn't have 'lil smokies and I didn't have any pork yet, so I went with a jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese, sprinkled with some leftover rub.  Then I wrapped a slice of hard salami around it, then the bacon.  Hit them with a sprinkle of liquid smoke and put them in the oven (didn't have time for the smoker...) on 350 with the baked beans I made.  Amazing.

The venison roast I shipped off to a friend of mine, so he'll let me know how it went.  I wrapped it in some bacon and it seemed to retain some good moisture.

Sorry there's no after pics.  I didn't have time before it was all gone!! :)

I tried finishing the picnic in the oven, and my wife wasn't too thrilled about the smell that it still lingering today. :( :)  I'll finish exclusively in the OBS to make her happy next time. :)


Dang...sorry about the Picnic. We use Smithfield for picnic smokers. I do mine a little differant than most folks. I place my picnics in a old white T-shirt. (Full type -- not the V-necked no sleeve type.) Then pin it to the ham.

Smoke it for 4 hours in Oak. Then in an hour or so after that I remove the picnic. Allow it to cool. Re-wet the T-shirt lightly if needed, and then wrap it all up in plastic and place in the frig for 4-5 day.  Then I remove all and bake slowly the picnic.

I call it Olds' Double Smoke Ham. Or A-T-Shirt-Ah-Smokin'.

As far as Butts go here are a couple I do with the T-Shirt that I smoke for slicein' and not for pulled pork.

I got to try your ABT recipe, but I think I will use the smoker.
Thanks for your pixs!

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Sounds like all went well BigFella. Gotta do the ABT's in the smoker for the best effect. Make more than you think you'll need.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Habanero Smoker

Nice looking spread.

When I smoke/cook picnics I remove the skin and most of the fat prior to smoking. Unless I am making Cuban pork. Then I will score the skin and fat in a criss-cross pattern just down to the meat, brine, smoke and then finish in a hot oven to crisp the skin.


Smokin Soon

Is that salami on the ABT's? Never thought of that. Does the salami brown up real nice with the bacon? Salami has never seen my smoker, exept being ground up in some fattys. Interesting idea.


That is salami wrapped in there.  I piped the peppers with cream cheese, sprinkled on some rub, then wrap in salami and 1/3 piece of bacon.

The salami crisped up a little bit, but not quite as much as the bacon.  Gave a GREAT flavor.

Smokin Soon

Yummo! Bigfella, that gives me some ideas for some smoked goodies finished in the Big Easy. Mind is spinning now to combine Bacon, Garlic Onion and some kind of smoke wonderfullness together!