Last weekend's smoke

Started by OU812, May 06, 2009, 09:27:52 AM

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I did a little smoken this last weekend.
I have the BDS 6 rack my generator took a crap a couple weeks ago.
Brian at Bradley got me hooked up and now I'm running again.
So I filled her up with 2 butts some pork loin a couple chickens and my idea of a fattie.
This one i deboned layed open and put some rub on the in side then put back together and tied with butcher twine. Then more rub on the out side.

This one I deboned and put in a simple brine of 12 oz pickleing salt 8 oz molassas and 2 qt water for 24 hr. Rinced patted dry and did the same way as the first one but this rub had no salt in it.

The loin I injected with 1/4 cup melted garlic butter and 1/4 cup apple juice. Then rubed on some olive oil and some rub.

The fattie was a pork loin also. Cut half way through the long way then beet flat to about 1/2" thick topped with provalone cheese some portabella shrooms green onions, jalapenos, green peppers and lots of pepperoni rolled up tight and into a bacon weave.

The chickens I cut in half put on some rub. We were done with supper and was cleaning up when I remembered to take some picture's.

Everything but the chickens went in at the same time with 3 hr of the M word at a cooking temp of 220 F. When there was only 1 hr of smoke left was when the birds went in.

Here is some picture's of the finished goods first the simple butt with the brined one waiting it's turn.

The brined one is on the right, didnt look any diff but had more flavor.

The butt packed in 8 oz lunch sized take along's.

The loin was for stakes on the grill later on down the road. You can see the butter mmmmmmmmm.

I like then thick.

Packed and ready for later.

The fattie was a gift so I didnt get any picture's of the goodness inside.

Smokin Soon

Congrats on a great smoke! The brined one was better than the injected one?


The injected one was the Pork Loin
The brined one was one of the two Pork Butt's
Thought I would try something diff.


Everything looks great!! Your gonna like them thick cut chops at a later date with grill marks on them.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Great pics!!! The bacon weave looks awesome. :)
When there are visible vapors in ignited carbonaceous material, there you will find parts of an omnivorous ungulate from the suidae family of mammals.